Poem-Name The Blame-Warning PC 13 June 29 2012

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Name the Blame This is the culture being bred right now by this commander and thief Sure

he adopted problems not created by Bush but typical corruption If you do a little research you will find politicians playing little Bo peep All politicians are corkscrews with Champagne taste at taxpayer's induction Political correctness is at we the people's expense so open your eyes and hears Sure Ronald Reagan turned out to be a pretty good President but those days are gone Bill Clinton wasn't too bad till he got a no-no job under the table holding her ears So what I am saying is most politicians think they are the law of the land fraud spawn We didn't need health care for free; hello illegals; just Americans like you and me No longer are we a Nation of Law n Liberty just a doormat wipe your feet n gloat The words political and correct only morons or ACLU defend such hypocrisy We all can be the solution by not allowing exacerbation of the problem by vote To point is a smoke screen to defer rational thought away from simple common sense Why do I have to wait and fight for something I paid all my life which is no game? What part of illegal is an automatic deferment from laws of our land without pretense? To be or not to B, drop the B you get lame which is society today Name the Blame 2012 I.M. Nobody http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJgWMI0hch8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHoAuk76fT8 http://spectator.org/archives/2011/11/29/barneys-bubble http://ebook.law.uiowa.edu/ebook/content/promoting-homeownership-us-rise-and-fallfannie-mae-and-freddie-mac http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1211/70629.html http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/12/17/suit-against-fannie-and-freddie-execsignores-pols-also-to-blame.html

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