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Minutes of Special Meeting

The Board of Trustees Canadian ISD

A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees of Canadian ISD was held Wednesday, April 4, 2012, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Canadian ISD Administration Building located at 800 Hillside, Canadian, Hemphill County, Texas. Those present were: Ken King, presiding, Salem Abraham, Betsy Alexander, Larry Gatlin, Allen Hadaway, John C. Isaacs, Randy Walser, Superintendent, Kyle Lynch, Business Manager, Cindy Moore, Middle School Principal, Bruce Bryant, Administrative Assistant, Stefanie Flowers, Canadian Record Reporter, Laurie Brown, Diana and Elbie Wilson, Dana Dennis, Melinda and Ed Hedgecoke, Sharon and Marty Carr, Marilyn and Dean Smith, Hadley Smith, Shawn Davis, Cindy Young, Bob Lusk, Melissa and Jeff Gallaway, Luke Thrasher, Larry Dyess, Kendra and John Sam Krehbiel, Kelly English, Lindy Long, Shane Wright, Dale Forrest and Bryan King.

I. CALL TO ORDER Mr. King called the meeting to order. II. INVOCATION Mr. Gatlin gave the invocation. III. OPEN FORUM Shawn Davis spoke in support of Patti Fulcher. Diana Wilson addressed concerns about teacher mistreatment of students. IV. SUPERINTENDENT COMMENTS/RECOMMENDATIONS V. EXECUTIVE SESSION The board entered into executive session at 6:10 P.M. and reconvened in open session at 7:40 P.M. a. Consideration to renew or propose nonrenewal of a teacher's term contract

VI. ACTION ITEM a. Consider/Approve action to renew or propose nonrenewal of a teacher's term contract Mr. Gatlin moved that after considering the recommendation of Superintendent Lynch, and completed evaluations and appraisal of Patti Fulcher that the Board propose to nonrenew Patti Fulchers employment contract and to authorize Superintendent Lynch to provide notice of proposed nonrenewal. Mr. Hadaway seconded the motion. It passed unanimously. VII. ADJOURN Mr. Abraham moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Gatlin seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.

_____________________________ President:

_____________________________ Secretary:

_____________________________ Date:

_____________________________ Attest:

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