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Thesis submitted to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of

Master of Science (Agriculture) In CROP PHYSIOLOGY






Approved by : Chairman : __________________________ (A.S. NALINI PRABHAKAR) Members : 1. _________________________ (S.M. HIREMATH ) 2. _________________________ (S.G.ANGADI)

3. _________________________ (D.S.UPPAR)

4. _________________________ (R.V. KOTI)



















TABLE NO. 1. TITLE Monthly meteorological data for the experimental year (kharif, 2005) and the mean of past 54 years (1950-2004) as recorded at the Meteorological Observatory, Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka) Physical and chemical properties of the soil of the experimental site Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on plant height (cm) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on number of leaves in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on number of branches in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on internodal length (cm) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on number of flowers in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on number of inflorescence in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf dry weight (g/plant) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on stem dry weight (g/plant) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on total dry matter (g/plant) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf area 2 (dm /plant) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf area index (LAI) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf area duration (days) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf area ratio (cm2/g/plant) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on specific leaf 2 area (cm /g) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on specific leaf weight (mg/cm2) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on crop growth 2 rate (CGR g/dm /day) in stevia


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.



12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.


TITLE Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on absolute growth rate (AGR, g/plant/day) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on net 2 assimilation rate (NAR mg/cm /day) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on chlorophyll a content (mg/g fresh weight) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on chlorophyll b content (mg/g fresh weight) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on total chlorophyll content (mg/g fresh weight) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on total sugars (mg/g dry weight) in stevia Influence of plant growth regulator and nitrogen on herbage yield at harvest (q/ha) in stevia (on fresh weight basis) Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on cost:benefit ratio of stevia crop








Figure No. Title


Plan of layout of the experiment

Plate No. Title

1. 2.

General view of the experimental site Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on regulation of flowering in Stevia

Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) is a slender herb. short day perennial native to Paraguay and South-West Brazil. It is widely distributed in USA, Brazil, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and South-East Asia. It belongs to the family Asteraceae. The sugar obtained from Stevia is considered to be the best natural alternate source for artificial sugars like Aapartame, Saccharine and for diabetic sufferer. Although there are more than 180 species of the Stevia plant, only Stevia rebaudiana gives the sweetest essence due to the fact that these leaves accumulate sweet diterpene glycoside having a sweetness of 250-350 times that of sucrose. This plant has an extraordinary sweetness in its natural form of dried leaves, it is about 10 to 15 times more sweeter than white sugar. Stevia rebaudiana, the sweet herb of Paraguay, commonly known as honey leaf is christened as MADHUPATRA for the Indian market by the devineherbal. It is the native of Paraguay which was found out by Bertoni who later studied it and found that the plant was new to science which he named as Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Bertoni, 1905). Stevia rebaudiana was originally grown in South America. Historically, the natives of Paraguay and Brazil have been using the leaves of Stevia as a sweetening essence for centuries. In 1889, Bertoni, a scientist of Paraguay discovered that the leaves were being used to sweeten mate tea by the northern Paraguayans. Half a century later, the British tried to cultivate Stevia as a replacement for sugar but the idea was never materialized. Three decades later in 1971, Japan was brought and six years later Japan was marketing the sweetener extracted from the Stevia leaves (Crammer and Ikan, 1986). The leaves of Stevia impart a pleasant flavour apart from increasing the sweetness of the product. The Stevia leaves can be used without extensive processing in most of the typical Indian dishes like Kesari, Chakkara Pongal, Payasam, Sauces, Jams, Juices, Pickles, Tea, Coffee and even herbal tea. The main characteristics of this plant are it is a calorie free natural sweetener for diabetics, dieters and health conscious people. As stevioside and Reboudiside are the chief components of this plant, are the natural sweet compounds in the leaves and are not absorbed by human body during digestion process, it is calorie free. Further, the human body does not metabolise the sweet glycosides from the Stevia leaf or any of its processed forms. The body thus receives no calories from Stevia. The preliminary research has also suggested that Stevia tends to lower elevated blood pressure but does not seem to affect normal blood pressure and provide a diuretic effect. Stevia has no toxicity. It inhibits the formulation of dental caries. It does not cause tooth decay or tooth cavities, because the substances in Stevia that provide sweetness do not ferment in the presence of bacteria. Use of Stevia for its medicinal properties by Indians for curative purposes has been since about hundred years. The possible medicinal uses reported are in the treatment of diabetics, obesity, hyperactivity, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, indigestion etc. It is also being used as a health tonic for the skin. Stevia is reported to be very effective when used as a skin poultice to tighten and softens the skin and to clear up skin blemishes. It is also known to induce rapid healing of wounds and minimize formation of scar tissue. As a culinary herb, Stevia has been used in both cold and hot beverages, soft drinks, chewing gums, pickles, desserts, milkshakes, low calorific foods. Stevia can be used for cooking as it does not contain artificial ingredients, unlike aspartame, saccharin and other synthetic sweeteners, which, after heating at temperature as low as 30C destroys chemical sweeteners leading to negative health effects. Stevia is stable at high temperature and can be used in hot dishes and baked foods. This is why the task of artificial sweetners change significantly overtime after they are added to hot coffee or tea. Since stevioside is stable at 95C. In natural stands, stevia attains a height of 60 cm. Stevia is genetically heterozygous, owing to its high self incompatibility great variations are usually found among sexually

propogated plants with regard to glycoside content, as well as growth. Stevia plants propagated by seeds generally show a wide variation in the stevioside content varying from 5 to 20 per cent of dry weight. This variation is probably due to gene segregation. To avoid gene segregation and to improve the yield of stevioside, attempts are being made to propagate genetically homogenous population from a selected elite plant with desirable characters using micropropagation techniques. Although both sexual and asexual methods of multiplication could be followed in this crop, as the seed germination is very poor, it is generally propagated vegetatively. The stem cuttings of 15 cm length from leaf axils from current year growth has given better results. Stevioside is one of the principal diterpene glycosides which is present in the leaves of stevia having a sweetness of 250-350 times that of sucrose and has a slow latent sweetness. Rebaudioside A is another sweet constituent which is 400 times sweetener than sugar and tastes more like sugar. The other sweet principles are Rebaudioside E, Dulcoside A, Rebaudioside C, Rebaudioside D, and Steviolbioside. These compounds differ from each other only with respect to their glucose side chain. Stevioside is being used as a sweetner in Japanese market as steviosin, which is pure stevioside and stevia or marumillan 50, which contain a moisture of the sweetening glycosides extracted from the stevio leaves. The stevioside moleule also of phytophysiological interest as the diterpene moiety, steviol shows weak biological activity in various bioassays. Stevioside is also known to have hypoglycemic activity. All these facts have made stevia cultivation very attractive. It is reported that maximum leaf yield of 3000 kg per ha with a stevioside concentration ranges between 3-10 per cent of the leaf dry weight. Rebaudiside is less concentrated ranging from 1 to 3 per cent. Glycosides level in leaf tissues varies with the method of propagation. Stevia has great potential and is highly suitable plant for India. It can thrive well under subtropical climatic conditions. The cost : benefit ratio of its cultivation is very attractive and imparts an ample scope for intensive agriculture for those who are interested in high returns. However, its large scale utilization is limited due to non-availability of planting material and lack of recommended practices. A few companies in India are busy in its production using tissue culture techniques. The TERI, New Delhi, is also looking forward to improve its productivity through mycorrhizal technology. Mycorrhizal fungi have proven potential in improving the growth of seedlings and field transplantation performance by improving the mineral nutrition and soil physical properties. Therefore application of mycorrhizal fungi is beneficial and helps in reduction of chemical fertilizers reaping higher above ground biomass. It is being extensively produced in Japan since 1977 and is widely used in food products and soft drinks and for table uses. Japan currently consumes more stevia than any other country. About 40 per cent of sweetener market exclusively is based on stevia. Stevia is widely used all over the world but differences in quality of stevioside may partly be due to poor extraction and processing techniques and partly the result of ignorance by manufacturers concerning the real nature of the stevia plant. The poorer quality of stevia leaf the more bitter the taste. However, in better products this bitter flavour disappears when appropriately diluted for consumption. Various studies have revealed that the stevia leaf contains proteins, fibre, carbohydrates, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, ratin (a flavonoid) true vitamin A, vitamin C and an oil which contains 53 other constituents. Considering the multiple uses of stevia leaf, several entrepreneurs and progressive farmers have come forward to grow this crop in their field. But, one of the most important problem in stevia crop is the unlimited and profuse production of flowers, due to which the herbage yield is largely reduced, causing considerable economic loss. As the leaves contain diterpene glycoside, it is very essential to control the flowering in this crop. Presently, to control flowers, the mechanical removal of flowers is the only method followed and is in practice. However, this method is proved to be very laborious and cumbersome. Hence it is time for the scientists to investigate alternate methods for deflowering which will be helpful in increasing the herbage yield.

One of the methods in this direction is the use of growth regulators and nutrient management. The role of plant growth regulators in crop growth and development is indispensable. The major areas where growth regulators have successfully played their role in crops include propagation, seed and bud dormancy, growth control and regulation of flowering, fruiting etc. Further, they are also known to help in yield and quality improvement. The enhanced application of nitrogen has been reported to reduce the production of flowering in sugarcane. Therefore keeping this in mind the present investigation on influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on regulation of flowering in stevia has been proposed with the following objectives. 1. To study the effect of PGR s and N in the regulation of flowering in stevia 2. To study the effect of PGRs and N on morphophysiological traits, herbage yield and quality.


Stevia rebaudiana belonging to the family Asteraceae is considered as one of the most important medicinal plant as it produces sweet steviol glycosides which is 250 times sweet as table sugar (Shock, 1982) and 300 times sweeter than sucrose (Nishiyama et al., 1991). Although considerable general information on stevia is available, the literature with regard to increase in the growth and yield of this potential perennial herb is very much limited. Profuse flowering is one of the greatest setback in this medicinal herb, which is the causal factor for greater reduction in the herbage yield. So far no research has been considered for suppression of flowering in this crop. Therefore, the available information on influence of different plant growth regulators and nitrogen on reduction of flowering in other related crops and medicinal crops have been reviewed and presented.

2.1 Influence of PGRs on morpho- physiological parameters and flowering

2.1.1 Influence of PGRs on morphological parameters Plant height and internodal length
The spraying of maleic hydrazide to calendula seedlings has reduced the plant height at all the concentrations used (5, 25, 50 and 100 ppm). The maximum reduction in height was observed in 100 ppm maleic hydrazide compared to control (Srivastava and Bajpai, 1964). Due to the application of growth retardants there will be shortening of internodes and thick stem (Cathey, 1964). In zinnia, more than 50 per cent reduction in the plant height compared to control was obtained by 250 to 500 ppm maleic hydrazide. It alone reduced the plant height but when combined with gibberellic acid, there was no reduction in the plant height (Saha, 1966). Gibberellic acid foliar spray at 300 ppm twice before flowering significantly increased the plant height in dahlia (Mittal, 1967). Significant reduction in the plant height and shortening the internode were observed in chrysanthemum and petunia with the maleic hydrazide at higher concentration (1000 ppm) (Sen and Sen, 1968). The application of 25-75 ppm gibberellic acid significantly increased primary and secondary shoot length in Jasminum grandiflorum under Tamil Nadu condition (Papaiaha and Muthuswamy, 1975). The plant height and peduncle length increased due to the foliar application of gibberellic acid at 20 ppm in the crop geranium (Holcomb, 1985). The plants treated with different concentrations of gibberellic acid (viz., 0, 50 and 100 ppm) on davana seedlings at 20 days after transplanting (DAT) showed an increase in plant height, number of leaves and number of branches (Bhat et al., 1990). An experiment on effect of gibberellic acid on growth, yield and quality of clocium reported that gibberellic acid spray (100 ppm) at 40, 70 and 100 days after transplanting, promoted maximum plant height, internodal length and plant spread under Bangalore conditions (Umesh et al., 1991). In the crop chrysanthemum, there was increase in plant height and peduncle length due to the application of gibberellic acid at 20 ppm (Talukdar and Paswan, 1994). The plant height and length of internode decreased, whereas the stem diameter and number of branches per plant increased with increasing concentration of maleic hydrazide at 750, 500 and 1000 ppm in marigold (Khandelwal et al., 2003). Number of leaves and number of branches

Application of GA3 increased number of lateral shoots at 25-100 ppm concentration in Matricaria chamomilla (Kapoor and Kaul, 1964). When bench grown chrysanthemums were sprayed or drenched with maleic hydrazide at 900, 1200, 1800 and 3000 ppm, significant increase in the number of laterals was observed in all the treatments (Powell and Anderson,

