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it "denies carnival




Staff Writer

CITING THE disruptive effect a carnival would have on 'the surrounding neighborhood, Ald. David Orr (49th) has denied the Rogers Park Community Council a permit to hold its annual fund.raising event ill a parking lot at Sheridan Road and Arthur Avenue. In a letter to RPCC president Sanford Goldman, Orr criticized the Community Council for neglecting to' involve area residents in the

carnival planning process and for failing to make a substantial effort to find another site. The Sheridan~Arthur location has been a matter of controversy each year the earnival was held there and recently was opposed for, such use by the Homeowners Association of Rogers 'Park. ' The community has "a right to expect greater sensitivity on RPCC's part to the legitimate concerns of area residents," Orr wrote to Goldman. "The RPCC has set a

standard 'of .eommunity accountabilit~ which it now must itself meet." ORR ENCOURAGED the Community Councilto continue planning for a carnival this year and said he has contacted Ald. Bernard' Stone (50th),,Iasking him to support the use of Warren Park for this purpose. He has also written to John -Langdon, vice president of Loyola University, urging him to let.RPCC have use of a parking lot east of

Sheridan Road. Loyola owns the Sh ldan-Arthur lot. The Community Councilhad been planning to hold its carniyal over Memorial Day weekend, May 2428. "Right now we're in limbo," Dolores Collins, RPCC executive secretary, said in response to Orr's veto. She was doubtful about being able to find another site, noting that the Chicago Park District in the past has not allowed its facilities to be 'used for carnivals.

She added that neighborhood' opposition to a carnival at the' Sheridan-Arthur (site is not unanimous, noting that some area resi-, dents have complimented RPCC'on" how well the carnival was run last year. ~. The carnival is the Community Council's major fund-raising event of the year. It was held last year,~' after two yearswithout one because." of permit difficulties. RPCC nearlv went bankrupt both years' it was unable to hold a carnival. 1 .

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