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When Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was Eighteen years old he asked his mother to send him

Baghdad to become a student in the great capital city of Baghdad. In those days, people used to travel either by foot or by camel but in groups for the sake of safety and the roads passed through dense jungles and forests. There was always a danger of travelers being robbed and killed. Knowing all this, she still supported his request. She took the forty dinars and sewed them under the arm of his coat. She gave him the following advice, O my beloved son, let this advice which I am about to give you be an important part of your life. Always speak the truth and do not even think of lies. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) promised to follow this advice and then bid farewell to his blessed mother. He then joined a caravan which was on its way to Baghdad. However, their journey took them into a vast forest where they were attacked by sixty robbers. The leader of this band was Ahmed Badawi. The travelers did not have the means to defend themselves against the robbers and were forced to surrender their belongings and valuables to them. While all this was happening, Shaykh Abdul QadirJilani (RA) was standing very calmly amongst




Published by Laubali Academy Kurnool A.P

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED No part of this publication to be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means of electronic mechanical photocopying or without the prior permission of the copyright owner. Book Name : LIFE OF SULTANUL AWLIYA (RA) Author First Edition : : ALMAS MURTUZA 1000. March 2011 Price : 60/When Shadow of Almighty Allahs nature falls on Nabi it reveals miracle (Mojiza) as our Beloved Prophet Salal lahu Alyhi wa Sallam reveals countless Mojizat. Similarly, when the shadow of this Prophethood falls on Awliya it discloses Karamaat. All Awliya-e-Kiram reveals Karamaat but among them our Chieftain Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) shows innumerable karamaat in his time of period and its not ended yet. As today also the world is seeing his karamaat. Some karamaat are given below:

Karamaat-e-Shaykh Abdul QadirJilani (RA)

Published by Laubali Academy Kurnool A.P Cell 9885626451/9347670079

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seclusion and later migrated to Wasit and passed away in (592H).

8) Syed Shaykh Abul Fazal Syed Muhammed(RA) He learned Fiqh, Hadis from his father and Shaykh Esa Sanjari, Shaykh Abil Qasim Abi Ghalib Ahmad bin Hasan bin Albana He had specialized in Hadis and he passed away in (600 H) at Baghdad. 9) Syed Shaykh Ziauddin Abu NasrMoosa (RA) He was born in (535H) and received his education in Baghdad. Later he migrated to Damascus and passed away in(618H). 10) Syed Shaykh Zakariya Yahiya(RA) He was born in (550H), brought up and educated by his elder brothers. During his young age, he went to Egypt and returned in his later years. He passed away in Shaban (600H).





Hazrat place Hazrat place

syed shah Tahir Quadri(RA) Resting Adhoni. syed shah Esa Quadri(RA) Resting Kurnool.

6) Syed Shaykh Shamsuddin Abu Muhammed(RA) He was born in (532H) He graduated in Fiqh, Hadis, Tafseer and other religious subjects learned from his father. He was famous for his excellence in calligraphy. He dedicated himself to impart Islamic religious training to the Kurds of Jibal in Iraq. He passed away on 18th Rabiul Awwal (602H) at Akra and was buried there on a hillock.

All the cities of Allah fall in my kingdom and subjects are subjects of my law. My time and affairs have been cleared even before Time.

7) Syed Shaykh Abu Ishaq Ibrahim(RA) He learned Fiqh and Hadis from his father and Shaykh Esa Sanjari, Shaykh Abil Qasim Abi ghalib Ahmad bin Hasan bin Albana. He had a perfect knowledge of tasawwuf and Fiqh. He preferred


with 40 fuqra in period of Sultan Ibrahim Qutub Shah (957-988H) His halting place is Golconda then Aalampur and the resting place is Kurnool and busied himself in the service of Islam. There are some controversy regarding the actual date of his demise. According to Syed shah Arif Pasha Quadri It is Thursday 7th Zilhaj and have five different controversies regarding the year (1040 H) (1047H) (1049H) (1050H) (1059 H) but (1050H) is written at the wall of Roza-e-mubarak (Tazkera-e-Sarkar-e-laubali Pg36)
Family of Hazrat syed shah Abdul Lateef Laubali (RA)

Shehzad- GhausShehzad-e-Ghaus-e-Azam Syedi wa Murshadi Syed Shah Abdullah Hussian Baadshah Quadri ,Laubali. BLESSING WORDS

He had five sons who carried out his mission, Hazrat syed shah Abdullah Abdal Quadri (RA) Resting place Kurnool. Hazrat syed shah Moosa Quadri(RA) Resting place Bijapur. Hazrat syed Peer Shah Mohiuddin sani (RA) Resting place Hyderabad.

Whatever is written, translated and practiced about the blessed souls i.e. Awliya Allah are blessing of The Almighty. Much has been written about Ghousul Azam, yet this book will be useful for young generation who is well versed with English. Ghousul Azam is a tower of spirituality for the seekers of knowledge of Shariat and Tariqat, his life and work is an example for all the humanity. I congratulate Mrs. Almas Murtaza for his work and pray that this may become 'zaad-e-Aakhirat' for her. Hussani peer

religious education. He passed away on 12th Ramazan (573H) in Egypt and was buried there. 4) Syed Shaykh Jamaluddin Abu AbdurRehman(RA) He had learned from his father He was found mostly in company of Durvaish and mystics. He passed away young on 9th Zil Haj (575H) in Baghdad. He was buried in the compound of Roza-e-Aqdas of his father. 5) Syed Shaykh Tajuddin Abubaker Abdur Razzak (RA) He was born on Monday in (528H) and had graduated in all departments of religious knowledge. He was specialized in Hadis. He was generous and was fond of seclusion. He passed away on Saturday 7th Shawwal (603H) his Namaz-e-Janaza had prayed for seven times thus he was buried on Friday 13th Shawwal after seven days. One of his sons Shaykh Abu Saleh Nasr (RA) carried out the Quadria mission and dedicated himself in spreading Islam. And among his sons, Hazrat syed shah Abdul Lateef Laubali (RA) 15th descendent of Shaykh Abu Saleh Nasr (RA) Hazrat syed shah Abdul Lateef Laubali (RA) arrived India


