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(While preparing for viva we spend much time on our appearance, confidence, speaking power etc which are

very important factors. However, it is also equally important that you have a solid knowledge base to face the interviewers. In this article I have tried to give you an outline of what to study to build up such a knowledge base. No outline of such nature can be 100 percent perfect so please feel free to add anything that you think necessary)


Ok folks, so you are here. You are the brave souls who have fought through one of the toughest battles of career and completed two-third of the journey. The very fact that you have the ability to come this far makes something very clear-You DESERVE to be a BCS cadre.

However, since this is a competitive exam- you need to put icing on the cake and blast the viva board with your wonderful performance. Qualifying the preliminary and written exam of BCS is no joke, so I know you are ready to finish this race with 100 metre sprint like Usain Bolt. I know you have what it takes.

So, lets get started!!

Points to be noted first:

1. It is true that the major part of your exam is over. Out of 1100, you have completed 900 marks the moment you saw your registration number in the written result-sheet. Yes, it is time to be happy. Yet, it is time to be serious too. In the rat race of BCS difference of one mark can decide whether you will get the job or not-let alone 200 marks. So, wake up!! 2. The most common dilemma a BCS candidate faces about viva is-

There is no solid syllabus for viva, what the hell should I study?? What if I am in a tough viva board who will ask everything out of my knowledge???

My dear friends, the above-mentioned thing has happened before, and it will happen in your time too. There have been hundreds of incidents that the interviewer started asking questions out of blue moon and made the poor candidate totally dumbfounded. Now, DONT YOU THINK THIS IS A GOOD REASON TO STUDY HARDER? If you prepare hard then this kind of situation might hurt you but still you will survive. There will be some easy questions even in the ugliest of boards. Your preparation will help you to answer those questions in a pressure-cooker situation. Instead of failing, you will get average marks. Who knows, combining with your written score, this average viva score can be enough to get your desired cadre!!

What To Study:

The good news is, you do not need to study anything new for the viva.So far what you have studied for the preliminary and written exam should be more than 90 percent of your viva preparation. Remember, they are NOT trying to see how much you know-for that written exam is already there. They are going to see whether you have the good appearance suitable for a BCS cadre or not. All you need to do is to revise what you have studied and keep them in your working memory. Apart from what you have already studied, there will be some additional subjects too. I am coming to this later.

Questions that you should practice right now: The following questions are the topics that are important for each and every viva board no matter what your cadre choice is. If you are in the beginning of your preparation, please do ensure that you have good answers for these questions (I have written in bracket in which points you need to specially emphasize)

Describe yourself (How to start the description, what things to say, meaning of ones name in English, famous personalities of the same name, what other questions might arise from the given answer, what unnecessary information one should avoid , what can be a standard answer pattern)

Why do you want to join civil service? (How to avoid typical answer that might make the interviewer angry/bored, what other questions might arise from this question, what can be a perfect answer, how to make the answer sound strong and logical, what will be done if one does not get the cadre, what are the things that must be avoided while answering this question)

What is your cadre choice? (Why first choice is a particular cadre, what is the relationship between your chosen cadre and your academic discipline, why you didnt choose another cadre, what will you do if you get your last choice, what is your alternative plan in case you fail the BCS, cadre related questions)

Tell us about your favorite hobby. (What is your hobby, why do you like this particular hobby, hobby related questions)

Tell us about your family (What things can be said about ones family, speech about mother, father and siblings separately, what things should be avoided, family related questions)

Tell us one happy incident, one embarrassing incident and one sad incident of your life. (What type of incidents can be said, how far one should describe the incident, what situations should be avoided, incident related questions)

Tell us something about your favorite personality/movie/sports/book/best friend/university/teacher/season(How to choose among many, on what basis a personality/movie etc should be favorite, how to justify ones choice about these things)

Describe your own district/village/the place you live in. (Description, important personalities from the area, role of the place in our liberation war, important institutions/rivers situated in that area , what development plans you have for your area, what are the problems of your area and how to solve them)