1956). Application of maleic hydrazide at 750 and 1000 ppm resulted in significant reduction in internodal length and increased the number of branches in chrysanthemum. Reduced branching due to 200 ppm gibberelliic acid spray on chrysanthemum was observed by Ravindra (1980). Various concentrations of maleic hydrazide markedly affected the vegetative growth of the seedlings of sweet pea. Maximum average number of laterals was produced in 2000 ppm of maleic hydrazide treatment (Dubey, 1972). Application of maleic hydrazide at 2000 ppm lead to the production of more number of laterals in carnation, as reported by the same scientist. All the treatments of maleic hydrazide at the concentration 500, 1000 and 1500 ppm reduced the plant height and increased the number of branches and number of leaves in African marigold (Narayana Gowda and Jayanthi, 1991). Among the different concentrations of gibberellic acid sprayed (viz., 100, 150 and 200 ppm) to Davana, spray of 200 ppm, five weeks after transplanting registered maximum number of branches compared to other concentrations (Farooqi et al., 1993). In the study of effect of different concentrations of gibberellic acid and maliec hydrazide on primary branches of marigold, only gibberellic acid significantly increased the number of primary branches per plant at 100 ppm. Application of 100 ppm gibberellic acid at 10, 25 and 40 days after transplanting has significantly increased the number of primary branches per plant (17.1) in marigold (Dabas et al., 2001). The effect of maleic hydrazide (500, 750 and 1000 ppm) on the growth and yield of African marigold were determined. Plant height and length of internode decreased, whereas stem diameter and number of branches per plant increased with increasing rates of maleic hydrazide (Khandelwal et al., 2003). Application of gibberellic acid (300 ppm) in ajowan (Trachyspermum ammi L.) increased the plant height and recorded maximum number of secondary and tertiary branches (Krishnamoorthy and Madalageri, 2000). Gowda and Krishnan (1992) studied effect of three concentrations of GA3 on morphological and solasodine content of Solanum viarum Dunal. The results revealed that GA3 treatment at 250 ppm increased the plant height and internodal length at 60 days plant spread was increased at lowest concentration of GA3 (250 pm). GA3 at 100 ppm resulted in maximum plant height and more number of leaves per plant in gladiolus compared to control (Leena Ravidas et al., 1992). GA3 at 200 ppm significantly increased the plant height and number of branches per plant compared to control (Shivaprasad Shetty, 1995). Number of flowers and number of inflorescence

In dianthus, maleic hydrazide, upto 500 ppm concentration, increased the number of days require to flower and thereby decreased the number of flowers per plant (Jauhari and Amarjit, 1964). Maleic hydrazide induced stimulation of laterals, retarded growth of laterals and promoted the production of large number of abnormal flowers. Delay in flowering and reduction in yield due to maleic hydrazide application was observed in flowering annuals (Sen and Sen, 1968). Gibberellic acid treatment at concentration of 50, 100 or 200 ppm increased the flower size as well as flower number in chrysanthemum (Sen and Maharana, 1972). In China aster (Callistephus chinensis), maleic hydrazide at 500, 750 or 1000 ppm reduced the peduncle length, flower diameter and flower thickness (Reddy and Sulladmath, 1983). Maleic hydrazide at all the concentrations significantly delayed flowering and the delay in commencement of flowering was distinctly more at higher concentrations (Shanmugam et al., 1973). The peduncle length, flower diameter, thickness of flowers and number of flowers were reduced at all the concentrations of maleic hydrazide in the crop chrysanthemum (Narayana Reddy, 1978). Application of maleic hydrazide at 1500 ppm decreased the flower production in marigold and aster (Lal and Mishra, 1986). Gibberellic acid (100 ppm) applied at 30 DAT has resulted in better vegetative growth and advanced flowering in davana compared to different concentrations of TIBA and cycocel

(Purushothama Bhat, 1987). Delay in 50 per cent flowering by the application of maleic hydrazide in chrysanthemum was reported by Nagarjuna et al. (1988). In the study on effect of gibberellic acid and maleic hydrazide on growth, flowering and yield of marigold and china aster, gibberellic acid at 100 and 200 ppm increased the number of flowers per plant, whereas the treatment with maleic hydrazide at 400 ppm suppressed the flowering (Syamal et al., 1990). Gibberellic acid at 500 ppm hastened the days to flowering in marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) (Singh et al., 1996). Maleic hydrazide spray delayed the flowering time in China aster cv. Powder puff mix. Maximum number of days taken for flower bud appearance (120.43 days) was recorded with 1500 ppm maleic hydrazide as against control (108.33 days) (Ashwath, 1994). Gibberellic acid, sprayed at concentrations of 50 and 75 ppm on chrysanthemum, hastened the flowering (Dutta et al., 1993). The percentage of flowering plants increased significantly with the application of gibberellic acid (100 ppm) and the number of flowers per plant was significantly increased in GA3 treated plants over control (Farooqi et al., 1999).

2.1.2 Influence of plant growth regulators on growth parameters

In fenugreek, spraying with growth regulators like gibberellic acid increased the leaf area, leaf area index, leaf number and stem length (Shahine et al., 1992). Singh (2003b) reported that GA3 significantly increased fresh weight of leaf and diameter of flower, however maximum fresh and dry weight of leaf biomass, leaf area index, number and weight of flowers per plant were highest in case of GA3 200 ppm in calendula (Calendula officinalis). Shedeed et al. (1990) reported increased leaf number, leaf area, leaf area index, fresh weight and dry weight in case of sweet basil plant by GA3 application.

2.1.3 Influence of plant growth regulators on yield parameters (Herbage yield)

Biomass yield of Stevia rebaudiana is affected by gibberellic acid. The effect of foliar applied GA3 @ (10, 20 or 50 mg/l) on the growth of stevia was investigated. The best growth was observed in the third harvest in the GA3 at 50 mg/l. Best overall growth was exhibited by the control (Stefanani, 1999). In the study on effect of plant growth regulators on Japanese mint (Mentha arvensis) var MAS-1, fresh herbage yield was noticed to be significantly enhanced by application of GA3 at 40 mg/l in comparison to control (Kewalanand et al., 1993). Analysis of growth and development in Osimum kelimandscharicum revealed that GA3 augmented the herbage yield in all the concentration under experimental studies (Anonymous, 1998). Studies on effect of foliar application of gibberellic acid and maleic hydrazide on sweet basil revealed that GA3 considerably reduced the plant height but increased the herbage yield. MH (100 ppm) greatly increased the number of branches per plant and herbage yield compare to control (Mousa and Emary, 1983).

2.1.4 Influence of plant growth regulators on biochemical parameters (chlorophyll content, total sugar content)
The effect of four concentrations (25, 50, 100 and 150 mg/l) of gibberellic acid (GA3) on the total chlorophyll has been studied by Kanjilal and Singh (1998). They observed that content of chlorophyll increased in the GA3 treated plants over the lower concentration in the crop chamomite (Chamomilla recutita L.) GA3 at higher concentrations on Mentha spicato var. M35-5 caused enhancement in fresh weight biomass, leaf stem ratio, specific leaf weight and chlorophyll content (Singh and Misra, 2001). The foliar application of MH (2000 ppm) increased the chl. b and total chlorophyll content in jasmine leaves (Gowda and Gowda, 1990).In the study of effect of long day and short day length upon the level of total sugars in leaves of stevia. The total sugar content of long day leaves was three times more than the short day leaves (Metivier and viana,1979).

2.2 Influence of Nitrogen on morpho-physiological parameters and flowering

2.2.1 Influence of nitrogen on morphological parameters Plant height and internodal length
Plant height was increased by the application of higher levels of nitrogen. There was 53.1 cm height of safflower plant applied with 40 kg N per ha, but height was reduced at 60 and 80 kg N per ha which was 50.7 and 47.5 cm respectively (Sheelavantar, 1973). The plant height and number of branches were increased with increased levels of nitrogen upto 180 kg per ha in china aster (Maheshwar, 1977). The increase in plant height, number of leaves and yield by the application of higher levels of nitrogen in the crop gaillardia (Raghuraja, 1992). Significant increase in plant height and plant spread in chrysanthemum with the 2 application of 45 g nitrogen along with 45 g per m was reported by Singhlodhi and Tiwari (1993). Increased levels of nitrogen caused increase in plant height and internodal length in chrysanthemum (Ryagi, 1994). Application of N upto 40 g per sq.m. significantly increased the plant height and number of branches in marigold (Arora and Khanna, 1986). In gaillardia the increased N levels from 150 to 250 kg per ha did not increase the plant height (Mokashi, 1988). Plant height was significantly higher at 100 kg per ha of nitrogen in gaillardia (Khimani, 1991). Increased plant height was observed in marigold with higher nitrogen level and medium phosphorus and potassium levels (Kurup, 1986). Higher plant height in marigold was obtained by applying 120 kg N per ha and 90 kg P2O5 per ha (Arulmozhiyan and Pappaiah, 1989). In chrysanthemum, the highest plant height was obtained with 40 g N + 40 g P per sq.m. and the least plant height with no nitrogen (Jayanthi and Gowda, 1988). In the study of effect of farm yard manure, N, P, K and liquid organic fertilizers on Stevia rebaudiana, the plant height and the number of leaves were increased with varying levels of NPK, FYM or a super mineral fertilizer (Buana and Goenadi, 1985). Application of 120 kg nitrogen per hectare resulted in increased plant height, higher total dry matter production and higher leaf area index in sunflower (Megur, 1988). Application of 40 kg N per m2, 40 g P2O5 per m2 increased the height of the plant and yield of marigold plants (Arora and Jaswinder Singh, 1980). In marigold, highest plant height, number of leaves and yield were obtained with the application of 225 kg N + 120 kg P2O5 per ha (Nalawadi, 1982). Dongre (1989) reported increased plant height and dry matter content in marigold at highest N levels. Experimental results of Jinendra (1997) in daisy indicated that plant receiving nitrogen at the rate of 200 kg per ha recorded maximum plant height (54.86 cm) and more number of branches. Rupinder Kaur and Ramesh Kumar (1998) observed that application of nitrogen at 30 g per sq.m (300 kg/ha) increased the plant height of pansy. Plant height and leaf number increased with various levels of NPK in stevia (Buana and Goenade, 1985). Number of leaves and number of branches

There was gradual increase in number of branches in early cultivars of snapdragone when nitrogen was increased from 0-40 g per bushel of soil (Arthur and Hedley, 1976). In carnations, increasing levels of N (0-20 g/m2) significantly increased the number of branches, 2 whereas increasing levels of P and K (0-40 g/m ) did not show any effect on number of branches (Mukhopadhyay and Sadhu, 1988). Maximum number of leaves was obtained when nitrogen was applied at the rate of 100 kg per ha in giallardia (Khimani, 1991). The number of leaves in calendula plants was significantly increased with increasing levels of Nitrogen (Sigedar et al., 1991). In cosmos, the number of leaves increased with increasing levels of nitrogen and phosphorus. Maximum

number of leaves were obtained with a treatment combination of 20 g N + 10 g P per m (Jana and Pal, 1991). Application of nitrogen 150 kg per ha resulted in more number of leaves in Helichrysum (Sharanabasappa, 1990).

The number of branches and plant spread increased with increased dose of N upto 40 kg per ha, whereas P and K did not influence these characters in safflower (Girase et al., 1975). Mukundan (1972) at Coimbatore did not notice any influence of nitrogen on plant height and stem girth in two sunflower varieties, but significant increase was noticed in the number of leaves per plant, leaf area index and dry matter at flowering and maturity stages. Comparison of FYM at 0, 100 or 200 g per plant, NPK (28.75 : 9.38 : 10.00) at 0, 1.2 or 2.4 g per plant and liquid organic fertilizers as 200 ml solution at 0, 5 or 10 per cent (v/v) plant was made. Plant growth and leaf number per plant were increased by FYM and liquid fertilizer, the best calculated results being obtained at 175 g per plant and 6.25 per cent, liquid fertilizer per plant respectively and NPK had no effect (Geonadi, 1985). Application of 150 kg N, 120 kg P2O5 and 60 kg K2O per ha to Gaint Double African orange marigold gave significant increase in spread of the plants, stem thickness, number of branches and leaf area index (Ingawale, 1979). Chrysanthemum plants grew taller (118.89 cm) with more of primary and secondary branches (34.47 and 182.98 respectively) and took fewer days for flowers to open (25.55) when 200 kg N was applied (Belgaonkar et al., 1996). The plant height and spread were 2 2 maximum with 45 g N/m while, the number of branches was maximum with 35 g N/m . Number of flowers and number of inflorescence

Nitrogen has no influence on time taken for 50 per cent flowering in china aster (Maheshwar, 1977). The number of days required for flower bud opening in cosmos increased significantly with higher levels of nitrogen. While phosphorus had no marked effect (Jana and Pal, 1991). Lower yields in chrysanthemum due to excess application of nitrogen (beyond 330 kg N/ha) was reported by Johnson (1976). In aster, the reduction in flower size and stem length was observed due to excess N application. Application of optimum levels of nitrogen is essential for getting higher yields (Gruise and Joiner, 1961). In marigold, application of N upto 2 2 40 g/m significantly delayed flowering, but further increase in N upto 60 g/m did not result in delayed flowering (Arora and Khanna, 1986). Delayed flowering was associated with higher rates of nitrogen application above 100 kg per ha in chrysanthemum (Wordsworth and Butters, 1973). The application of fertilizers resulted in early flowering of safflower when compared to unfertilized one (Ganga, 1981). Singhlodhi et al. (1990) reported delay in first flower bud initiation and days to complete flowering with increasing N rates. Anuradha et al. (1990) reported that, number of flowers per plant, number of petals per plant and the individual weight of single flower increased with increasing N rates. Tripathi and Kalra (1981) noticed delay in flower bud initiation and flower opening in sunflower due to the application of higher levels of nitrogen (120 kg N/ha). However, the application of phosphorus and potassium significantly reduced the time taken for flower opening. In marigold, delay in commencement of flowering with the application of increased nitrogen of 225 kg N per ha was observed by Nalawadi (1982). The application of higher dose of nitrogen (250 kg/ha) advances the initiation of flowering and days to 50 per cent flowering over the lower dose of nitrogen (150 kg/ha) in chrysanthemum (Rachayanavar, 1983). In contrary, Shyam (1986) noticed the delayed flower initiation (42.37 days) in marigold with the application of higher dose of nitrogen (275 kg/ha) and early flower initiation (36 days) with 225 kg N per ha. Mantur (1988) also observed delay in days to 50 per cent flowering (77 days) in aster with higher NPK (240:180:125 kg/ha) over the lower dose of NPK 120:60:75 kg per ha (71 days).