Praise be to Allah the Lord of all the worlds that Every book must begin with the declaration of His praise. May His blessings be upon His Messenger the Prince of Prophets through whom He has guided us out of error, and on his family, his companions, chosen friend. And blessings on the Pillar of Islam and Radiant lamp. Allahs beloved that is Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) Almighty Allah has sent nearly one lakh and twenty-four thousand Anbiya and Rasool into the World. And at last sent our Beloved Prophet Syed Ul-Anbiya salal lahu alyhi wa sallam(ultimate),as Khatim-Un Nabiyeen Wal Mursaleen and Rehmat in the universe. Almighty Allah has sent Every Prophet With Some Miracles but sent our Beloved Prophet with countless Miracles. As in every century there

Saifuddin Abdul Wahab(RA) He had born in (522 H) He learned Fiqh and Hadis from his father and by the age of 20 he had become a teacher. According to the book Islamic History and Biography, He was a very good orator and was respected by all. Similarly to his father he spend his life in preaching and spreading Islam
(Islamic History and Biography.Pg337)

was arrival of Awliya but Fifth Century is the most important because during this Century, Descendant of salal lahu Alyhi wa sallam and Syed-ul-Awliya Syedna Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) had arrived in the caravan of Awliya[470.H]. He is Najeeb-utTarfayn . Almighty Allah has bestowed him by entitling Mehboob. In one of his sermons he told My foot is above the necks of all Saints. As soon as he told these words all Awliya had surrendered their necks. Because he is not only Descendant of Prophet salal lahu Alyhi wa sallam but also Heir of Rasool. According to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA): By God, this is the existence of my Ancestor (S .A.W.S) not mine Huzoor Salallahu Alyhi wa Sallam used to tell Ummati,Ummati and Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) used to tell Mureedi, Mureedi

The Caliph of Baghdad Nasiruddin Ahmed appointed him as a public relation officer. This helped him to serve the poor and needy. He also issued Fatwas later on and became advisor to the royal household. He passed away on 25th Shawwal (593H) and was buried at Halba, Baghdad. 3) Syed Shaykh Sharfuddin (RA) He was also educated as a scholar and later became a teacher. He was a mystical scholar and wrote many books especially Jawahirul Asrar and Lata Eiful Anwar. He was a poet and his poem shows his longing for Baghdad. He spent his later years in Egypt, preaching and imparting

O my follower fear not .Allah is my Patron. He has given highest station and I have achieved my goal.

Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) the Cardinal Pole, the Supreme helper his Sayings and Life is a Radiant lamp for people of devotion in the Universe. As we know there are many books written on the life of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA). But in English Language only a few books are available for his followers.

Family of Shaykh Abdul Qader Jilani We Get the Family History of Shaykh Abdul Qader Jilani(RA) In the Book ( Durrul Munazam fi Manaqibi Ghouse Azam Vol.2 ) The Shaykh had four virtuous wives and forty-nine children, twenty-seven sons and twenty-two daughters. The most famous of his sons are Shaykh Abdur Rehman Shaykh Abdul-Wahab, Shaykh Sharfuddin, Shaykh Jamaluddin Shaykh AbdulRazzaq, Shaykh Shamsuddin, Shaykh Ishaq Ibrahim, Shaykh Fazal, Shaykh Ziauddin, Shaykh Zakariya Yahiya,

I am a slave of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) as being a disciple of Shehzad-e-Ghaus-eAzam Syedi wa Murshadi Syed Shah Abdullah Hussian Baadshah Quadri ,Laubali. Thus, in revelation of faith and love I have written concise life of Huzoor Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) but I was able to fulfill my wishes with the help and encouragement of my husband Hafiz O Qari Moulana Dr Mir Murtuza Ali Shah Quadri Lateefi Sahab. May Allah the Almighty grant Success and make fruitful to my attempt of writing for the sake of Syedna Shaykh Abdul Qadir al Jilani (RA). May our Chieftain gather us on the Day of Resurrection as members of his company

1)Syed Shaykh Abu Abdullah Abdur Rehman (RA) Its written in the book Zubdatul Aasar that Hes the eldest son of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) He learned Fiqh and Hadis from his father and Shaykh Abdul Qasim Hussin, Shaykh Abi ghalib Ahmad bin Hasan bin Albana. He passed away in (587H) but According to Qalaidul Jawahir (589 H). 2) Syed Shaykh

Almas Murtuza

heart and praised him for his honesty and sincerity. He then gave the remainder of the food and a portion of the eight dirhams to the stranger. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) stayed in Iraq for 25 years in deserts where no one knew him. During this time Jinn came to him to take from his knowledge Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) Stayed at one place for three years during these three years, one year he only ate some leaves and did not drink any water. The next year he ate nothing but only drank water. And the next year he neither ate nor drank anything and also did not sleep. He was above fifty by the time he returned to Baghdad and began to preach in public. He moved into the school belonging to his old teacher alMukharrimii; there he engaged himself in teaching. Soon he became popular with his pupils he taught Ahadith, Tafseer, and Tasawuf held discourse on science of the hearts and the virtues of the Quran. He busied himself in the service of Islam. During this period lot of people converted to Islam because of him. He passed away on 11th Rabi us sani (561H). His followers are spreading his preaches all over the world even today.

