Dear Parents and Children: Stars of The Week

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29th June 2012

No. 22

Dear Parents and Children

The week started in a very special way with the First Holy Communion of our children in Year 3. The children were a real credit to their families and the school is very proud of them. What a wonderful day Tuesday was with our children showing great aptitude and resilience in their sporting endeavours! It was wonderful to see how hard they all tried. These days involve a great deal of planning so we thank all the class teachers and teaching assistants for organizing the class participation, Mrs. R Brown for overall organization of KS1 Sports Day, the Christ the King students who helped at both sports days and the Christ the King College PE Department for the KS2 Sports Day. FOSTA were on hand with refreshments and again on Wednesday when we welcomed our new reception class children and parents to the school. Thank you to FOSTA for their continued support of the school. Our Validation continues next week and we look forward to welcoming Mr. Dare and Mrs. Lynch on Tuesday. Thursday will see the last celebration of Mass this school year so do join us if you can. We even went international this week with Year 3 Skyping Canada! Dont forget to check dates at the end of the newsletter, as there are some important ones coming up. Next week sees Mr. Robbie Attrill, our site manager, moving to his new role at Oakfield School. All at St Thomass would like to thank Robbie for his hard work and efforts throughout his time with us. We know that he will be a great gift for Oakfield and wish Robbie and his family well as he starts his new job. Mrs. M Sanderson


Bless to me, O God The work of my hands Bless to me, O God The work of my mind Bless to me, O God The work of my heart

Maks Y5; James Y4; Lauren Y3; Ella Y2; Jessica & Jazmin Y1; Ashton YR. Well done everyone!

Stars of the Week:

Alex Y6;

Roast Pork - Tuesday: Curry and Rice Wednesday: Roast Gammon - Thursday: Fish - Friday.

School dinners: Sausages - Monday:

First Holy Communion


a wonderful celebration it was! Congratulations to Hannah, Soraya and Keith who will join us at communion for the first time at school next week. Our thanks to Mrs Reading and her team.

Cooking Our next lunches will be Years 5 & 6 Monday 2


July and Year 3 on Monday 9th July.

Sports Awards

& Cricket Congratulations to the following children for receiving the annual

sports awards Year R Lucas, Year 1 Shannon, Year 2 Megan, Year 3 Bradley, Year 4 Keaton, Year 5 Stanley, Year 6 Alex. Well done. Continuing with the sporting theme, congratulations to Year 3 & Year 4 cricket teams who with our staff Mrs Cass, Mrs Hicks and Mrs Gardiner took part in an Island cricket competition. They represented themselves and the school in a very positive way. Well done! preliminary match which will be taking place on 31st July at the City of Coventry Stadium at 19:45. These will be available for children and a parent to use. There is a very limited number and these will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. If by Monday 2nd July 3pm. these are not requested to be used by children at this school we will offer them to children at another school so that they are enjoyed by children from the Island, as a once in a lifetime experience.

Tickets As you know we have received an allocation of tickets for a Womens Olympic football

Cake Sale Many thanks to the parishioners and parents at St Thomass Church 80 was raised at
the cake sale after Mass on Sunday which will enable the school to purchase the Missal for our school masses. Thank you so much to everyones generosity. It is a lovely example of the Parish and school working together as a community.

Free School Meals In the present climate the help that free school meals can offer is great. Food Bank In the difficult times that many families find themselves in presently, the Food bank
can provide food for families that otherwise would have little or nothing to eat. Using vouchers that can be provided when needed, by professionals including doctors, nurses and head teachers, families who can receive food to get them over the few days of emergency that many families are facing. Any donations for this wonderful cause including tins, dried food etc. can be handed in to the box situated in the front office. Financial donations can also be placed there. Anyone who needs to access this emergency Food bank should speak in confidence to Mrs Sanderson or Mrs Anderson. Ask at the school office for a form if you would like to apply. The school also receives extra funding for children who have free school meals.

Wild West Solent Swim Maria Villa Vine, Elizas mummy from Reception class will be
swimming from Hurst Point to Colwell Bay (1.3 miles). The event is a charity fund raiser for the West Wight Sports Centre Trust. Any monies over 250 will be donated to St Thomas of Canterbury School. Have you managed to add your name to sponsor Maria yet? Mrs Chadwick has the form in the office. FOSTA NEWS: Saturday 14th July School Fayre 12-2pm. Do come and join us for a wonderful afternoon and be in place to see the torch go past the school on its way around the island. Any green fingered gardeners that have spare plants are encouraged to bring them to school on the morning of 13th July. Raffle tickets We are very keen to make a push with our raffle tickets. This is a real opportunity to win some lovely prizes and raise great funds for the school. Thank you so much to those parents who have already returned their tickets sold. The raffle is also a great way to involve people who cannot join us on the day. Please return your sold tickets to the office. We've also had to rethink the Sunflower Competition as we had no idea the flowers would be so big already!! Please can we ask that a photo is taken of your child stood next to their sunflower. On the back of the photo please write your child's name and class, plus the measurement of the sunflower (measured from top of soil to the highest point on the sunflower). All the photos will be displayed at the Fair and winners will be announced on the day.

Also a reminder of the Barn Dance on 20th July 6-9pm. Adults 2 and Children 1. BBQ and refreshments available. The Caulkheads will be playing and this looks to be a really lovely way to end the year together. Do come and join in the fun! MUFTIS for donations 29 June Bottles 6 July Chocolate 13 July Books, Toys or Bric-a-brac

Dates for your diary

Wednesday 4th July INSET day School Closed all day for children 5th July - Mass at School 10 am at school in the Outside Classroom (weather permitting) Saturday 14th July Summer Fayre 12-2pm The following two dates will have more details to follow soon but save the dates and join us if you can Tuesday 17th July Celebration Assemblies KS1 9.30 am KS2 1.30pm Thursday 19th July Leavers Assembly 1.30 Year 6 Parents are invited to join us.

Celtic Reflections Irish Dancing Freshwater Memorial Hall Sunday 1


July 2012 7pm

The following is not endorsed by the school but might be of interest to some of our parents:

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