2.2.2 Influence of nitrogen on growth parameters

The increasing levels of nitrogen from 180 to 300 kg per ha increased the flower yields in China aster but the increase in the yield was not significant. Plant growth analysis revealed higher leaf area (LA), leaf area index (LAI), total dry matter production, crop growth rate (CGR), relative growth rate (RGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR) in plants supplied with 290 kg N per ha (Vijaykumar et al., 1988). Increased leaf area, leaf area index and total dry matter production with increasing levels of nitrogen from 0-150 kg per ha in helichrysum was reported by Sharanabasappa (1990). Maximum leaf area and leaf area index by the application of 120 kg per ha in china aster (Ramachandra, 1982). The leaf area of a plant is greatly dependent on mineral nutrition and dry matter accumulation in leaves of marigold (Nalawadi, 1982). Linear increase in dry matter production is observed with the increase in nitrogen level from 75 to 225 kg per ha in marigold. With the increase in nitrogen application there was increased plant height, branching, plant spread, leaf area index and leaf area duration in marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Application of N upto 40 g per sq.m. significantly increased the plant height and number of branches in marigold (Arora and Khanna, 1986). Hugar (1997) reported an increase in plant height, number of branches, number of leaves, leaf area, total dry matter production, LAI, LAD, CGR and NAR with increased nitrogen application from 50 to 100 kg per ha in gaillardia. Patil (1998) obtained higher plant height, significantly higher number of leaves suckers, LAI, LAD, CGR and total dry matter production in daisy by application of 150 kg N per ha.

2.2.3 Influence of nitrogen on yield parameter (Herbage yield)

Murayama et al. (1980) reported that application of higher dose of NPK resulted in better growth rate and dry leaf yield than application of lower dose. However, Lee et al. (1980) opined that nitrogen at increased rates did not effect significantly, plant height, number of branches and number of internodes but the dry leaf yield was best when higher dose of each nutrient was applied. Shock (1982) concluded that increased leaf yield resulted from the moderate application of nitrogen fertilizer in stevia. Application of nitrogen at 74.6 kg/ha with micronutrient solution foliar sprays showed highest fresh weight yield of 7117 kg/ha in Stevia (Zhao, 1985). Angkapradipta et al. (1986) reported that increased rates of nitrogen increased the plant nitrogen content and reduced soil P, K, Ca and Mg. Nitrogen at 1 g per plant significantly increased foliage fresh and dry matter production and the fresh weight of roots in the crop stevia. Growth and yield significantly increased with increasing rates of N : P : K upto 40 : 20 :30 kg/ha. However, with increasing N : P : K upto 60 : 30 :45 kg per ha exhibited marginal increase in growth and yield (Chalapathi et al., 1999).


Effect of growth regulatorsand nitrogen reduction of flowering In Stevia

The study of effect of nitrogen and gibberellic acid combinations on basil growth was conducted to assess the impact of GA3 with substrate applied nitrogen on biomass production in ocimum. GA3 and nitrogen affected the plant height, leaf number and shoot fresh weight. At 100 ppm of GA3, increases upto 92, 71 and 59 per cent of leaf number, height and fresh weight respectively were observed with treatments of 0.4 g N per litre compared with 0.2 g nitrogen per litre (Santos et al., 1979). A field experiment was conducted to study the response of foliar application of nitrogen and GA3 on the growth and flowering of carnation. The greatest plant height (65.9 cm) was obtained with the application of 1000 ppm nitrogen per week and 1000 ppm GA3 twice. GA3 (50 ppm) resulted in the production of the largest buds (1.83 cm), flowering was fast with the application of 500 ppm nitrogen per week and with 50 ppm GA3 (Verma et al., 2003).


A field experiment was conducted during March 2005 to study the Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on regulation of flowering in stevia. The details of materials used and the experimental techniques adopted during the course of investigation are described below.


Experimental site

The field experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad which is situated at 1512 N latitude 75 E longitude and 7 at an altitude of 678 m above the mean sea level. The experiment was laid out in plot number 125 of E block on medium black soils.



The Main Research Station of University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad is situated in Northern Transitional Tract (Zone-8) of Karnataka state. The meteorological data of previous 54 years and the year of investigation recorded at the meteorological observatory, Main Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad are presented in Table 1.


Soil characteristics

The experimental site consisted of black clay loam soil. Composite soil samples were collected from experimental site and analysed for various physical and chemical properties and presented in Table 2.


Previous crop
The previous crop taken was groundnut.


Experimental design

3.5.1 Design and layout

The experiment was laid out in randomized block design (2 factors) with twelve treatments in three replications, considering nitrogen as first factor and growth regulators as second factor. The plan of layout of the experiment is given in Fig. 1.

3.5.2 Treatment details

Growth regulators GO G1 G2 G3 : No growth regulator : Gibberellic acid (GA3) @ 500 ppm : Maliec hydrazide (MH) @ 1000 ppm : 5 fluro uracil (5 FU) @ 10 M

Nitrogen levels NO N1 N2 : RDF (100:50:50 NPK/ha) : RDF + 50% N : RDF + 100% N

(K and P are applied as per RDF only)

Plate 1: General view of the stevia experimental plot

Treatment combinations T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 T9 T10 T11 T12 : G0N0 : G1N0 : G2N0 : G3N0 : G0N1 : G1N1 : G2N1 : G3N1 : G0N2 : G1N2 : G2N2 : G3N2

: 4 x 3 = 12

3.5.3 Other treatment details

Design Replications Plot size Gross plot size : 2.7 m2 Net plot size Spacing No. of plants per plot : 97.2 m

: Randomized Block Design (2 factors) : Three

: 30 x 30 cm : 50 plants.

3.5.4 Description : Stevia

Stevia is a slender perennial herb bearing number of leaves with a delicious and refreshing taste and bear small flowers. It is a short day plant forming numerous head or capitulum type of inflorescence. There are no named varieties available under this crop so far (Hand Book of Agriculture, IARI).



3.6.1 Land preparation

The land was prepared by deep ploughing and harrowing and the soil was brought to a fine tilth.


Growth regulators


No growth regulator


Gibberellic acid (500 ppm)


Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M)

G3 : N

Nitrogen levels




50 per cent nitrogen


100 per cent nitrogen




Fig. 1. Plan of layout of experimental site

Table 1. Monthly meteorological data for the experimental year (kharif, 2005) and the mean of past 54 years (1950-2004) as recorded at the Meteorological Observatory, Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad (Karnataka)


Rainfall (mm) 2005 Mean* 0.08 1.14 0.14 48.88 80.45 109.86 148.33 96.09 102.21 130.15 32.11 53.51 802.52

Temperature (C) Mean maximum 2005 29.9 33.4 36.0 36.3 37.0 30.9 27.4 27.1 27.5 29.6 29.4 28.9 Mean* 29.61 32.52 36.49 37.38 33.66 28.84 29.17 27.00 28.58 30.09 30.19 29.39 Mean minimum 2005 12.9 14.8 18.9 21.3 21.5 21.4 21.5 20.4 20.3 19.1 14.9 13.1 Mean* 14.67 16.37 19.59 19.83 21.40 21.50 21.01 20.30 19.91 18.41 15.88 12.51

Relative humidity (%) 2005 52 62 42 53 55 76 83 81 85 70 51 53 Mean* 63 51 56 76 66 81 87 86 82 76 68 63

January February March April May June July August September October November December Total

0 0 0 75.0 29.4 151.0 290.2 138.8 194.5 89.4 38.0 0.0 1006.3

*Mean of 54 years (1950-2004)

Table 2. Physical and chemical properties of the soil of the experimental site


Value obtained

Method employed

I. a.

Physical properties Mechanical composition Coarse sand (%) Fine sand (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) Textural class 5.80 14.20 28.00 51.90 Clay loam

Hydrometer method (Piper, 1966) Hydrometer method (Piper, 1966) Hydrometer method (Piper, 1966) Hydrometer method (Piper, 1966)


Bulk density (g cm )


Core sample method (Dastane, 1967)


Chemical properties Total nitrogen (%) Available phosphorus (kg/ha) Available potassium (kg/ha) Soil pH (1:2.5, soil : water) Organic carbon (%) 0.056 42.00 325.00 7.50 0.76 Subbiah and Asija (1956) Olsens method (Jackson, 1967) Flame photometer (Jackson, 1967) pH meter (Piper, 1966) Wet oxidation method (Jackson, 1967)

3.6.2 Planting
30 days old saplings raised from shoot cuttings were planted as per the recommended spacing 30 x 30 cm.

3.6.3 Fertilizer application

Recommended dose of fertilizer was 100 kg N, 50 kg P and 50 kg K. Half of nitrogen and entire dose of P and K was given as basal dose and remaining N was applied after 30 days of transplanting.

3.6.4 After care

Irrigation was given at regular intervals. The first weeding was done one month after planting and subsequently each at fortnight interval to keep the plots free from weeds.

3.6.5 Harvesting
The crop was harvested after 3 months of transplanting. It was harvested by leaving 5-8 cm stem from the ground to facilitate the regeneration. Three plants from each plot were uprooted for yield parameters and herbage yield was recorded per plot and calculated on hectare basis.


Collection of experimental data

Three plants were randomly selected from each plot and were tagged for recording various morphological observations at different stages.


Morphological parameters Plant height

Plant height was recorded from base of the plant to the tip of main shoot of plant at 30, 60 and 90 days after planting. In each plot, three plants were selected and mean height was calculated and expressed in cm. Number of leaves per plant

Total number of leaves was estimated by counting the leaf from top to bottom of the plant and was expressed as number per plant. Number of branches per plant

The number of branches per plant was counted from three plants at 30, 60 and 90 DAP and the mean was expressed as number of branches per plant. Number of inflorescence per plant

The number of inflorescence per plant was counted from three plants at 60 and 90 DAP and mean was expressed as number of inflorescence per plant. Number of flowers per inflorescence

The total number of flowers per inflorescence was counted from three plants at 60 and 90 DAP and mean was expressed as number of flowers per inflorescence per plant. Number of flowers per plant

The number of flowers per plant was counted from three plants at 60 and 90 DAP and mean was expressed as number of flowers per plant. Internodal length

The length between the two nodes was recorded from main shoot of plant at 30, 60 and 90 DAP. In each plot, three plants were selected and mean internodal length was calculated and expressed in cm.

3.7.2 Biochemical parameters Chlorophyll content

The chlorophyll content was estimated at 30, 60 and 90 days after planting. 0.25 g of fresh tissues were cut into small pieces and homogenized with pure acetone in a mortor with pestle. The supernatant was decanted through a Whatman No. 42 filter paper into a 25 ml volumetric flask. 80 per cent acetone was added to the residue in a mortar and extraction was repeated until the residue was decolourized. The volume was made up to 25 ml with 80 per cent acetone. The absorbance was read at 645, 652 and 663 nm in uv-vis spectrophotometer (ELICO, 159). Total chlorophyll, chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b content were calculated using the formula given by Arnon (1949) and expressed in mg per gram fresh weight. V Chlorophyll a = 12.7 (A663) - 2.69 (A645) x 1000 x W x a V Chlorophyll b = 22.9 (A645) - 4.68 (A663) x 1000 x W x a V Total chlorophyll = Chlorophyll a + Chlorophyll b =27.8 (A652) x 1000 x W x a where, A V w a = Absorbance of the specific wave length (645, 652, 663 nm)

= Final volume of the chlorophyll extract (ml) = Fresh weight of the sample (g) = Path length of light (1 cm) Total sugars

Total sugar content in the sample is estimated by hydrolyzing the non-reducing sugars to reducing sugars and then estimated in Nelson-Somogyis method for the reducing sugars.

Hydrolysis of non-reducing sugars

Pipette out 0.2 ml of sample aliquot in a test tube and add 0.8 ml of distilled water. Then add 1 ml of 1N HCl and heat the contents on hot water bath for 10 minutes. After cooling, neutralize the left out HCl with 0.1 N NaOH using phenolphthalein indicator. Make up the volume of the content to 5 ml with distilled water. This forms the aliquat for estimating sugars which indicates total sugar content.

Pipette out into a series of labeled test tubes, suitable aliquots of working standard and make up the volume to 1 ml with distilled water in all the tubes. Maintain a reagent blank with 1 ml distilled water. Add freshly prepared alkaline copper reagent to all the tubes

including reagent blank and place them in boiling water bath for exactly 20 minutes. Cool under the tap without shaking and add 1 ml of arsenomolybdate reagent with immediate mixing till effervescence die. Make up the volume to 10 ml with distilled water and read the absorbance at 510 nm.