Humanity loves Awliya-e-kiram because they are friends of Allah Taala. Almighty Allah told in his verses about Awliya-e-kiram that, Beware! Verily, the friends of Allah will not have any fear, nor will they grieve--(They) are the people who believe and (always) remain Godfearing, committed to piety---There is for them the good news (of honour and recognition) in the life of the world, and (also of forgiveness and intercession) in the Hereafter. (Or there are blessed spiritual visions in the world in the form of pious dreams, And in the Hereafter in the shape of effulgent disclosures of Allahs Absolute Beauty and Sight.) The Commands of Allah never change. That is the colossal achievement. (Surah younus verse 62-64 Irfan ul Quran)

Almighty Allah sends his friends in every period of time to guide us but Fifth Century is the most important because during this Century, Descendant of Huzoor salal lahu Alyhi wa sallam and Syed-ul-Awliya Syedna Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) had arrived .The birth of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was a great blessing to the Ummah. It was the arrival of Sultan-ul-Awliya [king of awliya] which had been foretold for centuries before his birth. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was born on 29th of Shabaan (470 H) in a town of Iran. His complete name is Al-Syed Mohiuddin Abu Muhammad Abdul Qadir al-Jilani al-Hasani wal-Hussaini(RA). His father, Syed Abu Saleh Moosa al-Hasani(RA) was a direct descendant of the Syedna Imam Hasan(RA). He was an acknowledged saint of his day and was popularly known as Jangi Dost, because of his love for Jihad" Jangi dost thereby being his sobriquet. His mother Syeedatina Ummul Khair Amatul Jabbar Fatima (RA) daughter of Syed Abdullah Somae azZaid(RA) a descendant of Syedna Imam Hussain(RA). He is descendant of the Holy Prophet Salal lahu Alyhi waSallam from both of his mothers and

Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) about himself. He explained to the person that he was from Jilan and that he was in Baghdad to attain knowledge. The person then said that he was also from Jilan and asked if he knew a person by the name of Abdul Qadir. Shaykh Abdul QadirJilani (RA) answered by saying, My name is Abdul Qadir Jilani. When the man heard this, with tears in his eyes, he stood before Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) and said, Please forgive me for I have misused that which was given to me in trust. I met an old woman, who gave me eight dirhams in trust that I should give it to her son, Shaykh Abdul Qadir , who is studying in Baghdad. The food that I was eating was from the eight dirhams that your mother had given for you. I had been searching for you but could not find you and due to this, my stay in Baghdad was extended. This caused my money to run out and out of extreme hunger I used some of your money to purchase this food that we ate. It is not I that fed you, but it is you that fed me. Please forgive me for abusing that which was given to me in trust. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) with great gentleness and affection held the stranger to his

( Tabqaat ul kubra V.1 Pg178) After adjourning from classes, he used to go into the jungles and forests of Baghdad where he used to spend the entire night in the Zikr of Almighty Allah. He did this regardless of the weather conditions or seasons. While he was studying, the city of Baghdad experienced a severe drought. The conditions in Baghdad became so desperate that people became dependant on every grain that they could find. When there was no more grain, people began to eat plants and leaves from trees. During this time, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) also went out in search of food. But when he saw others in search of food, he would return to the city empty-handed, as he did not feel it appropriate to impose by disturbing others whom he thought needed food more than he was. Many days passed by without eating. And One day he sat in a Masjid. Then he saw a person enter the Masjid. The person sat in one corner and opened a parcel then began to eat. The person invited and offered Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) some food. He kindly declined, but the person kept insisting. Upon such insistence, Shaykh Abdul Qadir jilani (RA) joined him in his meals. While eating, the person asked Shaykh

fathers side. He is Hassani from his father and Hussaini from his mother. SHIJRA-E-MUBARAK (Paternal) Prophet Muhammad Salal lahu Alyhi wa Salam Sayedina Ali ibne Abi Talib(RA) Syedna Imam Hasan(RA) Syed Hasan Al Musanaa(RA) Syed Abdullah Al Mahas (RA) Syed Moosa Al Joon (RA) Syed Abdullah Sani (RA) Syed Dawood (RA) Syed Muhammed (RA) Syed Yahiya Zahed (RA) Syed Abi Abdullah(RA) Syed Abu Saleh Moosa Jangi Dost (RA) Syedna Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) SHIJRA-E-MUBARAK (Maternal) Prophet MuhammedSalal lahu Alyhi waSalam Sayedina Ali ibne Abi Talib(RA)

Syedna Imam Hussain(RA) Syedna Imam Zainul Aabideen(RA) Syedna Imam Bakher (RA) Syedna Imam Jaffar Sadiq (RA) Syed Moosa Kazim (RA) Syed Ali Arraza (RA) Syed Abu Alauddin MuhammedAl Javad(RA) Syed Kamaluddin Esa (RA Syed Abu Ataa Abdullah(RA) Syed Mehmood (RA) Syed Muhammed (RA) Syed Abu Jamal ( RA) Syed Abdullah Somae (RA) Syeedatina Ummul Khair Amatul Jabbar Fatima (RA) Syedna Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) Bayt Taking the promise of taqwa (Fearing from Allah) in front of Spiritual guide is known as bayt. According to the book Lata eful Lateef there are five types of bayt

become a student in the great capital city of Baghdad, the hub of political, commercial and cultural activities, and the center of religious learning in the world of Islam. There was always danger for travelers of being robbed and killed. Knowing all this, she still granted his request. She took the forty dinars and sewed them under the arm of his coat. She gave him the following advice, O my beloved son, let this advice which I am about to give you be an important part of your life. Always speak the truth and do not even think of lying. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) promised to follow this advice and then bid farewell to his blessed mother. He reached Baghdad in [488H] and took admission in Madrasa-e-Nizamia. He faced many extreme hardships during his studies and he said, When the hardships and difficulties would become unbearable, then I would lie on the floor and continuously recite the verse from the Holy Quran. Undoubtedly there is ease with hardship [Surah 94, Verse.5-6].With the continuous recitation of this verse I used to find great tranquility and peace.