Suppose you are the chief of your cadre. What would you do with your position? (What will you do if you are the foreign secretary/Ambassador/IGP/Cabinet

Secretary/Secretary/NBR member, how will you improve your department, what steps will you take to make your cadre more efficient)

How to answer personal/tricky questions (PSC members often ask the candidates personal questions/questions that are politically motivated. Sometimes they ask unconventional questions only to test how the candidates react. Sometimes they even ask insulting questions. You must prepare yourself accordingly)

Question from your own discipline ( It is very common that the interviewer will ask about the subject you have studied in your bachelor degree. Especially if you are from general subjects like English, Economics, Political science, Physics etc then there is high chance that major part of your viva will be dealing questions from your academic background. Please have a solid preparation on the basic of your discipline. For example, a student of Economics is almost sure to face questions about stock market crash, globalization, definition of Economics etc . If you cannot answer the primary level questions from your own discipline, it will be very embarrassing )

Liberation war ( You must know the basic information about our glorious liberation war as a future BCS officer )

Current Ruling Party and its leaders ( I guess I do not have to make you understand how important this is for any BCS viva. Make no mistake and have a rock-solid preparation in these issues )

Current Affairs (Important topics like International Organizations, treaties, important topics from the written syllabus for Bangladesh and international affairs. You can read daily newspapers , Economist website, BBC website for this and watch BBC,TV news etc)

Conclusion: What I have mentioned above is the basic for BCS viva preparation that is needed universally. Once you are equipped with these topics you should start fine-tuning yourself. Remember, as I said in the beginning, your appearance, politeness, confidence, speaking power, dress-up etc are also very important factors .If you know everything above but cannot produce them in from of the viva board-the result will be zero. However, I believe that a solid knowledge

base will increase your confidence level and you will be able to prepare yourself as a complete package. Happy hunting, tigers!!!!

Foreign affairs is such kind of cadre service in the BCS where only eligible candidates get chance through their endless efforts, sacrifice and over all dedication. To get chance in foreign affairs a candidate has to possess some specific qualities covering the areas of complete addressing about himself, his upazila, district, division and above all the present status of the country in the international arena especially in the UN, OIC, SAARC, BIMSTEC, NAM and in many other alliance in which Bangladesh is working restlessly to bright the image of its own to the international communities especially belonging to donar organisations including IMF, WB, USAID, ZICA, ADB and IDB, foreign policy, different missions of Bangladesh in abroad, having a crystal-clear knowledge on the status and functions of a diplomat, broad knowledge on the current issues across the world, climatic hazards like global warming or green house effect, earth-quake, exporting products of the country especially the garments sector coupled with remittance and FDI, having a sharp knowledge on map-pointing including rivers, oceans, countries, continents, mountains, lakes, seas etc, having diplomatic knowledge on geo-politics, having inns and outs of economic and military alliance with their full history, memorizing the name of capitals and currencies of all countries across the world and above all smart and precise answer with relevant data with pleasing voice which surely would be helpful to score a outstanding marks to reach to the top of success. Reading materials include: 1) Diplomacy and foreign policy in wikipedia. 2) History of Bangladesh in wikipedia 3) Constitution of Bangladesh. 4) For full information on district visit dc@(your district name) 5) A book Articles on National and International Issues by M Imam Hossain 6) National budget-2011-12 7) Economic review of the Bangladesh govt.-2011 8) Guide books including Oracle, Professors and Saifurs publication 9) Regular study of the English newspapers including The Daily Star and The Independent 10) Collection of the atlas. 11) Website: Foreign Policy of Bangladesh by Harun or Rashid is a good book which you can get in Newmarket.Kutniti-kosh by Shamim Ahsan is an encyclopedia of diplomatic terms which can also be very helpful for FS aspirants.You will get it in Newmaret too. the basic difference between the two is that the Fundamental Rights are Justiceable, i.e. a person whose fundamental rights are infringed can get them enforced by moving to the

