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SHORT CUT F2 F7 Cntrl + A Cntrl + B Cntrl + C

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Cntrl + D Cntrl + F Cntrl + G Cntrl + H Ctrl + I Ctrl + K Ctrl + N Ctrl + O Ctrl + P

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Ctrl + R Ctrl + S Ctrl + U Ctrl + V Ctrl + W Ctrl + X Ctrl + Y Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Tab

FUNCTION Edit the selected cell Spell check selected text or cell Select all contents of the worksheet. Bold highlighted selection. Copy Uses the Fill Down command to copy the contents and format of the topmost cell of a selected range into the cells below. Find and Replace with Find tab selected Go to Find and Replace with Replace tab selected Italic highlighted selection. Insert link. insert new workbook Open Print Uses the Fill Right command to copy the contents and format of the leftmost cell of a selected range into the cells to the right. Saves the active file Underline selection. Paste Closes the selected workbook window. Cut Redo Undo last action. Move between Two or more open Excel files.

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