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May 18, 2012

EAS215 - HW7

Justin Drawbert

Problem 16-22

The disk is originally rotating at 0 = 8 rad/s. If it is subjected to a constant angular acceleration of = 6 rad/s2 , determine the magnitudes of the velocity and the n and t components of acceleration of point B just after the wheel undergoes 2 revolutions.

omega_0 = 8 alpha_c = 6 r_B = 1.5 r_A = 2 #rad/s #rad/s^2 #ft #ft

an = 2 r =
2 2 0

(3) (4)

+ 2c ( 0 )

(1) (2) at = r

v = r

We let 0 = 0 and = 4 (2 revolutions) theta_0 = 0 theta = 4*pi #2 revolutions (in rad)

#define variables var(omega) #define equation for omega at 2 revolutions eq1 = omega^2 == omega_0^2 + 2*alpha_c*(theta - theta_0) #redefine omega (at 2 revolutions) omega = solve(eq1,omega)[1].rhs() 2 = 48 + 64 rad2 /s 2 = 4 3 + 4 rad/s Now, solve v_B = omega*r_B a_n = omega^2*r_B a_t = alpha_c*r_B #ft/s #ft/s^2 #ft/s^2

So, at point B after 2 revolutions vB = 21.98 ft/s an = 322.2 ft/s at = 9.000 ft/s

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