Male Vampyr Succubus or Cross Gendered Soul

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Male Vampyr Succubus:

OR a cross gendered soul

I am a Vampyr Succubus in a male body; I am not homosexual unless you consider me a lesbian as I will explain that later. I may be slightly bi but I very much prefer my sexual activity with woman. In all reality I believe most humans put way too much emphasis on sexual orientation when in the animal kingdom most all animals will have intercourse with just about anything; I prefer just to call my self sexual and that is it. I believe the only a person can be truly classified as is Dominate or Submissive; since most people believe that men are dominate and woman are submissive that is what relationships actually come down to. I do not believe that any one sex is dominated over another while the other sex is the submissive. I believe it is the individual who is just a dominate person not in the same way as they are in complete control and the other must bow before there every whim but it is more like one prefers to be the leader or in the top position while the other prefers to have others take care of them and be on the bottom position. I also believe woman actually have the upper hand during sex because they get take in living energy contained in the mans sperm; I suppose I could give oral sex but that is not something I like to do as I am all dominate as well as not so much into guys (not into that) so what then is to be done? I do feel more feminine though I am in a male body and not very masculine hardly at all; I believe it is something you have to just know and feel as masculine and feminine are completely different. The Feminine element is dark (yin) while the masculine is light (yang); it is important you

realize as in the eastern beliefs dark is not evil nor is light good. Femininity is the peaceful element or using your mind over your bronze. Male or Masculinity is the active (do without thinking) element; a good example of this would be when faced with conflict the masculine element or man wants act first while the feminine element or female chooses to find a peaceful solution over destruction. Women are most powerful when they can access their deepest power; not their pretty, subdued exteriors, but their inner volatility. And men can be most powerful when they can reach into the potent underbelly of their rejected softness. I believe that it is our Soul that determines our gender but that does not necessarily mean we always are placed in the correct body during each incarnation as I am a big believer in reincarnation. I do believe my soul is Feminine although I am considered a man as I am in a male body. This theory of mine would explain transgender as it seems to be something so many can not understand and they want to assume transgender individuals are either just cross-dresser or gay men who want to play woman. This could also explain effeminate men as this too seems to be something so many can not understand and want too assume those men must most certainly be gay. I however do not support either of those assumptions at all as a female in a male exterior. As well as it could explain masculine women? I am positive however not every masculine woman or effeminate man necessarily falls under the category of person who has a cross gendered soul than the body they where given; but just giving examples of cross gendered souls. Vampyrian Father J P Vanir

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