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FREEDOM PRESS JOURNEY THROUGH UTOPIA by MARIE LOUISE BERNERI MARIE LOUISE BERNERI 1918-1949 photo by V.R. Foreword by George Woodcock BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE ‘Marie Louise Bemeri was born in Arezzo (near Florence) on March Ist 1918. Bight years later her family had to flee from perseeution by the Fascists and the next eleven years were spent in Pars. During these formative years she developed her intorest in political and social questions and in child psychology, which she studied at the Sorbonne, Th 1987, and until her sudden death, following a shor’ illness, on April 13th 1949, she lived in London. During these years her prineipal unpaid acivity was in political joumalism in the cause ff anarchism, She was joint editor of the journals published by F.P.: Spain & the World (1987-88), War Commentary (1939-45) and Freedom from 1945 until a month before her death. She was specally interested in the aspects of social revolution and her Workers én Stalin's Russia frst published by FP in 1944 was an immediate success, She also wrote extensively on the Spanish Revolution but never had the time to produce a volume of conc: FREEDOM PRESS - LONDON fusions on that epie strugele. With her fluent knowledge of four languages she maintained an extensive correspondence with anar- 1982 chists and sympathisers throughout the world, but she also spent many hours attending politieal meetings, and selling our liteature at demonstrations, meetings and every Sunday at Speakers’Comer, Marble Arch in London. First published in 1950 First FREEDOM PRESS edition 1982 84b Whitechapel High St London B1. Printed In Great Britain bby Aldgate Press ‘London B1 ISBN 0 900884 212 | Note Marie Loulsp Bemeri died on April 13th, 1949 at the age of thirty one. Had she lived to see her book in print, she would hayo ‘wishod to acknpwledge the advice and encouragement she received from a numbe} of friends in the preparation of the manuscript; ‘and in particular to Garfield Howe who first suggested such a book: ‘0 George Wodlteoek with whom the author discussed the form it should take and who, with Colin Ward, read the manuscript. Twish to think the above named and John Hewetson for their help with tho pots and Colin Ward who compile the Index. April 1950

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