3.7.3 Growth Parameters Total dry matter

The selected plant was uprooted from soil and the whole plant was divided into leaves and stem and dried in oven for 15 hrs at 60C and total weight of leaves and stem was weighed on balance in grams. Leaf area

Leaf area was measured by leaf disc method as suggested by Vivekanandan et al. (1972). Twenty leaf discs of known size were taken using the cork borer from two plants. Both discs and leaves were oven dried at 75-80C and leaf area was calculated by using the formula at different states of crop growth. Wa x A LA = --------------Wd Where, LA = Leaf area (dm /plant) Wa = Weight of all leaves (inclusive of 20 discs weight) in grams Wd = Weight of discs (g) A = Area of disc.
2 Leaf area index (LAI)

LAI was calculated by dividing the leaf area per plant by the land area occupied by the plant (Sestak et al., 1972). Leaf area LAI = --------------Land area Leaf area ratio (LAR)

The leaf area ratio was worked out by the formula of Radford (1967) and expressed 2 as cm /g Leaf area (cm /plant) LAR = --------------------------------Total dry matter (g/plant)
2 Leaf area duration (LAD)

Leaf area duration is the integral of leaf area index over a growth period (Watson, 1952). LAD for various growth periods was worked out as per formula of Power et al. (1967) and expressed in days. Li + L(i+1) LAD = 2 x t2 t1

Where, Li L(i +1) = LAI at i



= LAI at (i+1)


t2 t1= Time interval between in days. Specific leaf area (SLA)

The inverse of specific leaf weight is the specific leaf area and was calculated as follows : Leaf area (cm2) SLA = ------------------------Leaf dry weight (g) Specific leaf weight (SLW)

The specific leaf weight (g cm-2) indicates the leaf thickness and was determined by the following formula Leaf dry weight (g) SLW = ------------------------Leaf area (cm2) Absolute growth rate (AGR) (g plant-1 day-1)

It expresses the increasing dry weight per plant in unit time and was calculated by -1 -1 using the following formula (Radford, 1967) and expressed as g plant day . W 2 W1 AGR Where, W1 = Total dry weight of the plant (g) at time t1 W2 = Total dry weight of the plant (g) at time t2 t2 t1 = Time interval in days. = t2 t 1 Net assimilation rate (NAR)

Net assimilation rate is the rate of dry weight increased per unit leaf area per unit time. It was calculated by following the formula of Radford (1967) and expressed as mg cm-2 -1 day . W 2 W1 NAR Where, A1 and W 1 = = t2 t1

(logeA2 logeA1) x A2 A1

Leaf area (cm ) and total dry weight of plant (g), respective at time t1


An experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station, Dharwad to study the influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on regulation of flowering in stevia during summer, 2005. The results of the experiment are presented in this chapter.


Morphological parameters

4.1.1 Plant height (cm)

The data on plant height recorded at 30, 60 and 90 days after planting (DAP) as influenced by growth regulators, nitrogen and their interactions are presented in Table 3. The plant height increased continuously from 30 to 90 DAP in all the treatments and differed significantly at all the stages except at 30 DAP. At 60 DAP, among growth regulators, GA3 (500 ppm) recorded maximum plant height (58.9) which differed significantly with 5 fluro uracil -3 (10 M) and maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm). These treatments did not differ significantly with each other and with control. However, MH (1000 ppm) recorded minimum plant height. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen was on par with 50 per cent nitrogen which were significantly higher over RDF. Among interactions, there were no significant differences between the treatments. A similar trend was noticed between the treatments at 90 DAP also.

4.1.2 Number of leaves

The data on number of leaves presented in Table 4 indicated significant differences between the treatments except at 30 DAP and it increased from 30 to 90 DAP. Among growth regulator treatments, the maximum number of leaves were obtained with MH (1000 ppm) which was significantly superior over all other growth regulator treatments. While, GA3 (500 ppm) recorded significantly lower number of leaves (367.9) which was found to be on par with no growth regulator treatment (370.6). With regard to nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen was found statistically superior (414.7) over 50 per cent nitrogen (385.4) and RDF (371.4). Among the interactions, the best treatment was MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen which recorded significantly maximum number of leaves (472.2) followed by MH (1000 ppm ) + RDF (426.3). The treatments with no growth regulators + 100 per cent nitrogen (422.9) and MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen were found to be on par with each other. There were no significant difference between 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen -3 (386.8), GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (377.1), 5 fluro uracil (10 M) + 50 per cent nitrogen (374.8), GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (367.4) and GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF (359.1). However, these treatments differed significantly with the no growth regulator treatment (300.0). The similar trends was followed at 90 DAP.

4.1.3 Number of branches

The data on number of branches per plant at 30, 60 and 90 DAP as influenced by different treatment combinations presented in Table 5 indicated significant differences between the treatments, except at 30 DAP. At 60 DAP, growth regulators had significant effect on number of branches per plant where MH (1000 ppm) recorded maximum number of branches (23.8) followed by 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) (18.4) and GA3 (500 ppm) (17.9). These treatments differed significantly with no growth regulators (13.7). Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen (20.7) exhibited maximum number of branches which differed significantly with 50 per cent nitrogen (16.9) and with RDF (17.2). Interaction of growth regulators and nitrogen also exhibited significant differences on the number of branches where the highest number of branches (30.3) was noticed with MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent -3 nitrogen followed by MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (26.2) and 5-fluro uracil (10 M) + 50 per cent -3 nitrogen (19.3) and 5-fluro uracil (10 M) + RDF (19.1) were found to be on par with each other. The remaining treatments viz., GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (17.9), no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen (17.0), GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF (16.7) and no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen (15.0) were found to be on par with each other but differed significantly with the control (G0NO) (9.1).

Table 3. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on plant height (cm) in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) 19.8 19.3 19.7 18.9 19.40

30 DAP N1 20.6 19.4 19.9 19.5 19.9 N2 19.0 18.9 19.4 19.3 19.1 Mean 19.8 19.1 19.7 19.2 19.5 N0 40.8 55.3 40.9 42.7 44.9

60 DAP N1 45.0 59.8 43.1 46.1 48.5 N2 48.2 61.7 43.5 47.7 50.3 Mean 44.7 58.9 42.5 45.5 47.9 N0 62.4 120.8 64.4 76.2 80.9 N1

90 DAP N2 79.9 126.3 73.2 78.9 89.5 Mean 72.7 123.9 71.5 77.2 86.3

75.9 124.7 76.7 76.6 88.5


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.39 0.34 0.67

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

0.85 0.73 1.47

2.50 2.16 NS

1.87 1.62 3.25

5.50 4.77 NS

Table 4. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on number of leaves in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 66.0 66.2 68.7 64.8 66.4

30 DAP N1 66.3 65.2 70.0 67.8 67.3 N2 63.4 65.8 65.0 69.7 65.9 Mean 62.2 65.7 67.9 67.4 66.6 N0 300.0 359.1 426.3 400.3 371.4

60 DAP N1 389.0 367.4 410.3 374.8 385.4 N2 422.5 377.8 472.2 386.8 414.7 Mean 370.6 367.9 436.3 387.3 390.5 N0 895.5 917.2 978.0 945.3 934.0

90 DAP N1 955.3 957.7 961.9 953.9 957.2 N2 967.7 949.7 997.7 957.2 968.0 Mean 939.5 941.5 979.1 952.1 953.0


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.96 0.83 1.67

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

4.91 4.25 8.50

14.4 12.4 24.9

2.49 2.16 4.32

7.31 6.33 12.67

Table 5. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on number of branches in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) 4.7 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.4

30 DAP N1 5.4 3.9 6.3 4.6 5.0 N2 5.8 5.1 4.3 4.6 5.0 Mean 5.3 4.9 5.4 4.9 5.1 N0 9.1 16.7 26.2 19.1 17.8

60 DAP N1 15.0 17.9 14.9 20.0 16.9 N2 17.0 19.3 30.3 16.3 20.7 Mean 13.7 17.9 23.8 18.4 18.5 N0 41.3 59.5 69.4 56.2 56.6 N1

90 DAP N2 60.2 63.4 66.9 58.8 62.3 Mean 54.0 61.0 66.0 57.5 59.7

60.8 60.3 61.9 57.4 60.0


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.34 0.30 0.60

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

0.48 0.42 0.84

1.43 1.24 2.48

2.23 1.93 3.86

6.54 NS NS

At 90 DAP, only growth regulator treatments exhibited significant differences between them where the highest number of branches (66.0) was recorded in MH (1000 ppm) followed by GA3 (500 ppm) (61.0). However, no significant differences were observed between the nitrogen treatments and interaction between nitrogen and growth regulators.

4.1.4 Internodal length (cm)

It is evident from Table 6 that internodal length increased from 30 DAP to harvest. Growth regulators showed significant effect on internodal length GA3 (500 ppm) showed highest internodal length (6.76 cm) which was significantly higher over MH (1000 ppm) (3.51 cm), 5-fluro uracil (10-3 M) (4.00 cm) and no growth regulator (3.68 cm) treatments. While, the lowest internodal length which was on par with control. With regard to nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded highest internodal length (4.66 cm) followed by 50 per cent nitrogen (4.45 cm) which differed significantly with each other and with the RDF (4.23 cm). Among the interactions, the highest internodal length was recorded in GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (6.76 cm) followed by GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (6.63 cm) and GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF (6.43 cm) which were found to be significantly higher over the other treatments. However, no significant differences between the treatments MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (3.53 cm), MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (3.60 cm) and MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (3.40) were observed. At 90 DAP, the similar trend was followed as that of 60 DAP.

4.1.5 Number of flowers

The data on number of flowers per plant at 60 and 90 DAP as influenced by different treatments presented in Table 7 indicated significant differences between the treatments except 30 DAP, where there was no flowering. At 60 DAP, among growth regulator treatments, no flowering was observed in MH (1000 ppm) treatment. More number of flowers were recorded in GA3 (500 ppm) (64.0) followed by 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) (40.2) which were significantly superior over others. Maximum number of flowers were noticed in no growth regulator (95.6) which was significantly higher compared to all other treatments. Nitrogen treatments also showed significant influence on number of flowers per plant. The treatment RDF recorded significantly higher number of flowers (86.00) per plant over 50 per cent nitrogen (35.5) and 100 per cent nitrogen (28.3). The interaction effect also differed significantly for number of flowers per plant. The treatment combination of GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (59.3) and no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen (58.7) were found to be on par with each other. While, control recorded maximum number of flowers (206.7) followed by GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF (82.5) which differed significantly with each other. Considerably lesser number of flowers were observed in no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen (21.5) which was found to be -3 on par with 5-fluro uracil (10 M) + 50 per cent nitrogen (24.1). There were no significant differences between the treatments G3NO 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + RDF (55.1), G1N2 - GA3 -3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (50.3), G3N2 5-fluro uracil (10 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen. The similar trend was observed between the treatments at 90 DAP except considerable flowering was observed in the treatments MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (771.3) which has recorded lesser number of flowers followed by MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (791.0) which were found to be on par with each other. These treatments differed significantly with control (G0N0) which had significantly highest number of flowers over other treatments.

Table 6. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on internodal length (cm) in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) 2.50 2.83 2.73 2.50 2.64

30 DAP N1 2.63 3.23 2.50 2.50 2.71 N2 2.73 3.16 2.63 2.30 2.70 Mean 2.62 3.07 2.62 2.43 2.68 N0 3.16 6.43 3.40 3.93 4.23

60 DAP N1 3.66 6.63 3.53 4.00 4.45 N2 4.23 6.76 3.60 4.06 4.66 Mean 3.68 6.76 3.51 4.00 4.45 N0 3.73 6.80 3.63 4.40 4.64 N1

90 DAP N2 3.86 6.73 3.86 4.06 4.63 Mean 3.88 6.91 3.76 4.87 4.86

4.06 7.20 3.80 6.16 5.30


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.107 0.184 0.215


0.07 0.06 0.12

0.21 0.18 0.37

0.14 0.12 0.24

0.41 0.35 0.71

NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

Table 7. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on number of flowers in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN 206.7 82.5 0.0 55.1 86.0 N1

60 DAP N2 21.5 50.3 0.00 41.3 28.3 Mean 95.6 64.0 0.0 40.2 50.0 N0 1041.5 951.5 771.3 940.5 926.2 N1

90 DAP N2 834.3 919.8 791.0 880.3 856.4 Mean 912.8 928.7 803.5 910.4 888.9

58.7 59.3 0.0 24.1 35.5

862.6 914.8 848.3 910.5 884.0


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

2.27 1.96 3.93

6.65 5.76 11.53 NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

10.97 9.50 19.01

32.19 27.88 55.76

G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M)

Table 8. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on number of inflorescence in stevia Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) 37.0 16.5 0.0 11.0 16.1 S.Em N1 13.0 11.9 0.0 4.8 7.4 60 DAP N2 4.3 10.0 0.0 8.3 5.6 CD (5%) Mean 18.1 12.8 0.0 8.0 9.7 N0 208.3 190.3 154.3 188.0 185.2 S.Em N1 172.5 183.0 169.7 182.1 176.8 90 DAP N2 166.9 184.0 158.2 176.0 171.3 Mean 182.6 185.7 160.7 182.0 177.7 CD (5%)

0.70 0.60 1.21 NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen

2.06 1.78 3.57

2.19 1.90 3.80

6.44 5.58 11.16

4.1.6 Number of inflorescence

The results obtained due to the effect of growth regulators, nitrogen and their interactions on number of influrescences per plant at 60 and 90 DAP are presented in Table 8. Growth regulator treatments showed significant effect on number of inflorescence per plant at 60 and 90 DAP. Significantly higher number of inflorescence was recorded in no growth -3 regulator followed by GA3 (500 ppm) (12.8) and 5 fluro uracil (10 M) (8.0) which also differed significantly with each other. However, in the treatment MH (1000 ppm), there was no inflorescence. The interactions (growth regulator and nitrogen) also differed significantly with each other for number of inflorescence per plant. The treatment combination G1N0 GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF) recorded more number of inflorescence (16.5) followed by 50 per cent nitrogen in absence of growth regulator (13.0), GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (11.9) and 5 fluro -3 uracil (10 M) + RDF (11.0) which were found to be on par with each other. Considerably, less number of inflorescence was observed in the treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen without -3 growth regulator (4.3) followed by 5-fluro uracil (10 M) + 50 per cent nitrogen (4.8) which were found to be on par with each other. No inflorescence was observed in MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen, MH + 100 per cent nitrogen and MH (1000 ppm) + RDF. At 90 DAP, considerably lesser number of inflorescences were recorded in MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (154.3) followed by MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (158.2) which were found to be on par with each other but significantly differed with other treatments and with the control (G0N0), which has recorded maximum number of inflorescences (208.3). Remaining treatments had the similar trend as 60 DAP.