Shaykh Abi ZakariyaYahiya Bin Ali Tabrezi. Abuu Saad Ali al-Mukharrimi. Abu'l-Khair Hammaad al-Dabbaas.

Bayt-e-Islam,Bayt-e- Hijrat,Bayt-eTawseeq fil jihad, Bayt-e- Qilafat, Bayt-e-Tamassuk bi hablit taqwa . Now-a-Days only two among them Bayt-e- Qilafat and Bayt-e-Tamassuk bi hablit taqwa are in practice (Lata eful Lateef,Pg11) Shijra-e- Bayt and Khilafat Sayedina Ali ibne Abi Talib(RA) Shaykh Hasan Basri(RA) Shaykh Habeeb Ajmee(RA) Shaykh Dawood Taai(RA) Shaykh Maroof-e- Karkhi (R.A)

Later Life
Once, while Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) about eighteen years old was ploughing the field behind the bull. The bull looked at him and said, O Abdul Qadir, You werent created for this. On hearing this, he immediately returned home and explained this incident to his mother. He then requested his mother to send him Baghdad to

Shaykh Sirri Sakhti(RA) Hazrat Kazim Junaid Baghdadi (R.A) Hazrat Abu baker Shibli(RA) Hazrat Abul Fazal Abdul wahedTimeemi(RA) Hazrat Abul Farj Tartoosi (R.A) Hazrat Muhammed Qarshi Al Hankari(RA) Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali(R.A)

Hazrat Abu Sayeed Mubarik Maqzoomi(RA) Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)

into a Madrasah in Jilan. He remained in this Madrasah until the age of ten and during this period an amazing event occurred. Whenever Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) would enter the Madrasah he would see angels walking ahead of him saying, Give way to the friend of Allah give way to the friend of Allah. By the above Quotation we can estimate about the magnificence of his teachers for whom angles are making the way.

Names of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) There are 99 Names of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (R.A) but people belongs to silsila-e-Quadria recite these yaazda pak ( Eleven names) every day. 1)Syed Mohiuddin Anwarullah 2) Shaykh Mohiuddin Fazalullah 3)Awliya Mohiuddin Amanullah 4) Baba Mohiuddin Noorullah 5)Ghaus Mohiuddin Qutubullah 6) Sultan Mohiuddin Saifullah 7) Khaja Mohiuddin Fermaan ullah 8) Maqdoom Mohiuddin Burhanullah 9) Durvaish Mohiuddin Aayatullah 10) Badesha Mohiuddin Arshullah

HIS Teachers:

Shaykh Abul Wafa Ali Bin Aqeel Hambali. Shaykh Abul Khatab Mehfuz Hambali. Shaykh Abul Hussain Muhammed Bin Khaji. Shaykh Abi Sayeed Mubarak Bin Ali Al Maqzoomi Hambali.

11)Fakheer Mohiuddin Mushahidatullah When Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was born he had the impression of the footprint of Rasoolallah Salal lahu Alyhi waSallam on his shoulder. And during the entire month of Ramazan he never drank milk after the time of Sehri and before the time of Iftaar i.e. he kept fast from the day he was born. His blessed mother says that he would never cry for milk the entire day and would only take milk at the time of Iftaar. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was not like other children who used to spent their time in playing. From a tender age, he spent his time in the remembrance of Almighty Allah. If he at any time intended to join the other children, then from the unseen a voice would be heard saying, Come towards Me O blessed one. At first, on hearing this voice, he would become afraid and go to his mother and sit on her lap. But with the passage of time, he became accustomed to this voice, and instead of going to his mother, he would abandon the thought of playing and occupy himself in the remembrance of Allah. When Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was four and a half years old, his mother enrolled him

Incidents before the Birth

As usual before of the sun it gives some rays which are the message of illumination. In the same manner, before rising of the sun of wilayat to illuminate the world there happen some astonishing incidents. One of the incidents related to the birth of Shaykh Abdul QadirJilani (RA). Written by Moulana Hafez Shah Muhammed Anwar Khalander[RA]

Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was

blessed to his mother at an age when women are usually unable to have children but Syeedatina Ummul Khair Amatul Jabbar Fatima (RA) was sixty years old when Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) was born (Durrul- Munazam pg13)

One more quotation from Futuhat-e-Makkiya Before the birth when Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was in the womb of his mother, whenever she said Alhmdu lillah he used to give answer ya rahama kumullah to his mother (Futuhat-e-Makkiya)

greatness, I surrendered my neck and said the words that you heard (Urdu monthly shehbaz pg33) Hazrat syed Abu Saleh Moosa [RA] Father of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) had a dream in which he saw our Beloved Prophet Salal lahu Alyhi waSallam who said to him, O Abu Saleh Almighty Allah has blessed you with a pious son. He is my beloved and the beloved of Almighty Allah and he is the most exalted amongst the Awliya and Aqtaab. (Urdu monthly shehbaz pg14)

Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi [RA] said during one of his sermons on Friday His foot is on my neck Upon inquiry by his listeners as to an explanation for this statement, Hazrat Junaid said. It was shown to me through Kashf [opening] that the later part of the 5th Century Hijri will witness the birth of a great Saint and Wali of Allah the Almighty whose name will be Abdul Qadir and who will be praised as Mohiuddin. His birthplace will be Jilan and resting place will be Baghdad and he will say My foot is on the neck of every waliUpon witnessing his

