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PUSH-=UPS TO MPLETE GUIDE Build spectacular muscle with these 7) push-up variations ETA AG log ‘suapot ders, co roe the miltary push-up poston (see next page), log farner out. Keaping your head up, balance your ur eft am and place your right hand behind your back the right arm.) by suaightening your arm, nen you can't da more reps: cont patil ops over the top half of te motion I plete by using arta reps along th omen the bottom pasion then easing es high as posible and hold ing tis postion isometric ‘Advanced variation nto a plyomot off the ground anturn this exercise ® Deltoid Pectoralis Major @ Triceps “The prime moves in the push-up ae the shouldes, the Chest (pectoral major) and back part ofthe ams tricop) Tho pec minor i aso involved to cartain degree. During the inal owering) phase, the muscles ofthe shoulders, chest and arms work in eccentric contraction as the bodys showy lowered toa poston in which the upper part fof te arms ae parle tothe fot In pushing up the muscles ofthe shoulders, chest and arms are conraced concenticaly = shortening and pushing against Ze the bodyeght resistence This isthe common pushvun. Emphasis: Ches. shoulders, viceps. ‘Start position: Lo facedorn with your hands fat‘ the floor just outside ‘and sigh in front of your soulders, you gers spread anc paining fore, Lit yourset up by staightaning your ams so that only your hands and toes aro fn contact wih the flor, keoping your hoes togeler. Your body should frm a Fld tne (knees locked so that your logs are straight, abdominals ih, back stiaigh). Keep your head uo sight. Execution: Lover youtse Io tho oar by banding your elbows (but oping your body igi). You don't want fo setually touch the ground; stop when your upper arms ae pale to the floor. Reverse dec tions by saghtening your ame, pushing your body up unl your elbows are nearly locked. Exhale toward the end ofthe ‘pwd mation. 4 ‘Training tip: Use an oxposive but contcled speed; dont use a. quick moton that might ‘causo you to hyporextond at the albows ‘Advanced variation: To adc resis tance, have your taining parner press down ‘against you or elevate your feet by placing them on a bench (below fig). The higher your foot, the more resistance you'l it {and yout change the fel sight Based on this personal experience, [ ‘wondered: Could something as simple as the push-up stimulate significant strength and muscle development in the upper torso? Now, 'm not advocat ing that you (oss aside your barbellsanel dumbbells, but I Go suggest giving, the push-up a closer look. You don't need any equipment, andl you can do it any ‘where — even ifthe only dil ser around is your significant other! ‘Vhe basic push-up has been sirwally abandoned! by today's more sophisti cated icon-pumping community, but that could be a mistake. Dan Wirth, MA, (GS, strength and conditioning couch at the University of Arizona in Tucson, says: "We use the push-up at the end of a workout as a volume stimulus by

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