4.1.7 Number of flowers/inflorescence

There were no differences obtained in the number of flowers per inflorescence per plant among the different treatments.


Growth parameters

4.2.1 Leaf dry weight (g/plant)

The leaf dry weight increased from 30 to 90 DAP in all the treatments and differed significantly in all the stages, except at 30 DAP (Table 9). At 60 DAP growth regulators showed significant effect on leaf dry weight. Among growth regulators, MH (1000 ppm) recorded maximum leaf dry weight (25.81) which was superior over 5 fluro uracil (22.72) and GA3 (20.64). While, GA3 (500 ppm) recorded significantly lower leaf dry weight, which was found to be on par with no growth regulator treatment (21.98). Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded higher leaf dry weight (24.54) followed by 50 per cent nitrogen (22.95). These treatments differed significantly with each other and with the RDF (20.85). Interactions of growth regulators and nitrogen also exhibited significant effect on leaf dry weight per plant. The best treatment was MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (27.20) followed by 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen (26.36) and MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (25.53). These treatments were found to be on par with each other. The lower leaf dry weight was recorded in 5-fluro uracil (10-3 M) + RDF (18.16) followed by control (20.30). These treatments differed significantly with each other. There was no significant difference between the treatments GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF (19.53) and GA3 + 50 per cent nitrogen (20.96). The treatments no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen (22.50) and no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen (23.16) were found to be on par with each other. The similar trend was followed at 90 DAP also.

Table 9. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf dry weight in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 2.30 2.40 2.63 2.47 2.45

30 DAP N1 2.59 2.53 2.60 2.56 2.57 N2 2.67 2.63 2.82 2.58 2.67 Mean 2.52 2.52 2.68 2.53 2.56 N0 20.30 19.53 25.53 18.16 20.88

60 DAP N1 22.50 20.96 24.70 23.63 22.95 N2 23.16 21.43 27.20 26.36 24.54 Mean 21.98 20.64 25.81 22.72 22.79 N0 48.06 47.30 56.13 44.66 49.04

90 DAP N1 50.86 48.40 53.50 52.43 51.30 N2 51.40 50.03 56.76 56.06 53.56 Mean 50.11 48.57 55.46 51.05 51.30


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.15 0.13 0.26

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

0.23 0.20 0.40

0.68 0.59 1.18

0.36 0.31 0.63

1.06 0.92 1.85

Table 10. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on stem dry weight in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 1.26 1.13 1.33 1.20 1.23

30 DAP N1 1.13 1.13 1.16 1.26 1.17 N2 1.10 1.26 1.26 1.26 1.22 Mean 1.16 1.17 1.25 1.24 1.21 N0 11.53 10.73 15.02 9.26 11.64

60 DAP N1 12.93 11.60 14.70 14.23 13.36 N2 13.36 12.10 16.73 15.70 14.47 Mean 12.61 11.47 15.48 13.06 13.16 N0 25.83 24.80 30.70 22.30 25.90 N1

90 DAP N2 28.80 27.43 33.16 31.96 30.34 Mean 27.46 26.27 31.28 27.83 28.21

27.76 26.60 30.00 29.23 28.40


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.036 0.022 0.055

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

0.29 0.25 0.50

0.85 0.74 1.48

0.18 0.16 0.32

0.55 0.47 0.95

4.2.2 Stem dry weight (g/plant)

The data pertaining to stem dry weight per plant recorded at 30, 60 and 90 DAP are presented in Table 10. Among growth regulator treatments, significantly higher stem dry weight was observed in the treatment MH (15.48) followed by 5 fluro uracil (13.06). These treatments differed significantly with each other. While, GA3 (11.47) which recorded lower stem dry weight differed significantly from no growth regulator treatment (12.61). Among the nitrogen treatments, significant differences were observed between 100 per cent nitrogen (14.47) followed by 50 per cent nitrogen (13.36) and RDF (11.64), which recorded lower stem dry weight. Among the interactions, the best treatment was MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (16.73) which recorded maximum stem dry weight followed by 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen (15.70) and MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (15.02) which were found to be on par with each other. There were no significant differences between the treatments GA3 + RDF (10.73) and GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (11.60). The treatments 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + 50 per cent nitrogen (14.23) was found to be on par with MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (14.70). Overall, the maximum stem dry weight was recorded in the treatment MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen. At 90 DAP, the similar trend was followed.

4.2.3 Total dry weight (g/plant)

Total dry weight increased continuously from 30 DAP to harvest and the treatments differed significantly at all the stages, except at 30 DAP (Table 11). Among growth regulator treatments, MH (1000 ppm) recorded higher total dry weight (41.38) which differed significantly with other treatments, 5 fluro uracil (35.92) and GA3 (32.26). While, GA3 (500 ppm) recorded significantly lower total dry weight compared to all other growth regulator treatments and control. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen was found to be statistically superior (39.14) over 50 per cent nitrogen (36.42) and RDF (32.67), while, RDF recorded minimum total dry weight. Among interactions the best treatment was MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen which recorded maximum total dry weight (44.06) and differed -3 significantly with 5 fluro uracil (10 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen (38.00). The treatments, no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen (36.67) and no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen were found to be on par with each other, but differed significantly with the control (31.98). While, 5 fluro uracil + RDF has recorded significantly lower total dry weight over all other treatments.

4.2.4 Leaf area (dm2/plant)

The data on leaf area presented in Table 12 indicated significant differences between the treatments at all the growth stages, except at 30 DAP. At 60 DAP, among the growth 2 regulator treatments, maximum leaf area (28.00 dm ) was obtained in the treatment MH 2 (1000 ppm) followed by 5 fluro uracil (23.60 dm ) which were found to be on par with control (22.15 dm2). Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen was found to be statistically 2 2 2 superior (26.09 dm ) over 50 per cent nitrogen (23.63 dm ) and RDF (23.63 dm ). Among interactions, leaf area was maximum in the treatment MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (29.87) which was found to be on par with 5 fluro uracil + 100 per cent nitrogen (27.69) and malic hydrazide + 50 per cent nitrogen (26.44) but these treatments differed significantly with 5 fluro uracil + 50 per cent nitrogen (24.21) and 5-fluro uracil (10-3 M) + RDF (18.64 dm2) 2 which was found to be on par with control (19.56 dm ). There were no significant differences between no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen (21.06) and GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (21.63). A similar trend continued between the treatments at 90 DAP also.

4.2.5 Leaf area index

It is evident from Table 13 that leaf area index increased from 30 to 90 DAP. No significant differences between the treatments were observed at 30 DAP At 60 DAP, among growth regulator treatments, the highest leaf area index (3.10) was observed in MH (1000 ppm) followed by 5 fluro uracil (2.61). While, GA3 (500 ppm) (2.26) recorded the lowest leaf

Table 11. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on total dry matter in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 3.68 3.74 4.11 3.82 3.84

30 DAP N1 3.90 3.83 3.88 3.98 3.90 N2 3.97 4.04 4.17 4.00 4.04 Mean 3.85 3.87 4.05 3.93 3.93 N0 31.98 30.42 40.09 27.58 32.67

60 DAP N1 35.57 32.70 39.39 38.00 36.42 N2 36.67 33.66 44.06 42.19 39.14 Mean 34.74 32.26 41.38 35.92 36.08 N0 77.31 72.27 85.32 67.11 75.50 N1

90 DAP N2 80.36 77.46 90.08 88.18 84.02 Mean 78.82 74.98 86.35 79.04 79.80

78.79 75.22 83.65 81.82 79.87


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.14 0.12 0.25


0.27 0.24 0.48

0.81 0.70 1.40

0.66 0.57 1.14

1.94 1.68 3.36

NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

Table 12. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf area (dm2/plant) in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) 3.00 2.09 2.75 2.58 2.61

30 DAP N1 2.25 2.33 3.40 2.51 2.62 N2 4.19 2.26 4.91 2.53 3.47 Mean 3.15 2.23 3.69 2.54 2.90 N0 19.56 18.64 27.69 17.78 20.92

60 DAP N1 22.81 21.06 26.44 24.21 23.63 N2 24.08 21.63 29.87 28.80 26.09 Mean 22.15 20.44 28.00 23.60 23.55 N0 44.39 42.43 52.48 41.25 45.14 N1

90 DAP N2 51.81 46.78 56.08 55.35 52.50 Mean 47.96 44.75 53.56 48.79 48.77

47.70 45.02 52.13 49.78 48.66


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.16 0.18 0.32


0.30 0.26 0.52

0.88 0.76 1.53

0.82 0.71 1.43

2.42 2.09 4.19

NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

Table 13. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf area index (LAI) in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 0.32 0.23 0.30 0.28 0.28

30 DAP N1 0.24 0.25 0.37 0.27 0.28 N2 0.46 0.24 0.54 0.27 0.38 Mean 0.34 0.24 0.40 0.27 0.31 N0 2.17 2.06 3.07 1.97 2.32

60 DAP N1 2.53 2.33 2.93 2.68 2.62 N2 2.67 2.40 3.31 3.19 2.89 Mean 2.45 2.26 3.10 2.61 2.61 N0 4.92 4.71 5.82 4.58 5.01

90 DAP N1 5.29 4.99 5.79 5.51 5.39 N2 5.42 5.19 6.19 6.14 5.73 Mean 5.21 4.96 5.93 5.41 5.38


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.017 0.020 0.034

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

0.03 0.02 0.05

0.09 0.08 0.16

0.07 0.06 0.12

0.20 0.18 0.36

area index followed by no growth regulator, treatment. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded significantly higher leaf area index (2.89) compared to 50 per cent nitrogen (2.62) which differed significantly with each other and with the RDF. Among interactions MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum leaf area index (3.31) followed by 5-fluro uracil + 100 per cent nitrogen (3.19) and MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (3.07). These treatments differed significantly with each other. Significantly lower leaf area index was observed in 5-fluro uracil (10-3 M) + RDF (1.97). There were no significant differences between 5 fluro uracil + 50 per cent nitrogen (2.68) and no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen (2.67) which inturn were on par with MH + RDF (2.53). The treatments GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (2.33) and GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (2.40) were found to be on par with each other. While the other treatments differed significantly among themselves. A similar trend was followed between the treatments at 90 DAP.

4.2.6 Leaf area duration (days)

There was an increase in leaf area duration from 30 to 90 DAP (Table 14). At 60 DAP, growth regulators showed significant effect on leaf area duration. During the time interval between 30 - 60 DAP, significantly higher leaf area duration (52.76) was noticed in MH (1000 ppm) followed by 5-fluro uracil (44.32). These treatments differed significantly with the GA3 (500 ppm) (37.69) which recorded significantly lower leaf area duration compared to all other treatments. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded higher leaf area duration (49.07) followed by 50 per cent nitrogen (43.65). These treatments differed significantly with each other and with the RDF (39.23). Among the interactions at 30 - 60 DAP, significantly higher leaf area duration (57.99) was noticed in MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per -3 cent nitrogen followed by 5-fluro uracil (10 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen (54.39), MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (50.66) and MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (49.67) which differed significantly with each other and with the control (34.57). Lower leaf area duration was -3 observed in 5-fluro uracil (10 M) + RDF which was found to be on par with GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF (34.48). Remaining all other treatments differed significantly with each other and with control, except GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (38.86) and GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (39.73) which were found to be on par with each other. A similar trend was observed at 90 DAP.

4.2.7 Leaf area ratio (cm2/g)

It is evident from Table 15 that leaf area ratio was maximum at 30 DAP and declined considerably at 60 and 90 DAP. Among growth regulator treatments, MH (1000 ppm) -3 recorded maximum leaf area ratio (67.62) followed by 5 fluro uracil (10 M) (65.51). These treatments did not differ significantly with each other, but differed significantly with no growth regulator treatment (63.73). The minimum LAR was recorded with GA3 (500 ppm) (63.30) which inturn was on par with control. No significant differences were observed between the nitrogen treatments and the interaction of N x GR with respect to leaf area ratio. At 90 DAP, there were no significant differences between growth regulator treatments, nitrogen treatments or due to their interactions.