Birth and Childhood


Islamic History and Biography Muhammed Syed Abdur Rehman 2004 Proper Sunni Beliefs Annual ShaykhAbdul Qadir Jilani (RA) memorial urs

the travelers. Regarding him as just a young boy, none of the robbers approached him, until one of them decided to do so. He went up to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) and asked if he had anything valuable. He replied by saying that he had in his possession forty dinars. On hearing this, the robber laughed and walked away, thinking that he was lying. After some time another of the robbers asked him the same question and received the same answer. He too dismissed this statement of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) as a joke. When the robbers had gathered, then both these robbers began to joke about the young boy who thought he had forty dinars. On hearing their discussion, their leader Ahmed Badawi asked them to bring this boy to him. When they brought him before Ahmed Badawi he asked whether he had any valuables in his possession, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) replied in the same way as before. When Ahmed Badawi heard this, he asked for the forty dinars. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) calmly showed him where the dinars were hidden. On tearing open the coat of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA), they found that there were really forty dinars sewn under the arm of the coat. On seeing this, Ahmed Badawi asked, O young man, none of us knew that you had any


money. Knowing we are bandits, why did you still tell us where the money was hidden? The young Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) replied by saying, When I had left on this journey, I had promised my elderly and pious mother that I would never lie. How then could I break this promise just for the sake of forty dinars? On hearing this, Ahmed Badawi felt extreme remorse and in tears he said, O young boy, you are so loyal in your promise to your mother, shame on me, that for years I have been disloyal to my promise with my Creator Almighty Allah. After saying these words, the bandit cried bitterly and then fell to the feet of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) and repented for his sins. When his accomplices saw this, then they too did likewise and repented sincerely from all their sins. They then returned all the belongings of the travelers and escorted them out of the jungle. It has been stated that the repentance of these bandits was so sincere, that they were blessed with Wilaayat, through the means (Sadqa) of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) (Seerat-e-Ghause Azam Pg44-45) 2)

published by Mujaditi book Depot

Seeyarul Akhyar Hazrat Allama Shah Murad Suharwardy published by Qutub khane Amjediya Delhi

Tabaqatul Kubra Darul Fikr Beruth

.Qalaidal Jawahir Muhammed Yahiya Tadani(RA) published by Spiritual Publication Delhi

Urdu Monthly Shehbaz Mehboob e Subhani No Oct-Nov 1960


Moulana Syed Anwar Khalander (RA) published by Madbaussah Lukhnow Durrul Munazam fi Manakhibi Ghausel Azam V-2 Moulana Syed Anwar Khalander(RA) published by Madbaussah Lukhnow

Seerat e Ghause Azam Moulana Muhammed Dawood June2010

Tazkare Sarkar e Laubali Syed Hashim Arif Pasha Quadri published by Laubali Academy Kurnool

.Jahan e Awliya Allama Ghulam Mustafa Jilani


His son Shaykh Ziauddin(RA) states that Once Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was in the wild deserts and was without food and drink for several days. Soon a light appeared on the horizon and a voice said, approve of all your prayer and hardship and vigils that you have taken for my sake. I am Allah and reward you by making all unlawful things lawful for you. On hearing this Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) recited, (Aauzu billahi minashaitan nirrajeem) At this the light disappeared, again a voice was heard saying, O Abdul Qadir Jilani, your knowledge and scholarly excellence has saved you. I have deceived at least 70 saints through this method. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) replied that he had been saved by the Grace of Allah. When Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was asked how he could recognize the Satan so easily, he informed that making unlawful things lawful was inconsistent with the Shariat and wrong could not have been from Allah. Also when Haraam things were not allowed to Allahs Messenger Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam then how could it be allowed to any other person. It was his deep concentration and unshakable faith in Allah and the love for Allah and Allahs Messenger that he became close to Allah and came to be known as Mehboob-e-Subhani

Allah accepted his prayers and fulfilled his request and when he prayed for others Allah showered His blessings on them. (Behjatul asrar Pg.120) 3) When Shaykh Shahabudin Suharwardy was young, he was interested only in philosophy and inclined towards kalam. His uncle brought him to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) who put his hand on his chest and prayed to Allah. By the grace of Allah Shaykh Shahabuddin Suharwardy forgot all about it and lost interest in those subjects. His heart was filled with the love of Allah and Marifat-e-ilahi. Shaykh Abdul Qadir jilani (RA) predicted that Shaykh Shahabuddin Suharwardy would, after him, become very famous and respected. Later Shaykh Shahabuddin Suharwardy became a great saint of Suharwardy. (Behjatul asrar Pg.84to85) 4) Once there was a great flood in the river Dajla causing great havoc of life and property. Fearing that many may drown, some people of Baghdad approached. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)

KhamsataAshraMaktuban Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA)

.Al Fuyudat e Rabbani. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)

Futuhat-e-Makkiya Mohiuddin Ibne Arabi published by fikr beruth Behjatul Asrar Imam Abul Hasan Shaltavi published by Maktabe JameNoor Lata eful Lateef Syed Shah Gulam Ali Shah Quadri Translator Syed Abul Fazal Mehmood 1981 Darul

.Durrul Munazam fi Manakhibi Ghausel Azam V-1


. Basha-e-Rul Khairat. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)

Sir Rul Asrar Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani( RA)

