Ursula Levy

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Madeline Tate Mr.

Neuburger ENG 102-102 30 June 2012 Response Paper Ursula Levy Germany Ursula Levy tells about her unforgettable life experiences. From the home country of Germany to a train headed out, Ursula has been through it all. No matter the pain caused, a strong individual is able to look past it all and be thankful for a life of freedom. The earliest memory Ursula had started before the war. At the young age of 3.5years old her father was admitted to the hospital because of the torture he lived through while living in concentration camps.. There were many things that Ursula remembered about her father, more so than her mother. Her father ran a textile business that had been in the family for many generations. Ursulas memories of her mother included the songs that she used to sing to her as a child. One of the many songs that Ursulas mother sang to her was titled I dance with you into heaven the 7th heaven of love. When asked Ursula was unaware of her religious back ground even though many of memories that she could recall of her mother were focused on religious practices and hymns. Ursula recalled being on a train, most of her memories are centered around this unforgettable train ride. When being on the train she realized that she was leaving her mother but didnt realize that it would be for a period of time. Through the harsh journey that Ursula encountered she met many people who helped her along the way. When asked how she felt about being a holocaust survivor Ursula explained that she neither felt guilty nor did she feel like it was a punishment from God. She was able to survive because of genetics, luck and those who

helped her along the way. She explained as a survivor there is one thing that all survivors have in common and that is the fact that none of them spend their time seeking revenge. After her life experiences, no one in the family ever brought up the devastating topic. Word Count: 359 Quotes: . We dont spend our time seeking revenge. I feel proud, so tormented, tortured, and even killed and we escaped by the skin of our teeth.

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