4.2.8 Specific leaf area (cm2/g)

The information on specific leaf area as influenced by various treatments during different growth periods furnished in Table 16 revealed that among growth regulators, maximum specific leaf area was found with MH (108.6) followed by 5 fluro uracil (103.3) and GA3 (99.22). These treatments differed significantly with each other. GA3 (500 ppm) recorded minimum specific leaf area which inturn was found to be on par with no growth regulator treatment. With regard to nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen (105.6) was found to be statistically superior over 50 per cent nitrogen (102.9) which differed significantly with each other and with RDF (100.0). Among interactions, MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (110.0) was found to be -3 statistically superior over 5 fluro uracil (10 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen (109.4), MH (1000

Table 14. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf area duration (days) in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) 37.20 34.48 50.66 34.57 39.23 S.Em 0.38 0.33 0.66 N1

30-60 DAP N2 44.24 39.73 57.94 54.39 49.07 Mean 41.17 37.69 52.76 44.32 43.98 N0 106.50 101.69 133.51 98.30 110.00 S.Em 1.48 1.28 2.57 N1

60-90 DAP N2 121.38 113.97 143.14 140.16 129.66 Mean 115.10 108.56 135.85 120.47 119.99

42.06 38.86 49.67 44.01 43.65

117.41 110.02 130.88 122.97 120.32

CD (5%) 1.12 0.97 1.94

CD (5%) 4.35 3.77 7.54

NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

Table 15. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on leaf area ratio in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 81.40 56.34 65.61 66.99 67.58

30 DAP N1 57.04 59.47 87.46 60.69 66.16 N2 104.58 74.92 115.36 63.05 89.48 Mean 81.01 63.57 89.47 63.58 74.41 N0 61.13 61.24 68.08 64.54 63.75

60 DAP N1 64.11 64.40 67.07 63.73 64.83 N2 65.94 64.25 67.72 68.27 66.54 Mean 63.73 63.30 67.62 65.51 65.04 N0 57.53 58.62 61.69 61.42 59.81 N1

90 DAP N2 60.82 60.38 62.51 63.10 61.70 Mean 59.64 59.59 62.25 61.84 60.83

60.59 59.79 62.55 61.00 60.98


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

3.60 4.16 7.21

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

0.89 0.77 1.54

2.60 NS NS

0.85 0.98 1.70


Table 16. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on specific leaf area in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 130.8 87.1 104.6 104.6 106.8

30 DAP N1 87.2 92.3 130.8 98.1 102.1 N2 156.9 87.2 174.4 98.1 129.1 Mean 124.9 88.9 136.6 100.3 112.7 N0 96.4 95.5 108.5 97.9 99.6

60 DAP N1 101.5 100.5 107.1 102.5 102.9 N2 102.0 101.0 110.0 109.4 105.6 Mean 100.0 99.0 108.6 103.3 102.7 N0 92.5 91.9 102.3 92.3 94.8 N1

90 DAP N2 95.4 94.1 105.3 103.9 99.7 Mean 94.5 93.0 102.0 98.5 97.0

95.8 92.9 98.6 99.3 96.6


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.21 0.26 0.34

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

0.82 0.71 1.42

2.40 2.08 4.16

0.50 0.43 0.87

1.48 1.28 2.57

Table 17. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on specific leaf weight in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) 7.70 11.46 9.56 9.54 9.56

30 DAP N1 11.45 10.79 7.63 10.24 10.02 N2 6.33 11.59 5.72 10.18 8.45 Mean 8.49 11.28 7.64 9.99 9.35 N0 10.29 10.49 8.72 10.20 9.95

60 DAP N1 10.42 9.95 9.34 9.78 9.87 N2 9.61 9.90 9.11 9.16 9.44 Mean 10.14 10.11 9.05 9.71 9.75 N0 10.86 11.16 9.96 10.82 10.70

90 DAP N1 10.51 10.74 10.11 10.21 10.39 N2 10.36 10.66 9.43 9.53 9.99 Mean 10.58 10.85 9.83 10.19 10.36


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.12 0.12 0.24

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

0.15 0.13 0.25

0.43 0.38 NS

0.01 0.01 0.02

0.04 0.04 0.08

Table 18. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on crop growth rate in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 0.038 0.034 0.012 0.008 0.023 S.Em 0.006 0.006 0.011 N1

30-60 DAP N2 0.011 0.010 0.013 0.013 0.012 Mean 0.020 0.018 0.013 0.011 0.015 N0 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.013 0.014 S.Em 0.00 0.00 0.00 N1

60-90 DAP N2 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015 Mean 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.014 0.015

0.011 0.010 0.013 0.011 0.011

0.014 0.014 0.015 0.015 0.014

CD (5%) NS NS NS

CD (5%) NS 0.001 NS

NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

ppm) + RDF (108.5) and MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (107.1) and were on par with each other. Lower specific leaf area was found in GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF (95.5) and it was on par with control (96.4) and 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + RDF (97.9). Remaining treatments failed to show significant differences between themselves. The similar trend was exhibited between the treatments at 90 DAP.

4.2.9 Specific leaf weight (mg/cm2)

Specific leaf weight (SLW) as influenced by different growth regulators and nitrogen treatments presented in Table 17 indicated significant differences between the treatments. Among the treatments, SLW was higher (10.14) with no growth regulator treatment followed by GA3 (10.11) and 5 fluro uracil (9.71). While, lower SLW was recorded with MH (9.05). Among nitrogen treatments, RDF recorded higher SLW (9.95) followed by 50 per cent nitrogen (9.87) and 100 per cent nitrogen (9.44). These treatments differed significantly with each other. The interactions of growth regulators and nitrogen did not show any significant effect on specific leaf weight at 60 DAP. However, at 90 DAP, they showed significant differences between themselves. GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF recorded maximum SLW (11.16) followed by control (10.86) which further differed significantly with each other and were found to be on par with 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + RDF. All the remaining treatments differed significantly with each other and with the control.

4.2.10 Crop growth rate (g/dm2/day)

Information on crop growth rate as influenced by various treatments during different growth periods are furnished in Table 18. No significant differences were obtained between 30-60 DAP, different concentrations of growth regulators, nitrogen and their interactions and with the control. At 60-90 DAP, the same trend was observed, except in nitrogen treatments, where 100 per cent nitrogen (0.015) recorded highest crop growth rate compared to 50 per cent nitrogen (0.014) which was found to be on par with RDF (0.014).

4.2.11 Absolute growth rate (AGR, g/plant/day)

The data on absolute growth rate presented in Table 19 indicated significant differences between the treatments and with the control. At 30-60 DAP among growth regulator treatments, MH (1.23) recorded maximum AGR followed by 5 fluro uracil (1.06). These treatments were found to differ significantly with each other and with no growth regulator treatment (1.02). GA3 (500 ppm) recorded significantly minimum AGR (0.94) which differed significantly with the control. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded significantly higher AGR (1.16) over 50 per cent nitrogen (1.07) both of which further differed significantly with RDF (0.95). Among interactions, higher AGR was recorded in MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (1.32) followed by 5 fluro uracil + 100 per cent nitrogen (1.26) and MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (1.21). These treatments differed significantly with each other and with the control (0.93). GA3 (0.88) recorded the lowest AGR compared to all other treatments. At 60 - 90 DAP, a similar trend was followed except growth regulator treatments where there were no significant differences among themselves.

4.2.12 Net assimilation rate

The data on net assimilation rate recorded at 30-60 DAP and 60-90 DAP as influenced by growth regulators, nitrogen and their interactions are presented in Table 20 indicated significant differences between the treatments except the nitrogen treatments which showed non-significant differences at 30-60 DAP. Among growth regulator treatments, MH (1000 ppm) recorded maximum net assimilation rate (1.15) followed by 5 fluro uracil (1.14)

Table 19. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on absolute growth rate in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 0.93 0.88 1.21 0.79 0.95 S.Em 0.010 0.009 0.018 N1

30-60 DAP N2 1.08 0.98 1.32 1.26 1.16 CD (5%) 0.030 0.026 0.052 Mean 1.02 0.94 1.23 1.06 1.06 N0 1.50 1.39 1.48 1.30 1.42 S.Em 0.022 0.019 0.037 N1

60-90 DAP N2 1.45 1.45 1.53 1.52 1.49 CD (5%) NS 0.055 0.110 Mean 1.46 1.41 1.49 1.43 1.45

1.04 0.96 1.18 1.13 1.07

1.43 1.41 1.47 1.45 1.44

NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

Table 20. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on net assimilation rate in stevia

30-60 DAP Treatments G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) N0 0.95 1.13 1.14 1.12 1.08 S.Em 0.027 0.023 0.047 NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant N1 1.23 1.05 1.14 1.17 1.15 N2 1.00 0.97 1.17 1.13 1.06 CD (5%) 0.079 NS 0.136 Mean 1.06 1.05 1.15 1.14 1.10 N0 0.40 0.38 0.44 0.42 0.41 S.Em 0.011 0.010 0.020 N1

60-90 DAP N2 0.46 0.38 0.47 0.49 0.45 CD (5%) 0.033 0.029 NS Mean 0.41 0.37 0.45 0.42 0.41

0.37 0.36 0.44 0.35 0.38

which were found to be on par with each other. GA3 (500 ppm) recorded lowest net assimilation rate (1.05) which was found to be on par with no growth regulator treatment (1.06). Among nitrogen treatments, no significant differences were observed between the treatments. Among the interactions, no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen (1.23) was the best treatment followed by MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (1.17) and 5 fluro uracil -3 (10 M) + 50 per cent nitrogen (1.17) which were found to be on par with each other. There were no significant differences observed in the remaining treatments except control (0.95) which recorded lower net assimilation rate which was found to be on par with no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen treatment (1.00). At 60-90 DAP time interval the maximum net assimilation rate was recorded with MH (0.45) followed by 5 fluro uracil (0.42) which were found to be on par with each other. The minimum NAR was recorded with GA3 (0.37) which was found to differ significantly with no growth regulator treatment (0.41). Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen was found statistically superior (0.45) over 50 per cent nitrogen (0.38). Among the interactions, no significant differences were recorded between the treatments.


Biochemical parameters

4.3.1 Chlorophyll a content (mg/g fresh weight)

It is evident from Table 21 that the chlorophyll a content did not differ significantly at 30 DAP. At 60 DAP among growth regulators, MH (1000 ppm) recorded maximum chlorophyll a content (0.92) differed significantly with all the other treatments. GA3 (500 ppm) recorded lower chlorophyll a content followed by 5 fluro uracil (0.70). These treatments differed significantly with each other. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen (0.80) recorded higher chlorophyll a content followed by 50 per cent nitrogen (0.78) which were found to be on par with each other. RDF (0.74) recorded significantly lower chlorophyll a content. Among the interactions MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (0.97) recorded maximum chlorophyll a content followed by MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (0.94) and no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen (0.93) which were found to be on par with each other. The treatments MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (0.89) and no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen (0.87) were found to be on par with each other. There were no significant -3 differences between the treatments 5 fluro uracil (10 M) + RDF control and 5 fluro uracil + 50 per cent nitrogen. Significantly lesser chlorophyll a content was observed in the treatment GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (0.60) followed by GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen and 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen which were found to be on par with each other. A similar trend continued between the treatments at 90 DAP also.

4.3.2 Chlorophyll b content (mg/g fresh weight)

The data on chlorophyll b content presented in Table 22 indicated significant differences between the treatments at all the growth stages, except at 30 DAP. At 60 DAP, among the growth regulator treatments, maximum chlorophyll b content (0.46) was obtained in the treatment MH (1000 ppm) followed by 5 fluro uracil (0.40). These treatments differed significantly with each other while, GA3 (500 ppm) which recorded lower chlorophyll b content (0.31) which was found to be on par with no growth regulator treatment (0.35). Among the nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen (0.41) was found to be on par with 50 per cent nitrogen (0.39). RDF recorded significantly lower chlorophyll b content. Among the interactions, the best treatment was MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (0.50) which recorded maximum chlorophyll b content followed by 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + 50 per cent nitrogen (0.45). and MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (0.45) which were found to be on par with each other. The treatment MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (0.44) was found to be on par with 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen (0.43). There were no significant differences between no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen (0.37), no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen (0.34), 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) + RDF (0.34) and control (0.35). Significantly lower chlorophyll b content was observed in GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent

Table 21. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on chlorophyll a content (mg/g fresh weight) in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 0.79 0.77 0.70 0.79 0.76

30 DAP N1 0.89 0.83 0.86 0.83 0.85 N2 0.82 0.89 0.99 0.85 0.89 Mean 0.83 0.83 0.85 0.82 0.83 N0 0.74 0.55 0.94 0.75 0.74

60 DAP N1 0.73 0.62 0.89 0.87 0.78 N2 0.64 0.66 0.97 0.93 0.80 Mean 0.70 0.61 0.92 0.87 0.70 N0 0.94 0.73 1.33 0.93 0.98

90 DAP N1 0.85 0.82 0.91 1.21 0.95 N2 0.94 0.76 1.44 1.40 1.13 Mean 0.91 0.77 1.23 1.18 1.02


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.012 0.054 0.034

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

0.010 0.012 0.021

0.035 0.030 0.061

0.010 0.009 0.017

0.030 0.026 0.051

Table 22. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on chlorophyll b content in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 0.46 0.43 0.32 0.43 0.41