After hearing their sad tale he accompanied them to the bank of the river Dajla. He put his stick in the water, prayed to Allah and said, "O Dajla, stop by Allahs Command and go back on your way." The flood subsided and the water level slowly returned to normal. . (Behjatul asrar Pg.75) 5) Shaykh Abul Muzzafer Ismail said, Once, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) went to visit his ailing devotee Shaykh Ali bin Al Haiti, who was staying in my orchard Later Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) saw two withering date trees which are not giving fruits since four years and he called for water and performed ablution under one tree and prayed under the other. After Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) departed the date trees in one week they regained strength and flourished. (Behjatul asrar Pg.44to45)

Deevan Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani( RA)

Qasidah-e-Ghausia Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)

Jala Al Khawtir Abdul Qadir Jilani RA) Malfuzat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani RA)


6) Shaykh Abul Hasan Qarshi had told about the great blessing to the sick and the needy that a


trader invited Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) to dine at his house. Although he did not disclose his intention to Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) his main purpose was to gain blessings for his paralytic blind son. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) accepted his invitation with some hesitation. When he reached the house of his host, many honoured guests were already present Shaykh Abdul QadirJilani (RA) also joined them and when the host began to serve food he asked the host to bring his ailing son before him. The surprised host brought forth his son in front of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) who placed his hand on his chest and said, Get cured by the Command of Allah". By the grace of Allah and the blessings of Shaykh Abdul Qadir jilani (RA) the boy was cured of his disease Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) then left without eating as the real mission was achieved. (Behjatul asrar Pg.62) 7) Shaykh Omer keemtani had describe that when Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) was giving a sermon in his school. Suddenly it began to rain. Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) looked at the sky and said,

Reference Books

Quran Majeed

Irfan ul Quran -(Tarjamatul Quran by Allama Muhammed Tahir ul Quadri)

Al Fatha Ar Rabbani Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) Futuhul Ghaib Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani( RA)

Ghuniyatu Littalibeen Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani( RA)


After observing the above conversation I wrote this concise life of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) in English language with reference and attempt to bring this authentic book in front of all the followers. The first part of this book contains birth and incident before birth of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) Shijra-e-Mubarak Paternal and Maternal, Shijrae-Bayt and Khilafat and about his Teachers.Later Life Consist of Some main events of his life with Concise circumstances of his blessed sons. At last some karamaat with reference, Salat-eGhousia, Names of books and few Sayings from the books have written. As I am a Student, this concise book on life of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) is my small attempt and hope that the followers and lovers of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) will like it and give their blessing to me.

I collect people for your sake and you are bent on scattering them. These words were so effective that the rain stopped falling on the school but it continued to rain at a distance. . . (Behjatul asrar Pg.75) 8) Abu Sayeed Abdullah bin Ahmed states that once my daughter, Fatima, all of a sudden vanished from the roof of my house. I got worried and want to the blessed presence of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) and requested for help. He told me to go to Karkh, and during the night sit in a deserted place forming a fort (Hisar) around myself. Over there think about me and say: Bismillah During the darkness of night groups of Jinns will pass by you, their faces will be very strange, do not get scared by looking at them, at the time of sehri the king of jinns will come to you and will ask you about your requirement. Tell him, Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) has sent me from Baghdad my requirement is that you search my daughter. Hence, I went to the ruins of Karkh and followed the instructions of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)


the silence of night, horrifying Jinns kept on passing outside my hisar. The faces of the Jinns were so horrifying that I could not look at them. At the time of sehri, the king of jinns came on a horse back, there were Jinns surrounding him. He asked my demand from outside the hisar. I told him that Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA)has sent me to you. As soon as he heard this, he got down the horse and sat on the ground. The other Jinns too sat outside the hisar. I narrated the incident of the disappearance of my daughter. He announced amongst all the Jinns, Who has taken the girl? Within moments the Jinns caught a Chinese Jinn and presented him as the culprit. The King of the Jinns asked him why did you pick the girl up from the city of the Highest Cadre in Spiritual Pivot (Qutub) of the time? He said, by shivering, Your Highness! After looking at her I fell in love with her. The King ordered the Chinese Jinn to be beheaded and returned my wonderful daughter to me. I thanked the King of the Jinns and said, as Allah will! You are an ardent lover of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA). He then replied, I swear upon Allah when Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) looks towards us, all the jinns start trembling. when he nominates as qutub of time


Many Books and Articles have been written on the life of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) in many Languages such as in Urdu, Arabic, Persian, English, Turkish etc. And translations of books of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) in different languages are also available, after looking at English translations I found that translators are inserting their own words as the part of the book.

others etc, would come to naught!

then all the jinns and humans are ordered to follow him. (Bahjaa-tul-AsraarPg.210-211) 9) Shaykh Abul Muzzafar Mansoor, son of Al Mubarak narrates while I was still a young man, I entered the presence of Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Jilani (RA) together with a large group. I had with me a book that dealt with questions of abstract philosophy [falsafa] and the speculative sciences of spirituality ['ulum arruhaniyyat]. As soon as we entered his presence, the Shaykh spoke to me personally, not to the group as a whole-and before he had examined the book, or asked me about its contents, he said: That book of yours is a bad companion. You had better go and give it a thorough wash I reacted to this by deciding to leave his presence, drop the book into some receptacle or other, and then refrain from carrying it with me after that, for fear of offending the Shaykh. My lower self could not accept the idea of giving it a wash, because I had developed quite a fondness for it, and some of its theories and principles had stimulated my intellectual curiosity. I was about to get up and leave, intending to carry out this plan of action, but the Shaykh gave me such a stare, like someone regarding

