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Soon Cai En 10AAB06123

Social Responsibility Theory


Media plays a vital role in informing citizens in a democratic society. Media should be free from any constraints that may or may not be given by the government. So that, media can be fair and just in providing information to the society at large.

Social Responsibility Theory

The social responsibility theory - an outgrowth of the libertarian theory - goes beyond objective reporting to interpretive reporting.

Social Responsibility Theory

In the 20th century, US practiced this theory Its purpose is to inform, entertain, sell, but also to raise conflict to the plane of discussion Its ownership is private

Social Responsibility Theory

Today, a truthful yet complete account of the news is not necessarily enough. The Commission on the Freedom of the Press: "It is no longer enough to report the fact truthfully. It is now necessary to report the truth about the fact. The complexity of todays world often necessitates analysis, explanation, and interpretation.

Social Responsibility Theory

As the Commission stated in 1940:


theory does not deny the rationality of man. Seem to imply that man is not innately motivated to search for truth and to accept it as his guide. If man is to remain free, he must live by reason instead of passively accepting what he sees, hears, and feels. The more alert elements of the community must goad him into the exercise of his reason. So as motivated man into searching for the truth.

Social Responsibility Theory

It is the press that should be the more alert element and provide the public with the truth of facts and facts. However, "The owners and managers of the press determine which persons, which facts, which versions of these facts, shall reach the public," so says the Commission.

Social Responsibility Theory

Siebert, Peterson, and Schramm said,


of expression under the social responsibility theory is not an absolute right, as under pure libertarian theory. Ones right to free expression must be balanced against the private rights of others and against vital society interest.

Acceptance of Libertarian Theory, freedom of airing and publishing what it wants, does not mean that it should abuse it. Therefore it is wise to use it responsibly as well as exercising self-restrain.

Social Responsibility Theory

Siebert, Peterson, and Schramm cautioned,


power and near monopoly position of the media impose on them an obligation to be socially responsible, to see that all sides are fairly presented and that the public has enough information to decide; and that if the media do not take on themselves such responsibility it may be necessary for some other agency of the public to enforce it.

Social Responsibility in Msia

According to a research by:-

Media Pluralism and Development in Malaysia: A Third Eye View Md. Asiuzzaman Assistant Professor, University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Social Responsibility in Msia

Theoretically, a free press exists in a country that practices full democracy. Malaysia is no exception. It falls into the category of authoritarian form of government

to control or regulate

media By laws and regulations BUT allows certain degree of freedom.


Laws made to Restrict Media

The following are the most used in restricting the media:


Printing Presses and Publications Act (1948); 2. Sedition Act (1948); 3. Official Secrets Act (1972); 4. Internal Security Act (1960); 5. Defamation Act (1957); and


Ownership in Malaysia

Ownership is a form of media muzzling in Malaysia. When Badawi became the fifth Prime Minister

free to air television were bought up by Media Prima. In 2003, the Media Prima, a company associated with UMNO, took over 100 percent equity interests in Malaysias first commercial television station TV3 launched in 1984. Took 43.5 percent stake in New Straits Times Press. Media Prima acquired 8TV in 2004, followed by (Asiuzzaman, Channel 9 and ntv7 in 2005.

Ownership in Malaysia (cont)

Malaysian news media


owned or indirectly controlled by the 14 political parties which constitute the ruling BN or National Front. In Malaysias fettered democracy (Netto, Media in divided societies 2002) mainstream media coverage of government policies

uncritical, while political opponents face limited reporting, especially calls for political reform.


The Struggle For Freedom

World Press Freedom Day 3rd May 2012

Malaysian Media Struggle For Freedom

World Press Freedom Day, 3rd May


mainstream Chinese Newspaper turned black to protest media restriction, control of the government and the recent beatings of journalist in the 29th April 2012 Bersih 3.0 Rally. During Bersih 3.0 rally, more than 13 journalists and reporters had been beaten up, experienced violence or arrested by Malaysia police while they are on duty.

5 Chinese Newspaper turned black in protest:Sin Chew Daily () Nanyang Siang Pau () China Press () Guang Ming Daily () Oriental Daily ()

World Press Freedom Day protests

Tampering of Bersih 3.0 Video

FMT News, Snipping off freedom and truth by Jeswan Kaur on 5th May 2012.

Tampering of Bersih 3.0 Video

BBC and Al Jazeera broadcast news on Bersih 3.0 had been tampered by Astro. Excerpts from FMT News, Snipping off freedom and truth

May 2, the eve of the World Press Freedom Day, veteran minister Rais Yatim in all foolishness revealed the federal governments desperation in not wanting to speak the truth and nothing but the truth concerning the Bersih 3.0 protest.

(Jeswan Kaur,

Tampering of Bersih 3.0 Video (Cont)

Excerpts from FMT News, Snipping off freedom and truth

is of the opinion that Astro has the right to show only the best parts of the April 28 protest He said Astro should be given credit for providing quality news through stylised in-house editing. Rais clearly is at loss for words in explaining the unwarranted breach by Astro, which, to the rakyat, explains it all that the federal government is trying every trick in the book to portray Bersih 3.0 and its people as anti-establishment.
(Jeswan Kaur,

Tampering of Bersih 3.0 Video (Cont)


is clear that the ruling BN government has no intention of allowing media houses the freedom to report the unvarnished truth.

(Jeswan Kaur,

Anger over Astros Quality Editing

Astros actions on editing the video on Bersih 3.0 Rally prevented BBC and Al-Jazeera from telling the truth. Excerpts from FMT News, Snipping off freedom and truth
The BBC had demanded an explanation from Astro for snipping off 30 seconds of its two-minute news clip on the Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28. It was learnt that Astro allegedly broadcasted a doctored version removing three separate sequences, one of which showed a policeman allegedly firing at demonstrators. It also noted that the censoring was not made clear to (Jeswan viewers when it happened and that Al-Jazeera (alsoKaur,

As can be clearly seen,


The Relationship of Malaysian Media and Social Responsibility Theory

of Bersih 3.0 Rally Video The beatings on journalists who covers the news

if the media do not take on themselves such responsibility it may be necessary for some other agency of the public to enforce it. (Siebert, Peterson, and Schramm) The media in Malaysia is taking the responsibility However, some other agency of the public is preventing the media freedom of journalists to bring the truth to light. Social responsibility Theory in Malaysia, is but a


The Social Responsibility theory denotes that the media is responsible for truth towards the public. As it is in Malaysian, the government controlled media is unable to provide truth towards the public in the following: The

government The opposition Fabricated reports Twisted truths etc

Asiuzzaman. (n.d). Media Pluralism and Development in Malaysia: A Third Eye View. Retrieved June 21, 2012 from Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani. (2012). Malaysian media unite in black. Retrieved June 22, 2012 from Barr, S., & Barr, D. (2002). Four Theories of Press. Retrieved June 13, 2011, from s/lesson3/fourtheories.html Four Theories of International Mass Communication

Jeswan Kaur. (2012). Snipping off freedom and truth. Retrieved June 22, 2012 from 2/05/05/snipping-off-freedom-%E2%80%93-and-truth/ Pitner, S. (2009). The Social Responsibility Theory, first developed in the 1940s by Robert Maynard Hutchins, is still a guiding principle for the media today. Retrieved June 22, 2012 from

SarawakReport. (2012). Nowhere Else In The World Do We Find Censorship Like This! Al Jazeera Condemns Malaysia Exclusive. Retrieved June 22, 2012 from

The End

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