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Financial Declaration of the University Student Council - UPDiliman For Internal Reporting

Not a Financial Statement

As of June 1, 2012 Beginning Cash USC Trust Fund Vinzons Account PNB Account1 Cash Php 11,298.77 181,930.50 10,000 0

Expected Cash from Liquidation Lanyard Sale 4,035 UJF 2012 40,000 TOTAL Cash Pending Payable Photocopy Expense2 Food Expense3 Payment to CMO4 Planning Seminar5 TOTAL Urgent Payable Net Transferred Cash/Expected Cash


(Php 6485.90) 1,500 171,742 33,000 (212,742) 34,536.37

Longstanding Liability Electricity Expense7 (15,518.66) Other Assets (Not Easily Convertible to Cash) UP ITTC Certificates 35,000 Shoes 15,000
Notes: 1 Maintaining Balance only to keep the account standing 2 Photocopy fee committed on January-February 2012 by USC 2011-2012 3 Payment to University Food Service (UFS) by USC 2011-2012 4 Payment to CMO by UP Fair 2012 obtained from the share of USC in the Vinzons Concessionaire Account in UP by USC 2011-2012 5 Planning Seminar Expense by USC 2012-2013 (current term) 6 The Net Transferred Cash is independent of any liability and payable in the past terms of USC that are not yet enumerated here. Appearances of such payables shall be included and explicitly showed on the first quarterly Financial Statement of USC 2012-2013. 7 UP Fair 2011 Electricity Charge payable to UP Prepared by: Genesis Revee Rapallo Finance Head and Councilor, USC 2012-2013 Noted by: Heart Dino Chairperson, USC 2012-2013

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