NASA: 187004main 08 19 2007 TL

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Radiogram No. 5967u Form 24 for 08/19/07 UPDATED

08:35-08:45 FE-1,CDR Morning Inspection
08:35-08:50 FE-2 Biochemical urine test
08:45-09:15 FE-1,CDR
08:50-09:25 FE-2
09:15-10:05 FE-1,CDR
09:25-10:20 FE-2
10:05-10:35 FE-1,CDR
Prep for Work
10:20-10:35 FE-2
10:35-10:50 . Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
10:50-11:05 FE-2 Prep for Work
11:35-11:55 FE-1 РМА2 config for Shuttle departure
11:40-12:00 CDR Undocking photo/TV
13:00-14:10 CDR РМА2 depress
13:15-13:35 FE-2 BPSMU stow
13:35-13:50 FE-2 Private Medical Conference (S-band)
13:50-14:00 FE-2 VTR bypass reconfig - part 1
13:50-14:20 FE-1 DIATOMEA. World Ocean Observations
14:00-14:10 FE-2 VTR bypass reconfig - part 2
14:10-14:25 FE-2 PCS power down
14:10-15:40 CDR Physical Exercise (TVIS), day 3
14:25-14:40 Post–EVA Crew Health Status
14:40-15:00 FE-1 Post-EVA Crew Health Status – data transfer
14:40-15:40 FE-2 Physical Exercise (RED)
15:30-15:35 FE-1 Comm reconfig for nominal ops
15:40-16:40 . LUNCH
16:40-17:40 CDR Cleaning Smoke Detector #2 in Node 1
Replacement of Urine Receptacle [М-П] and Filter-Insert [Ф-В] in the toilet
16:40-17:10 FE-1 [АСУ]. (Use М-П 3036155 B/C 00043646R and Ф-В #605058 B/C
00043722R ФГБ1ПГЛ_3_303_1 in bag 359-10)
16:40-17:10 FE-2 Post-EVA EMU Water Recharge
17:10-17:50 FE-1 СОЖ Maintenance
17:25-17:45 FE-2 PMA2 leak check (start)
17:55-18:10 FE-2 Private Psychological Conference (S +Ku-band)
18:00-19:30 FE-1 Physical Exercise (TVIS), day 3
18:15-18:35 FE-2 PMA2 Leak Check Termination and Equipment Teardown
18:15-19:15 CDR Physical Exercise (RED)
18:35-19:05 FE-2 Post-EVA EMU Glove Photo for Ground Analysis
19:10-19:25 FE-2 Questionnaire - journal entry
19:25-19:40 FE-2 SLEEP - Actiwatch set up
19:30-20:30 FE-1 Physical Exercise (VELO+RED), day 3
19:40-20:00 FE-2 SLEEP [СОН] Experiment. Data downlink and donning Actiwatch device
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20:00-21:30 FE-2 Physical exercise (TVIS)
21:05-21:25 CDR IMS update
21:25-21:30 CDR Transfer TVIS/RED/CEVIS/HRM data to MEC
21:30-22:00 . Daily food prep
22:00-22:30 . DINNER
22:30-23:30 . Pre-sleep
23:30-08:00 . SLEEP
GSF-JAXA. ТБУ temperature monitoring (in the morning)
Task List FE-1 Matryoshka-R. MOSFET-dosimeter reading monitoring
URAGAN. Observation and photography
Note. See OSTP for references to US activities.
End of Radiogram

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