Guia 3°

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Unit II: Activities

Objetivos: Reforzar adjetivos que describen personas y animales.

Identificar el uso del is/isnt, are/arent en la oracin.

I. Unscramble the words and complete the crossword.

1) L M A L S

6) IGB

2) C A E L N

7) LOD

3) P Y P H A

8) TAF

4) T R Y D I

9) Y G U O N

5) DAS ____________________

10) G LY U

II. Order the following sentences.



2.- SHE THIN- IS _________________________________________________

3.- IT- DIRTY- ISNT _______________________________________________
4.- ARENT THEY- BEAUTIFUL _______________________________
5.- IS IT- CLEAN ______________________________________________

III. Make sentences according to the flowing picture

1) He is _________________

2) _It____________________



She _______________________

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