30 DAP N1 0.46 0.38 0.43 0.47 0.43 N2 0.41 0.45 0.51 0.42 0.45 Mean 0.44 0.42 0.42 0.44 0.43 N0 0.35 0.26 0.44 0.34 0.34

60 DAP N1 0.34 0.33 0.45 0.45 0.39 N2 0.37 0.33 0.50 0.43 0.41 Mean 0.35 0.31 0.46 0.40 0.38 N0 0.44 0.32 0.64 0.45 0.46

90 DAP N1 0.45 0.42 0.47 0.62 0.49 N2 0.47 0.37 0.74 0.69 0.57 Mean 0.46 0.37 0.62 0.59 0.51


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.017 0.016 0.036

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

0.008 0.007 0.014

0.029 0.021 0.042

0.009 0.008 0.016

0.027 0.023 0.046

Table 23. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on total chlorophyll content in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) -3 G3 5 fluro uracil (10 M) 1.25 1.20 1.03 1.21 0.21

30 DAP N1 1.35 1.22 1.29 1.30 1.29 N2 1.23 1.34 1.54 1.27 1.35 Mean 1.33 1.25 1.29 1.26 1.28 N0 1.09 0.81 1.38 1.09 1.09

60 DAP N1 1.21 0.95 1.34 1.32 1.26 N2 1.01 0.99 1.47 1.36 1.37 Mean 1.10 0.91 1.54 1.44 1.24 N0 1.38 1.05 1.97 1.38 1.44

90 DAP N1 1.30 1.24 1.38 1.83 1.43 N2 1.41 1.13 2.18 2.09 1.70 Mean 1.36 1.14 1.84 1.76 1.52


CD (5%)


CD (5%)


CD (5%)

0.019 0.017 0.034

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

0.040 0.035 0.070

0.118 0.102 0.205

0.049 0.042 0.084

0.142 0.123 0.247

Table 24. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on total sugars (mg/g dry weight) in stevia

Treatments N0 G0 G1 G2 G3 Mean For comparing mean values of Growth regulators (G) Nitrogen (N) GxN G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) 118.74 118.75 131.25 125.00 123.43

30 DAP N1 125.00 125.00 118.75 137.50 126.56 N2 125.00 118.75 131.25 112.50 121.87 CD (5%) Mean 122.91 120.83 127.08 125.00 N0 207.75 207.58 218.75 207.58 210.41

60 DAP N1 212.50 201.33 207.58 201.33 205.68 N2 212.50 196.41 218.66 201.50 207.27 CD (5%) Mean 210.91 201.77 215.00 203.47 N0 224.75 218.75 237.00 212.50 223.25 N1

90 DAP N2 219.83 212.50 231.00 224.75 222.02 CD (5%) Mean 225.19 212.94 230.91 216.58

231.00 207.58 224.75 212.50 218.95




3.21 3.71 6.43

NS NS NS NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant.

3.72 4.29 7.44


4.55 5.26 9.11


Nitrogen followed by GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen which were found to be on par with each other. A similar trend was followed between the treatments at 90 DAP.

4.3.3 Total chlorophyll content (mg/g fresh weight)

The information on total chlorophyll content as influenced by various treatments during different growth periods furnished in Table 23 revealed that at 60 DAP among growth regulators, maximum total chlorophyll content (1.54) was found with MH (1000 ppm) followed by 5 fluro uracil (1.44) which did not differ significantly with each other but differed significantly with no growth regulator treatment (1.10). Significantly lower total chlorophyll (0.99) content was found in GA3 (500 ppm). Among the nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded significantly higher total chlorophyll content (1.37) compared to 50 per cent nitrogen (1.26) which differed significantly with each other and with the RDF. Among the interactions, MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum total chlorophyll content (1.47) -3 -3 followed by 5 fluro uracil (10 M) + 100 per cent nitrogen (1.36) and 5 fluro uracil (10 M) + 50 per cent nitrogen (1.32). These treatments differed significantly with each other. The treatment MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (1.38) was found to be on par with 5 fluro uracil + 50 per cent nitrogen (1.09). There were no significant differences among the remaining treatments except GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF, which recorded significantly lower total chlorophyll content.

4.3.3 Total sugar content

Observations on total sugar content as influenced by various growth regulators are presented in Table 24. Sugar content was not affected by growth regulators and nitrogen treatments at any of the stages where in no significant differences were observed among treatments at any growth stage.


Yield parameters

4.4.1 Herbage yield (q/ha fresh weight basis)

Fresh weight of leaves showed significant differences among the treatments at harvest (Table 25). Among the growth regulators MH (1000 ppm) recorded significantly higher herbage yield (102.14) followed by 5 fluro uracil (95.42). These treatments differed significantly with each other. GA3 (500 ppm) recorded lower herbage yield (91.04) which was differed significantly with no growth regulator treatment (94.70). Among the nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen was found to be statistically superior (99.54) over 50 per cent nitrogen (96.42) and RDF (91.51), while RDF recorded minimum herbage yield. Among interactions, the best treatment was MH (1000 pm) + 100 per cent nitrogen which recorded maximum herbage yield (104.83) followed by 5 fluro uracil + 100 per cent nitrogen (103.10), MH (1000 ppm) + RDF (101.73) and MH (1000 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (99.86) which were found to be on par with each other. There were no significant differences -3 between the treatments 5 fluro uracil (10 M) + 50 per cent nitrogen (98.06), no growth regulator + 100 per cent nitrogen (96.53) and no growth regulator + 50 per cent nitrogen (95.40). The treatments GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen (93.70), GA3 (500 ppm) + 50 per cent nitrogen (92.36) and control (92.16) were found to be on par with each other, while 5 -3 fluro uracil (10 M) + RDF recorded minimum herbage yield (85.10) which was found to be on par with GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF (87.06).

Table 25. Influence of plant growth regulator and nitrogen on herbage yield at harvest (q/ha) in stevia (on fresh weight basis)
































For comparing mean values of


CD (5%)

Growth regulators (G)



Nitrogen (N)






G0 No growth regulator G1 - Gibberellic acid (500 ppm) G2 - Maleic hydrazide (1000 ppm) G3 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M)

NO - RDF N1 50% nitrogen N2 100% nitrogen NS Non significant

Table 26. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on cost : benefit ratio of stevia crop


Fresh leaf yield (t/ha)

Gross returns \(Rs./ha)

Total cost of cultivation (Rs./ha) 118511 144761 119951 177011 199053 145603 120493 177553 119596 145846 121036 178096

B:C ratio

T1 (control) T2 GA3 (500 ppm) T3 MH (1000ppm) T4 5 FU (10 M) T5 (50% N) T6 50% N + GA3 T7 50% G + MH T8 50% N + 5FU T9 100% N T10 100% N+GA3 T11 100% N + MH T12 100% N + 5FU

9.2 9.1 10.2 9.5 9.6 9.2 9.9 9.8 9.9 9.3 10.4 10.3

165600 163800 183600 171000 172800 165600 178200 176400 178200 167400 187200 185400

1:1.4 1:1.1 1:1.5 1:0.9 1:1.5 1:1.1 1:1.5 1:1.0 1:1.5 1:.5 1:1.5 1:1.04

The use of different parts of several medicinal plants to cure specific ailments has been in vogue since time immemorial in India. Ours is a vast country where there is a wide variation in climate, soil, altitude and latitude and the nature has bestowed us with a very rich botanical wealth and a large number of diverse types of plants which grow wild in different parts of the country. Increased awareness about the potential of such useful plants has encouraged many innovative and progressive growers and entrepreneurs to take up their cultivation as a commercial enterprise. Several exotic medicinal plants having multiple pharmaceutical importance which fairly suit to our climatic conditions have also been attracted several progressive farmers to takeup cultivation. Stevia reubaudiana is one such important medicinal plant which has immense medicinal uses. The possible medicinal uses reported are diabetics, obesity, hyperactivity, hypoglycemia, indigestion. Out of all these uses its prime importance has been reported in diabetes. Increase in the number of diabetic patients and health conscious individuals, has pushed forward the need for alternative to sugar. Considering the potential use of stevia and its increasing demand, farmers have come forward to cultivate this crop. But, one of the important problems in this crop, is the unabated and profuse flowering, due to which, the herbage yield is largely reduced, thus causing considerable economic loss. At present, the mechanical removal of flowers is the only method to control flowering. However, this method is very laborious and time consuming. Therefore, an attempt has been made in the present investigation to reduce the flowering by using growth regulators. Plant growth and development is a complex process. There are two important factors which influence the developmental pattern of a plant. One of them is a system of endogenous chemical messengers, called hormones which exert important regulatory effects on the development of individual plant organs as well as the plant as a whole. Second one comprises more or less interdependent set of external environmental factors such as light, water, temperature and gravity, which play an indispensable role in the development as do hereditary factors which have been transmitted to it from its biological parents. Thus, the final pattern of development and behaviour of each individual plant is the remit of a complex interplay between genetics, hormones and environmental factors. The role of plant growth regulators in optimizing the yield and quality of various economical parts of crop plants is an established fact. PGRs are known to modify growth by increasing or decreasing the morphological traits such as plant height, number of leaves, number of branches etc, and also optimize the yield of the plant by bringing necessary physiological changes. Each of the bioregulators has the potentiality to alter almost all aspects of plant growth and development as both promoter as well as retardant, when used in appropriate concentration. Nitrogen, one of the essential major elements has been shown to increase the biological yield. It is also an important constituent of protoplasm, chlorophyll and enzymes which are the biological catalytic agents to speed up life processes. It is an essential constituent of different proteins, nucleic acids, amino acids, amines, amiosugars, polypeptides and other organic compounds in plants. Thus, the processes like protein synthesis, nucleic acids and chlorophyll synthesis are related to nitrogen. Because nitrogen is present in so many essential compounds, it is not surprising that growth without added nitrogen is slow. The chief sources of nitrogen in the soil where plants absorb are nitrates and ammonical salts. Plants grown with excess nitrogen usually have dark green leaves and show an abundance of foliage, usually with a root system of minimal size and therefore, a high shoot to root ratio. The stevioside, a calorie free alternate source of sugar for diabetic patients, is synthesized in the leaves of a Stevia rebaudiana. To increase the herbage yield potentiality in stevia and also to control the profuse flowering, the use of nitrogen as well as PGRs has been found necessary.


GA3 (500 ppm)

Plate 2. Influence of plant growth regulators and nitrogen on reduction of flowering in stevia

Plate 2. contd


5 FU (10-3 M)

50% Nitrogen

50% Nitrogen + GA3

Plate 2: Contd..

50% Nitrogen + MH

50% Nitrogen + 5 FU

100% Nitrogen

100% Nitrogen + GA3

Plate 2. Contd..

Difference between GA3 and MH treatments

Although extensive studies on the influence of PGRs and nitrogen on various crop plants have been made, such studies on medicinal and aromatic plants is very much limited. Therefore, the present study was undertaken to study the influence of PGRs and nitrogen on regulation of flowering in stevia. Results obtained are discussed in this chapter.


Morphological parameters

Growth regulators and nitrogen were found to significantly influence the morphological characteristics such as plant height, number of branches and number of leaves per plant. Basically plant height is a genetically controlled character. But, several studies have indicated that plant height can either be increased or decreased by the application of synthetic plant growth regulators. Among the essential elements required for plant height, nitrogen has greater influence right from cell division to cell formation and development of vegetative and reproductive organs. However, in the present investigation a significant difference in plant height was noticed among the treatments by the application of different plant growth regulators and different levels of nitrogen. It is interesting to note that there was an increase in plant height over control in all the treatments, except the malic hydrazide (1000 ppm) used in the study, which on the contrary, decreased the plant height. While, the plant height was significantly higher with GA3 (500 ppm). This clearly indicated that the mode of action of these growth regulators differed between the PGRs and their concentrations. The increased plant height by GA3 application might be due to enhance cell division and cell elongation. Though the plant height is a genetically controlled character, it is evident from our results that, GA3 has played a significant role in increasing the plant height which is in confirmity with the findings of Bhat et al. (1990) in davana, who showed increase in plant height due to application of GA3. Reduction in plant height due to maleic hydrazide appears to be because of its reduction in cell division and cell expansion because of its inhibitory action in the biosynthetic pathway of GA3 (Moore, 1980). Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum plant height compared to 50 per cent nitrogen. This may be due increased cell division and expansion, where nitrogen plays a major role. Similar observations were also made by Raghuraja (1992). Number of leaves and number of branches per plant are important morphological characters which are directly related to herbage yield. The application of growth regulators and nitrogen increased the number of leaves and number of branches per plant. Increased number of leaves and branches were also observed in MH (1000 ppm) which is due to the fact that MH more or less acts as antiauxin towards the basal nodes overcoming the effect of apical dominance leading increased number of leaves and branches. Further, suppression of apical dominance might have brought functionality of several meristems on the nodal regions at a time leading to more number of branches, there by increasing the number of leaves. This is in confirmity with the findings of Naryana Gowda and Jayanthi (1991) who reported increased number of leaves and branches due to the application of maleic hydrazide (2000 ppm). Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded higher number of leaves and branches. Similarly, Buana and Goendi (1985) and Jayanthi and Gowda (1988) also reported higher number of leaves and number of branches due to the application of higher fertilizer doses, respectively. MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen has recorded maximum number of leaves and branches among interactions. This may be due to combined action of MH and nitrogen. With regard to number of flowers and number of inflorescence per plant, significant differences were manifested between different growth regulator and nitrogen treatments and their interactions.

