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Chapter 15 Energy

15.1 Energy and Its Forms

Energy is the __________________________. Work is the _____________________________
Work = force x distance
The unit for work and energy is the ___________________.
When work is done on an object, __________________________________________________.
2 types of Mechanical Energy:
1. Kinetic Energy (KE) ________________________________
KE = ________________Work problems on notes: Math Lab p. 448

2. Potential Energy (PE) _________________________________________________________

A. __________________________________________________ depends on height
GPE = mgh (mass x 9.8 m/s2 x height)
B. _________________________________________________ PE of an object that is
stretched or compressed
Forms of Energy:
Mechanical Energy _____________________________________________________________
Sum of KE and PE
Thermal Energy ________________________________________________________________
The greater the thermal energy, the faster the atoms move, the warmer the object is
Chemical Energy ______________________________________________________________

Energy released when bonds are broken can do work

Electrical Energy ______________________________________________________________
Electromagnetic Energy _________________________________________________________.
Ex. Visible light, x-rays, gamma rays
Nuclear energy- _______________________________________________________ produced
by fission and fusion

Quick Lab p. 450: Investigating Elastic Potential Energy

Section 1 Assessment Questions 1-9 p. 452

15.2 Energy Conversion and Conservation

Energy Conversion _____________________________________________________________
Law of Conservation of energy ___________________________________________________
What accounts for inefficiency in machines: ___________________
3 Examples of energy conversions:

1. Catapult: _____________________________________________________________

2. Coal Power Plant: ______________________________________________________

3. Photosynthesis: ________________________________________________________

Equation for Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy: (KE + PE)beginning = _____________

Math Lab p. 458: Work 4 Problems in the notes

_______________________________________: Energy is released as matter is

destroyed, and matter can be created from energy. -______________ (Energy = mass
times speed of light)

Quick Lab p. 454: Exploring Energy Conversion

Section Assessment Questions 1-10 p. 459

15.3 Energy Resources

Nonrenewable energy resources:

Once used, cannot be replaced except over millions of years
__________________________________________________ are nonrenewable
Oil, coal, and natural gas (fossil fuels)

Renewable Energy Resources:

1. Can be replaced in a relatively ___________________________________________
2. The worlds largest source of energy in 2000 is _______________________________.
3. The percentage used in 2000 was ______________%.

Hydroelectric Energy:

Energy obtained from _________________________

Water flows downhill converting GPE into KE, water turns __________________that are
connected to generators
Solar Energy

Sunlight that is converted into useable energy

__________________ use sunlight to heat a building no machinery

__________________ sunlight heats collection plates through which water flows

Geothermal Energy
_____________________________ beneath earths surface
Can be used to generate electricity in some areas, usually near volcanoes
Biomass Energy
_____________________________ stored in living things.
Can be converted directly into thermal energy
Conserving Energy
_________________________________________________ that you arent using.
Set your _____________________ to a lower temperature in winter and higher temperature in summer.
Use _____________________ light bulbs instead of incandescent bulbs.
Buying a more fuel efficient _______________.
Only running dishwasher, washing machine and dryer when there is a full load.

Data Analysis p. 153

Section Assessment 1-6 p. 466

Webquest: Energy Sources

CBL Lab: Absorption of Radiant Energy

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