49 Defeat your desire with the dagger of Tawheed, securing it from disease with therapeutic of Tawfeeq, and arm it with the Javelin of sacrifice, the Shield of Piety and the Sword of faith. Now, use the sword and javelin continuously until such time that your lower desires are completely annihilate 50 Thankfulness to Almighty Allah means that you do not disobey Allah by misusing His gracious favors


me with incredulous amazement, that I simply could not get up. "I felt trapped in a state of paralysis, but then he said to me: Hand me that book of yours So I opened it, and looked there was nothing inside it but blank paper, with not a single letter written on it! I gave it to the Shaykh, and he thumbed through its pages, then he said: This is the Book of the Excellent Merits of the Quran [Kitab Fada'il al-Quran], by Ibne Zaris Muhammad. When he handed it back to me, I saw that it was in a beautiful script and contained the matter as aforesaid by Shaykh. (Qalaidul Jawahir chap-8)

41.You should not become the slave of your desires. 42. The fruitful advice is that which emanates from a tongue of practice. 43.Always try and follow the example of speech and action set by Rasulullah Sallal lahu alyhi wasalam. 44. The path of salvation lies only in the way of obedience and following of Rasulullah Sallal lahu alyhi wasalam. 45.The fear of Allah is the key for success. 46.Its difficult to fight against one's own lowly desire than the fight against the physical enemies. 47. There is no gift worth regarding as equal to poverty, patience, and peace so in your poverty remain rich in Allah. 48 Unlawful food obliterates the glow of Imaan when the light of Imaan is extinguished then all the other acts of worship like Salaah, Roza giving priority to



to Him, without hypocritical display and the pursuit of fame. 38.Repentance is of two kinds: the repentance of the general people and the repentance of the special few: a) The repentance of the common folk is returning from sinful disobedience to worshipful obedience, from what is blameworthy to that which is praiseworthy, from the Hell to the Heaven, from the comfort of the body to the hardship of the lower self, by means of remembrance dedicated striving and vigorous endeavor. b) The repentance of the special few is returning, after the achievement of this repentance, from the virtues of the pious to the sources of direct knowledge, from the stages of progress to nearness, and from physical pleasures to spiritual pleasures. That means forsaking everything apart from Allah. Ghuniyatuit Talibeen 39. Separate your heart from the world and place it upon your hands, acquire the riches of the world but let that not overpower or affect the heart: wealth can come and go but its accumulation should not become the supreme purpose of our lives. 40. Do not make Palace of hopes of becoming wealthy.

Method of Salaat ul Ghausiya

Salaat ul-Ghausiya also known as Salaat ulAsrar . Which is a proven means of obtaining fulfillment of ones needs and prayers Salaat alAsrar is explained by Imam Abdul Hassan Nooruddin Ali Ibne Jaleel in Behjat ul-Asrar, and Hazrat Mullah Ali Qari and Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dhelvi (RA) have reported from Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) Its method is as follows: After completing the Farz and Sunnat of Maghrib Namaz, offer 2 rakaats and in each rakaat after Sureh Fateha, recite Sureh Ikhlas, 11 times then recite Darood shareef 11 times and Then taking 11 steps in the direction of Iraq call out my 11 names

(yaazda pak) on each step and ask for the fulfillment of a need. Books Whenever Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) used to give Sermon about four-hundred well-informed (Ulama) were attend the Sermon with pen and paper to note down his Saying. Thus, today we get them in form of books. A list of books had given below. 1. Al Fatha Ar Rabbani 2. Futuhul Ghaib 3. Ghuniyatut Talibeen. 4. Basha-e-Rul Khairat. 5. Sir Rul Asrar 6. Deevan 7. Qasidah-e-Ghausia 8. Jala Al Khawtir 9. Malfuzat 10.Khamsata Ashra Maktuban 11.Al Fuyudat e Rabbani

33. Someone whose tongue becomes weary. It means that he really knows Allah, he becomes incapable of speech. The tongue of his lower self is dumb, and he can only speak with the tongue of his heart. The tongue of his falsehood is dumb, while the tongue of his truthfulness is capable of speech. Dumb is the tongue of his talking about things that are no concern of his, while capable of speech is the tongue of his talking about things that really do concern him. Dumb is the tongue of his quest for his own self-interest, while the tongue of his quest for the Truth is capable of speech. Sirrul Asrar (Chapter 5, 1, 3) 34.If someone knows himself, he knows his Almighty Allah and complies with His command. 35.The sleep of the scholar is better than the worship of the ignorant. 36.The believer saw with their while other watchers fail to They fly with featherless to the Realm of Almighty Allah. hearts see. wings

37.Allah is Single, and He loves that which is single. That means, He loves work that is sincerely devoted
44 53

desert waste, and those sheep will soon be eaten by the wolves. When someone is afraid, he travels under the cover of night. He does not settle in one place, but is always traveling on toward his final destination. The journey of believer is toward the palace of Almighty God. 29.Devotion to one's religious duty is a source of worldly benefit, a source of wisdom and all kinds of knowledge, of purity of heart, and the foundation of all that is good. 30.Patience is the head of faith as the head is to the body. It is only through patience under the decree of Allah that deeds can be truly accomplished. 31.Greetings to everyone who recognizes the true nature of his own lower self and then treats it as an enemy, opposing it whenever it tries to tell him what to do, You must subject it constantly to the remembrance of death and of that which lies beyond death, for then it will become submissive and its moral character will be improved. 32.A Perceptible person does not pay attention on this world and its glamorous charm, because it must very soon pass away and come to an end. Thus, he focuses his attention to the ultimate consequences.

Sayings of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) There are umpteen Sayings of Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani(RA) that no one can bound them. I had taken a few Sayings from the books.