Among treatments, MH (1000 ppm) delayed the flowering upto 30 days. It is in conformity with Dubey (1972) who reported that maleic hydrazide treatments delayed the flowering with 2000 ppm registering maximum delay (28 days) in carnation. Delayed flowering is apparently the result of growth inhibition rather than direct effect upon flowering stimulus. MH has rather general growth retarding effects and block development of the flower buds. Similar results were obtained in flowering annuals (Sen and Sen, 1968). Control recorded maximum number of flowers and inflorescences at 90 DAP which was on par with GA3 (500 ppm). Although gibberellins are not flowering hormones, but when these are present in proper concentrations, florigen (flowering hormone) may be synthesized. GA3 might also activate genes, which control the synthesis of florigen and thus induce the early flowering. Considerable number of flowers and inflorescences were observed in the treatment 5 fluro uracil (10-3 M) which inhibit the flowering to certain extent. 5 fluro uracil, a compound that blocks reactions leading to RNA and DNA synthesis, inhibits flowering of the cocklebur, but only if added before the end of the inductive dark period. It is in conformity with Salisbury and Jamesbonner (1985) in cockelbur. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded significantly less number of flowers and inflorescences and also caused delay in flowering. Similar results were also reported by Jana and Pal (1991). Among the treatments, MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded significantly lesser number of flowers and also delayed the flowering. The internodal length increased in GA3 (500 ppm) at all the stages, except at 30 DAP. Similarly, Sen and Maharana (1972) reported that treatment with GA3 caused hyper elongation of stem and internode. The elongation of internode and stem by the application of GA3 resulting in increased height of the plant is attributed to the action of GA3, which perhaps softens the cell wall by increasing its plasticity. Another possible reason may be due to increase in cell division and cell elongation in subapical meristems of dwarf plants, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum internodal length compared to 50 per cent nitrogen where nitrogen also helps in the mitotic division of cells at the internodal region. Hence, the interaction of GA3 and nitrogen has brought significant increase in internodal length.


Dry matter production

Poor translocation of photo-assimilates to the growing parts is the major constraint in many crops. This constraint can be overcome by applying synthetic plant growth regulators, which improve the canopy structure and increase the productivity through manipulation of source-sink relationship. The dry matter accumulation in the leaf increased upto harvest in all the treatments. The leaf and stem dry weights increased significantly with the application of MH (1000 ppm). Similar inferences were also made by Narayana Gowda in China aster, Kumar (1987) and Macconell and Struckmeyer (1970) in marigold, in which, MH (1000 ppm) increased the stem and leaf dry weight due to increase in number of leaves and branches. Nitrogen treatments also differed significantly with each other in leaf and stem dry weight. 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum leaf and stem dry weights, which may be due to higher number of leaves and branches. Similar results were also reported by Krishnamoorthy and Madalageri (2000) in ajowan. The amount of total dry matter produced is an indication of the overall efficiency of utilization of resources and better light interception. The data pertaining to total dry weight per plant indicated that, it increased continuously from 30 DAP to harvest. At later stages of crop growth, the dry matter accumulated at a reduced rate. Total dry weight of the plant was significantly influenced by MH (1000 ppm) compared to all other treatments. This increase in dry weight of the plant could be attributed to increase in the number of leaves and number of branches per plant.

In nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum total dry weight. Similarly, Ramachandra (1982) reported that increase in total dry matter production in china aster was higher at higher levels of nitrogen application. It may be due to increased number of leaves and branches.


Growth parameters

Yield variation in terms of growth and development is very complex to explain, as it involves the effect of both internal and external factors on all plant physiological processes. It is well established that the infrastructure of the plant is decided by the growth parameters such as leaf area, leaf area index, leaf area duration, NAR, RGR etc. Growth analysis technique has been adopted as one of the standard approaches in the absence of sophisticated instrument to analyze the structure and yield in several crops. Growth parameters such as CGR, RGR, NAR etc. indicate the development of crop in a logical sequence and elucidate the causes for difference in yield through the events, that have occurred earlier in the growth. These indicate the influence of various factors towards the dry matter production. In the present study, the application of PGRs significantly altered the dry matter production. Suppression of apical dominance, increased number of leaves and branches resulting in the accumulation of more photoassimilates and dry matter production. Hence, these exists a correlation between the enhanced growth parameters and yield with the application of PGRs. Leaf area fairly gives a good idea of the photosynthetic capacity of the plant. In the present study, leaf area (LA), leaf area index (LAI) and leaf area duration (LAD) increased from 30 to 90 DAP. The application of growth regulators and nitrogen showed a profound effect over these parameters and significant differences were noticed among different treatments at all the stages, except at 30 DAP. Among the growth regulators, MH (1000 ppm) recorded highly significant leaf area, leaf area index and leaf area duration as compared to control. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded higher LA, LAI and LAD over 50 per cent nitrogen. The higher data given is on fresh weight basis, leaf yield at higher nitrogen levels may be attributed to higher leaf area, more number of leaves and branches per plant. Similar observations were made by Vijaykumar et al.(1988) in china aster. The LAI and LAD were significantly higher with MH (1000 ppm) and 100 per cent nitrogen. This could be attributed to retention of green leaves for longer duration and higher leaf area index (Bhatacharjee, 1993). Among interactions, MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum LA, LAI and LAD. Almost all the findings of Watson (1952) indicated that leaf area could be manipulated by nitrogen fertilization. Among all essential elements required for the plant, nitrogen has the greater influence right from cell division to formation and development of vegetative and reproductive organs. Nitrogen and MH used in the present experiment might have had a positive effect on cell division and cell elongation leading to enhanced leaf expansion causing maintenance of more green leaf area especially during later phases of growth and development. Although maleic hydrazide is a growth retardant, in our experiment MH alone or in combination with nitrogen significantly increased almost all the growth parameters investigated. Specific leaf area (SLA) and specific leaf weight (SLW) are the other two parameters influenced by growth regulators, nitrogen and their interactions. Specific leaf area decreases as thickness of leaf increases. At 60 DAP, the MH (1000 ppm) and 100 per cent nitrogen and their interactions recorded higher SLA. This indicates that nitrogen application might have increased the growth by altering the dry matter distribution into leaf thereby enhancing the photosynthetic capacity of the plant.


Biochemical parameters

Crop yield is mainly dependent on the interplay of various physiological and biochemical functions of the plant in addition to the impact of growing environment. The cause and effect relationship is difficult to understand mainly because of complexity in understanding the interplay of several processes and functions, which ultimately lead to changes not only in growth, but in development and physiology. It was observed in the

present study that the treatments differed significantly with respect to total chlorophyll which was significantly higher in the treatment of interaction effect between the 100 per cent increase in nitrogen and MH (1000 ppm). It may be due to decrease in chlorophyll degradation and increased chlorophyll synthesis. The delay in leaf senescence and increase in SLW could also be attributed to higher chlorophyll contents. Similarly, Starmann et al. (1990) reported that the application of ancymidol (growth retardant) resulted in higher chlorophyll content in sunflower. Regarding total sugar content, no significant differences were observed among the growth regulator and nitrogen treatments.


Yield parameters

Improvement in yield, according to Humphrieg (1979) could happen in two ways i.e., by adopting the varieties to grow better in their environment or by altering the relative production of different plant parts so as to increase the yield of economically important parts. The growth regulators and nitrogen and their interaction are capable of redistribution and an improvement in yield potential. Among growth regulators, MH (1000 ppm) recorded significantly higher herbage yield compared to other treatments. The higher herbage yield may be due to enhancement in yield contributing factors like plant height, number of leaves, number of branches and leaf area. These results are in accordance with Mousa and Emary (1983) who explained that the application of MH greatly increased the number of branches per plant and herbage yield. Among nitrogen treatments, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum herbage yield. This is in confirmity with the results of Murayama et al. (1980) in stevia who reported that the application of higher doses of nitrogen produced better growth rate and dry leaf yield than the application of lower dose. Among interactions, MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded highest herbage yield. All these results clearly explain, the application of maleic hydrazide was found to be very effective in delaying the flowering and maleic hydrazide in combination with nitrogen influenced the growth and yield of the crop.

Future line of work

Based on the results obtained from the present investigation the following suggestions are indicated for further studies. 1. It is necessary to identify suitable growth regulators other than those used in this research and its concentration for reduction of flowering in stevia. 2. It is also important to study the suitable concentrations of growth regulators used in this research in order to know its effectiveness on reduction of flowering in stevia. 3. It is also important to study the interactions between different growth regulators and higher doses of nitrogen in order to improve the herbage production.

A field experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during summer 2005 to study influence of different growth regulators and nitrogen on reduction of flowering in stevia. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. The salient findings of the investigation are summarized here under. 1. The plant height increased significantly in the treatment GA3 (500 ppm). MH (1000 ppm) recorded least plant height. Among the nitrogen treatment significantly higher plant height was due to 100 per cent nitrogen. There were no significant differences with interaction effects. 2. Number of leaves and number of branches increased significantly with MH 1000 ppm showing profound effect of the growth regulator. 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum number of leaves and branches. Among interactions MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded significantly higher number of branches and leaves. 3. GA3 (500 ppm) showed highest internodal length followed by GA3 (500 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen, among the interaction treatments. 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum internodal length among nitrogen treatments. 4. Number of flowers and number of inflorescences were found maximum with control followed by GA3 (500 ppm) + RDF. Among growth regulator treatments, GA3 (500 ppm) recorded maximum number of flowers where in MH (1000 ppm) there was delay in flowering for 30 days. While, 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum number of flowers and inflorescences among the nitrogen treatments. 5. Leaf dry weight was maximum during harvest. The application of MH (1000 ppm) and 100 per cent nitrogen increased leaf dry weight significantly among the growth regulators and nitrogen treatments respectively. Among the interactions, MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded highest leaf dry weight. 6. All the treatments showed significant increased in stem dry weight and maximum was noticed at harvest. Among the growth regulators. MH (1000 ppm) recorded maximum stem dry weight and 100 per cent nitrogen among the nitrogen treatments. Among the interactions MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded maximum stem dry weight. 7. The treatments MH (1000 ppm) and 100 per cent nitrogen recorded significantly higher values for TDM over all other treatments at all stages except 60 DAP. MH 1000 ppm + 100 per cent nitrogen among interactions recorded highest TDM

8. The significant increase in leaf area, leaf area index, leaf area duration was noticed in all the treatments at all the stages except 30 DAP over control. MH (1000 ppm) among growth regulator, 100 per cent nitrogen among nitrogen treatment and MH 1000 ppm + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded highest LA, LAI and LAD. 9. SLA differed significantly at 90 DAP among treatments. Among growth regulators MH (1000 ppm) exhibited highest SLA over control. 100 per cent nitrogen recorded highest SLA among nitrogen treatments. MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen was exhibited among interactions. 10. Specific leaf weight differed significantly among different treatments at all stages except 30 DAP. Higher SLW was noticed in no growth regulator treatment followed by GA3 500 ppm. 50 per cent nitrogen among nitrogen treatments, have observed higher SLW. Control recorded maximum SLW among interaction treatments. Application of growth regulator MH (1000 ppm) and nitrogen 100 per cent nitrogen significantly increased AGR, CGR, NAR at 30-60 and 60-90 DAP among


interactions MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded highest AGR, CGR and NAR. 12. Total chlorophyll content differed due to growth regulators. Nitrogen and their interactions. Total chlorophyll content were significantly higher in the treatments MH (1000 ppm) and 100 per cent nitrogen among growth regulator and nitrogen treatments respectively. Among interactions, MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen recorded highest total chlorophyll content. The results on herbage yield (fresh weight basis) increased significantly in MH (1000 ppm) followed by 100 per cent nitrogen and their interaction MH (1000 ppm) + 100 per cent nitrogen. Based on the above results, it is concluded that, the application of MH (1000 ppm) and 100 per cent nitrogen and their interaction were more effective in increasing the yield potential.



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Dr. A. S. NALINI PRABHAKAR Major Advisor

A field experiment was conducted at Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad during summer 2005 to study influence of different growth regulators and nitrogen on reduction of flowering in stevia. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications. Significant differences were observed among the morphological parameters due to the application of growth regulators and nitrogen. The plant height and internodal length increased significantly in the treatment GA3 (500 ppm). Lowest length recorded in the treatment MH (1000 ppm). Maximum number of leaves and branches were recorded in the treatments MH (1000 ppm) and its interaction with nitrogen. Number of flowers and number of inflorescences were found maximum in control. But, there was delay in flowering for 30 days in the treatment MH (1000 ppm) and its interaction with nitrogen. The treatments MH (1000 ppm), nitrogen and its interactions recorded maximum leaf dry weight, stem dry weight and total dry weight. The highest leaf area, LAI, LAD, LAR, SLW, AGR, CGR and NAR were recorded in the treatment MH (1000 ppm) among growth regulator treatments, lOOper cent nitrogen among nitrogen treatments and their interactions. Significant differences were also observed among biochemical parameters. The maximum total chlorophyll, ChI. a and ChI. b contents were recorded in the treatment MH (lOOOppm). The results on herbage yield increased significantly in the treatments MH (1000 ppm) followed by 100 per cent nitrogen and their interactions.

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