court; whereas the Directive Principles are non-justiciable, i.e. one cannot move the court to get these enforced. These can be enforced only if they are made into a law by the parliament. M1: Ok, so do you remember any directive principle that was recently made into a fundamental right? Me: Yes Sir, it was the Right to Education. M1: Dont you think that such rules are made before a demand comes from the society? It means that the society is not yet ready for such an act and thus these rules are not implemented properly and thus get violated. Me: Sir, in our country, I think that at times it is important to lead by legislation. It clarifies the goal before the Government and also creates public opinion infavour of such social goals.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs formulates and executes the foreign policy of the Government of Bangladesh. The core guidance of policy formulation comes from the relevant section of the Constitution of Bangladesh In developing the external policy of the Republic, the Ministry draws from the laws of the land, acts of the Parliament, international treaties that Bangladesh is a State party to, and other customary sources. In discharging its functions, the Ministry follows the provisions of the Rules of Business of the Government of Bangladesh. The Foreign

Ministry represents the State to foreign governments and international organizations through its 58 missions across the globe. The Ministrys goals is to develop and maintain friendly relations with other States and foster cooperation with developed, developing and least developed countries, and various regional, sub-regional, political and economic groups. Continue. The Ministry pursues Bangladeshs external economic and trade interests, promotes its culture abroad, and disseminates information to foreign countries. It safeguards the legal rights and promotes interests of its citizens and other legal entities in foreign countries. The Ministry discharges its diverse duties through its headquarters in Dhaka and through its network of Missions aboard. The work of the Ministry is conducted by a number of wings. These divisions gather, analyze and process information, set priorities and draws up options according to the

allocation of their individual areas and responsibilities.

VIVA FRGN AFRS QUES- 1- rcnt kolkata nirbachon smndhe ki janen ? 2- mamta banerjee er MA dgree kon bishoyer upor ? 3- bisse bortamne je sob desher prodhan nari sesob deser nam bolun 4- bortoman pororastro sochib mizarul kayes kototomo bcs er kormokorta and unar desher bari kothai ? uni kon bishoye porasuna korechen ? 5- saarc vukto deshgulor bortoman pororastro sochibder naam bolun. 6- consortium ki ? 7-viena convention 1961 ki ? 8- agami sadharan porishad er odhibeson kobe hobe/hoy ?9 bangladesher 1st mohila rastrodut ke ? 10-amader songbidhan er koto dharai pororastro niti er kotha bola ache ? (FA tigers There's a big surprise awaiting you...) 30th bcs viva questions some common questions asked, like, meaning of ur name, ur birth date, it's true or not describe ur home district, position of the liberation war, name of the sector comanders. For police and admin cadres 1. Who was the IGP before mr. Nur mohammad, where is mr nur mohammad now? 2. Fbi, cia, gestapo, mi 6, moshad, 3. Will u take bribe if u become police cadre? 4. Hierarchy of police cadre both metro and dist level. 5.what is 54 6. What is circle? Admin cadre name of ur dc, sp 2. Difference between management and administration 3. Functions of a dc, uno, ac land. 4. Map reading example, where is kaukhali, misrata. 5. Name of the sec of pub ad ministry 6. Supplementary budget 7. Syria and libya crisis and one thing suaject wise quiestions asked by the members. Those who are already cadrers they will be treated toughly. These information will help the upcoming BCS candidates. THANKS. Luna is the Latin word for moon, and was the name of Roman goddess of the moon, who is usually identified with the Greek goddess Selene. Luna Lovegood is a character in the 'Harry Potter' books. Luna was the 10th most popular name in Belgium in 2006. Expended

Two of my friends faced viva r some questions....election of thailand & who r the competitor.myanmar er noble bijoyi netrir speech BBC te sunechen bolechen oi vasone.Gulf of mexico.BP.bay of bengal er straight south e gele land paben kothay?5powerful women of the world.saarc vukto women foreign minister er nam.district er ekjon bir muktijoddhar of sector commander of ur district.introduce ur district.recent kono significant place e ghurte jaoa hoyeche kina.growth er sathe kiser relation?allocation of education sector in budget.kashi k hindite o english e ki bole?who is more powerful prativa patil or sonia gandhi..USA te foreign minister k ki bole...

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