Fatuhul Ghaib (Chapter 7, 8, 10, 13, 17, 18, 22, 23, 37) 1. Step out of your own self and keep your distance from it. 2. If you are in a particular condition, do not seek to exchange it for another, whether higher or lower. 3. The self is the enemy of Allah. All things are subordinate to Allah, 4. When you are in a state of true devotion, therefore, you must oppose the self. 5. Prosperity will come to you if it is your lot, whether you seek to acquire it or view it with distaste. Misfortune will likewise overtake you if it is meant for you by destiny's decree, whether you opposed or confront it with patience.

6. If you want to make contact with Allah you should exit from the sphere of creation, from passion and will and desire, and become securely linked to His action, so that no movement of yours affects His creation unless by His decree, at His command and through His action this is the state of annihilation. 7. Never complain to anyone about your luck, whether he was friend or foe, and do not adverse the Allah of making you suffers misfortune. 8. Allah is always testing His believers in proportion to his faith. Thus, if a person's faith is very great and steadily increasing, his trial will be great as well. The trial of a Prophet is greater than that of a Abdal, and the trial of a Abdal is greater than that of a Wali. Each is tried according to his faith and certitude. 9. You should firm with circumstances of difficulties and protect therein, until the prescript of destiny expires and you are promoted to a higher and finer level. There you will be comfortably installed and made secure, with no worldly or otherworldly problems, no persecution are there. Then you will progress beyond this stage to something even more delightful and wholesome. Know that your appointed share will not be lost to you because you give up chasing after it similarly, you will never get what is not your share. Be patient, therefore, and

26.You have not been created only for the purpose of acquiring worldly things for nothing more than eating and drinking and getting married. You must repent and return to Almighty God, before the Angel of Death comes and snatches you away while you are doing something bad. Every good preacher will advise you to observe the commandments and prohibitions and to endure with patience whatever destiny brings along. You must also endure with patience the pain and suffering inflicted on you by your fellow creatures, including your next-door neighbors, for patience is the source of so much that is good. You are all under orders to practice patience, and you have been made responsible for yourselves and for your flocks. 27.For the believer there can be no movement to the rear. He is always moving to the fore. He has a front without a back. He never ceases to behave with honest sincerity, so that his speck of dust eventually becomes a mountain, his drop of water an ocean, and his tiny portion a great deal, his lamp a sun, and his shell a kernel. 28.A heart without fear of Allah is like a piece of land on which there are no trees, or a flock of sheep without a shepherd. That land will soon become a

21.Dont think about your sustenance because its search for you is more intense than your search for it. 22. Instead of Pride on your obedient worship better to beg Almighty Allah to accept it. 23.You must keep friendship with those who do possess hearts, until you get a heart of your own. You need a wise Shaykh, who practices the law of Allah to train you, teach you, and give you good advice. Jalal ul Khawtir (Chapter 3, 29, 38, 40, 44, 45)

resign yourself to accepting your present situation. Take nothing and give nothing on your own unless and until you are ordered to do so. Neither move nor keep still of your own accord, otherwise you will have to bear not just your own suffering, but that of a creature worse than you. 10.You should not become envy with your neighbor the blessings of his Lord and the portion allotted to him. You should realize that this is the kind of thing that weakens your faith "The envier is the enemy of my blessing Envy devours good deeds as fire consumes wood"? 11.The self has two conditions the state of wellbeing and the state of calamity. When it is undergoing calamity, the signs are anxiety, complaining, resentment, protest and suspicion toward the Lord of Truth, and lack of patience, contentment and compliance.

24.Who busied himself in irrelevant is the distraction of idle fools. Deprived of the good pleasure of his Master is he who fails to put into practice what He commands, and who occupies himself with things he has not been instructed to deal with.

Al Fatha Ar Rabbani (Chapter 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22) 12. Obedient to Allah by the heart not with outward. 13.The hypocrite wears clean clothes, but his heart is filthy. He abstains from permissible things, and is too lazy to earn a livelihood. He eats off his

25.You must not be ominous about the fact that destiny's decree is sure to come into effect. There is no one who can turn it back, and there is no one who can avert it.

religion, and exercises no self-restraint at all. He consumes things that are explicitly forbidden. His game may be hidden from the common folk but it is not concealed from the Eminent. His external facade is splendidly fashioned, but his interior is a ruin. 14.A devoted person does not perform his worship of the Almighty God in an affected manner, because it has become quite natural to him, so he worships Allah both outwardly and inwardly without any affectation on his part. As for the hypocrite he is always pretending, wherever he may be and whatever he may be doing, especially when it comes to the worship of the Almighty God which he fakes on the surface and inwardly neglects. 15. You should recognize the creator, and practice good behavior in His presence. As long as your hearts are remote from Him, you will behave toward Him badly, but when they draw near, your conduct will improve. 16.Be aware of Allah and do not be ignorant of Him. Obey Allah and do not revolt against Him. Comply with His wishes and do not oppose Him. Accept His decision and do not dispute with Him 17. Your wish for the Almighty God is not genuine. You are not really wishing for Him, because when

someone claims to wish for the Almighty God while he is actually seeking something other than Him,. Seekers of this world are very numerous. Seekers of the hereafter are comparatively few.

18. If you give priority to the hereafter over this world, you will gain both of them together and if you give this world priority over the hereafter, you will lose both of them together. 19. Dont get disappointed by the merciful God because of any sin you have committed, but wash away the dirt from the garment of your religion with the water of repentance of sustained and sincere repentance. Then perfume that garment with the fragrance of Marifat.

20.The believer takes his subsistence, while the unbeliever takes his pleasure. The believer takes his subsistence because he is on a journey. He is content to use a tiny fraction of what he owns, while investing the greater part in the hereafter. Apart from giving himself a traveler's allowance, based on what he can carry, he keeps all his property in the hereafter.


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