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SDI2K8 Algae Affirmative PKY Lab Advantage Two: Soft Power is Key Because the US has lost respect in many countries, the need for soft power is great, Kurlantzick 2005 [Joshua, previous foreign editor at The New Republic, covered international economics and trade for U.S. News and World Report, reported on Southeast Asia for The Economist as a correspondent based in Bangkok, Thailand, written articles that appeared in The New York Times Magazine, The Washington Post, Foreign Affairs, Harper's, The Atlantic Monthly, GQ, The American Prospect, Mother Jones, Current History, and The Washington Quarterly. “The Decline of American Soft Power” Current Times, December, pg 419) ‘A broad decline in soft power has many practical implications. These include the drain in foreign talent coming to the United States, the potential backlash against American companies, the growing, attractiveness of China and Europe, and the possibility that anti-US sentiment will make it easier for terrorist groups to recruit. In addition, with a decline in soft power, Washington is simply less able to persuade others. In the run-up to the Iraq War, the Bush administration could not convince Turkey, a longtime US ally, to play a major staging role, in part because America’s image in Turkey was 50 poor. During the war itself, the United States has failed to obtain significant participation from all but a handful of major nations, again in part because of America’s negative image in countries ranging from India to Germany. In attempts to persuade North Korea to abandon its nuclear weapons, Washington has had to allow China to play a central role, partly because few Asian states view the United States as a neutral, legitimate broker in the talks. Instead, Washington must increasingly resort to the other option Nye discusses—force, or the threat of force. With foreign governments and publics suspicious of American policy, the White House has been unable to lead a multinational effort to halt Iran’s nuclear program, and instead has had to resort to threatening sanctions at the United Nations or even the possibility of strikes against Iran. With America’s image declining in nations like Thailand and Pakistan, it is harder for leaders in these countries to openly embrace counterterrorism cooperation with the United States, so ‘Washington resorts to quiet arm-twisting and blandishments to obtain counter terror concessions. Force is not a long-term solution. Newer, nontraditional security threats such as disease, human. trafficking, and drug trafficking can only be managed through forms of multilateral cooperation that depend on America’s ability to persuade other nations. Terrorism itself cannot be defeated by force alone, 1a fact that even the White House recognizes. The 2002 National Security Strategy emphasizes that ‘winning the war on terror requires the United States to lead a battle of ideas against the ideological roots of terrorism, in addition to rooting out and destroying individual militant cells. 40 SDI2K8 Algae Affirmative PKY Lab Advantage 2: Soft Power is Key The US Global relations are weak due to the decrease of soft power. Perry 2008 [Colin, writer of Brunei Times, “US ‘Soft Power" Altemative to Usual Sticks and Carrots” Brunei Times — March 30 http:/ _to_usual_sticks_and_carrots] Nye is critical of shortcomings in America's own approach to soft power evidenced by budget cuts that have badly affected its involvement in international activities, foreign language broadcasting, and cultural exchanges. He also notes the damage done by insensitive politiclans who too often seem unaware, in an era of instant global comniunications, of the need to explain or set the context of their pronouncements for international consumption. What America really needs to do is close the gap between its own realty and its ideals. How can a country thats so rich spend so little on foreign aid? How can its human rights stance be taken seriously when it incarcerates one in a hundred of its own adult population? Or when America is shown to have been secretly considering precisely the kind of dubious activities that it publicly deplores and only drops when exposed? In short, whatis attractive about an America that not only ignores or undervalues the views of others but fails ‘to support its own principles? [Nye urges America not to turn its back on global institutions, which afterall it dic much to create “the UN can bbe useful tous in a variety of practical ways ifwe work tit’. Butts also necessary for America to realize that having all but four of the top grossing films in the world (Jose Joffe in the New York Times, 14 May 2006) does not automatically mean these are a positive measure of soft power. The statistic may simply indicate that the US has a well developed film industry based on a large domestic market, backed by a global distribution network with satellite TV tie-ins, and benefitting rom the status of English as the world's lingua franca, It does not follow that all viewers are pro America or made so by viewing Hollywood movies. Soft power is only part, and possible a small one at that, ofthe recipe for success in world affairs. Soft power is vital to solve Global Warming. Engdahl 2008 (William, writer for Global Research, “Global Warming Gets the Cold Freeze” Global Research -- April 7 - hitp:/ php?context=vaaaid=8583] If John MeCain becomes the next choice of the US power elites to be President, that will signal that that military and oil agenda will escalate, especially as the USA sinks into a severe economic depression in coming months. ‘The second broad faction of maintaining their control over the greater part of the world economy, Plan B, sees Global Warming and “soft power” as embodied in the organs ofthe United Nations and IMF and World Bank asthe more suitable vehicle to convince people to willingly accept drastic reduction in living standards. Barack Obama, the apparent choice ofthe same elites as a “breath of change” to allow them to regroup after the debacle of the Bush-Cheney years, would likely opt for the second faction of the global elite—the Global Warming option to lowering general living standards, ‘Plan B” of the Anglo-American establishment, Ina recent campaign speech in Wallingford Pennsylvania, Mr. Obama replied to a question about Al Gore, the hero of Global Warming. ‘As President, Obama said he would consider putting Al Gore in a Cabinet-level postion—or higher. He stated, “L ‘will make a commitment that Al Gore will be atthe table and play a central part in us figuring out how we solve this problem, He's somebody I talk to on a regular basis. 'm already consulting with him in terms of these issues but climate change i real 4 SDI2K8 Algae Affirmative PKY Lab Advantage Two: Soft power, China cannot fil Despite China’s rise in power the US remains the strongest soft power hegemon. Barboza 2008 [David, writer for The New York Times, “China still lags behind U.S. in influence,” New York Times, June 17, pA8]) Despite China's remarkable economic rise, and its efforts to spread its influence in Asia through what is known as "soft power," the country still lags far behind the United States in that sphere, according to a survey to be released Tuesday. ‘The survey suggests that China has a long way to go before it is perceived as a multi-faceted power ‘and that the country has not yet found a way to translate economic gains into soft power -- or the ability to influence people and nations through nonmilitary means, like culture, diplomacy, politics and education, The study, conducted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs and the East Asia Institute in South Korea, is the latest effort to assess China's rise at a time when American influence is widely believed to be in decline, partly because of the war in Iraq. Many academics say China is seeking to become a global super power that relies on soft power rather than on military might, and that trade deals have helped it gain tremendous influence in the developing world, But the study concludes that many Asians fear China's rise as much as they admire it, and worry that China could become a military threat. 42

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