Chiranjib Narzary Resume

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Chiranjib Narzary

Toy Designer /Commercial Artist

Email Phone 07567276483

About me Work Experience

Multi diciplinary apraoch has always facinated me.I have a huge interested on wood and tin, metal, bamboo silicon rubber and exploring with Mechanism like cam machanism.
2008 2009June 1 - June 15 (2011) June 18 - August 19 (2010)

6 ft life size bronze casting sculpture and 20ft by 10ft relief scuplture in marbal casting. Five main gate design in international karbi fastival by bamboos. Intern in felt industry in Jaipure Rajastan. Intern with senior feculty Mr.Sudharshan Khanna in delhi. Pursuing Post Graduation in Toy and Game Design (TGD) National Instutute of Design, Ahmedabad, India


2010 -


Bechelor in Fine arts and crafts Govt. College of Art and Crafts Guwahati, Assam

Academic Project
Design Project 1 Design Project 2 System Design Designed a Constactive blocks with wood, soft material and magnets for the age group 7-12. Designed a indoor game insfered by outdoor marbals play for the age group 7-12. Work for the craftsmen for their income generation. There I worked with Gramshree and finally come up with products. Studying and observing a security guard of its the life style / postures/sorrounding .a new character was developed in 2-d and 3-d form To reseach study and documents of two community of bambbo crafts. Exploration of soft material and ability to develop the papper pettern and variety of stithing tecniques and finaly come up with products its insfered by corn. Adope photosoft/indesign ,coral draw ,flash,stetch book pro and Rhino

Character Design

Craft Documentation Soft material

Software Proficiency

Personal Profile
Date of Birth- 27th june 1983. Gender- Male Maritus Status- Single Language- English, Hindi, Assamese

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