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Lara Mae Balagtas, 4mos, Female Cues S> hindi na sya masyadong nagsusuka O>conscious >weak in appearance >sunken

eyeball >with on and off episodes of vomiting >with LBM >VS: T 36. 0 C PR 61 bpm RR 17 breaths/min BP 100/60 Nursing Diagnosis Loss of fluid volume due to vomiting. Scientific Expalnation Vomiting the forceful ejection of the stomachs content that frequently affect the digestive tract may also involve other body systems. Planning After 8hrs of providing proper nursing intevention, the patient will be free from episodes vomiting. Intervention 1.Monitor I&O balance, being aware of altered intake or output. 2.Weigh client and compare with recent weigh history. 3.Prvide supplemental fluids Rationale >To ensure accurate picture of fluid status

January 17, 2012 Expected Outcome After 8hrs of providing proper nursing intervention, the patient was remained free from episodes of vomiting.

>To determine trends.

>Fluids may be given in thid manner if client is unable to take oral fluids.

4.Implement >for continuous BRAT supply of (banana,rice, minerals apple, tea) diet.

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