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Radiogram No.

5526u Form 24 for 06/15/07

12:40-12:50 Morning inspection
12:50-13:20 Post-sleep
13:20-14:05 FE-2-15 BREAKFAST
13:20-14:10 FE-2,FE-1,CDR BREAKFAST
14:05-14:30 FE-2-15 EVA - pause/pre-breathe/hatch closure
14:10-14:40 FE-1 Prep for Work
14:10-14:15 CDR HAM radio powerdown in FGB
14:10-14:40 FE-2 Prep for Work
14:15-14:40 CDR Prep for Work
14:30-16:00 FE-2-15 EVA Prep
14:40-14:55 FE-1,FE-2,CDR Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
14:55-15:10 FE-1 Remove cover from window #13 in SM ПхО for the time of SAW retraction
14:55-17:45 FE-2 Potable water sample collection for on-board chemical/microbial analysis
15:40-17:10 FE-1 Physical Exercise (TVIS) Day 2
16:00-16:15 FE-2-15 EMU purge before EVA
16:15-17:05 FE-2-15 Pre-breathe in EMU
17:05-17:35 FE-2-15,MS1 Crew Lock depress
17:10-17:40 FE-1 SSRMS Reconfig for EVA3
18:00-19:35 FE-2,FE-2-15 Crew Handover
19:35-20:35 LUNCH
20:35-20:50 FE-2-15 Private Medical Conference (Ku + S-band)
20:35-20:55 FE-2 Terminate BSA battery charge
20:50-21:05 FE-2-15 Questionnaire - journal entry (FE-2)
22:15-22:20 CDR DCS battery charging
22:15-23:15 FE-2-15 Physical Exercise (CEVIS)
22:20-23:50 CDR Physical Exercise (CEVIS) day 2
22:20-23:20 FE-2 Physical Exercise (TVIS)
22:20-23:20 FE-1 Physical Exercise (RED) day 2
23:15-00:00 FE-2-15 SSRMS config for relocation to WS3
23:20-00:20 FE-2 Physical Exercise (RED)
23:50-00:50 CDR Physical Exercise (RED) day 2
00:00-00:20 FE-2-15 Evening work prep
00:00-00:20 FE-1 Evening work prep
00:20-01:40 FE-2-15 Post-EVA ops
00:20-00:25 FE-2 Transfer TVIS, RED, HRM, and CEVIS data to MEC.
00:25-01:25 FE-2 Evening work prep
00:50-00:55 CDR EVA photo downlink
00:55-01:25 CDR Evening work prep
01:10-01:25 FE-1 Install cover on window #13 in SM ПхО after SAW retraction
01:25-01:40 FE-1,FE-2,CDR Daily Planning Conference (S-band)
01:40-02:10 DINNER
02:10-02:40 Daily Food Prep
02:40-03:00 FE-2-15 Pre-sleep
02:40-03:40 FE-1,FE-2,CDR Pre-sleep
03:00-03:10 FE-2-15 IWIS RSU removal
03:10-03:40 FE-2-15 Pre-sleep
03:40-05:20 SLEEP
Note: See OSTP for references to US activities. End of Radiogram

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