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Must Hear the Thunderstorm!!!

R u afraid of the thunderstorm?Afraid??Then,it's normal especially for those who hv weak spirits & children.However,I don't afraid of the thunderstorm! Hahaha!!!!!No matter how afraid u r of the thunderstorm,never close ur ears while the thunderstorm is raging.But y? This is bcoz somebody will b deaf if s/he closes his/her ears while the thunderstorm is raging.U don't believe?Then,close ur ears when the thunderstorm is raging.....If u're deaf,then it's ur unluckiness.......Hahahaha!!!! Who created this rule?The ones who created this rule r the people of the past.Y did they prohibit us from closing our ears?Y must we hear the thunderstorm?The answer is so that beings realise the almightiness & unlimited power of the God.So that beings remenber the God & back to the true route if they do sinful mistakes.And for the Muslims,it is Allah, the Most Almighty.The God can do anything that He can according to His will;no entity can stop Him.Thunderstorms & lightnings r also the natural phenomena in the control of the God. U'll hear the thunderstorms after the lightnings.Do u know how the thunderstorm is produced?It's ez...Lightning is the static electric current which appears randomly from beneath the clouds.When the current slides with the particles of air,then the thunderstorm is produced.The longer the current of lightning,the more the volume of air being slided & the louder the thunderstorm will b. Do u know how to calculate the distance of lightning from ur current location?This is ez also!After u c the lightning,count how many second(s) r there starting with 0(zero) and end it when u hear the thunderstorm.The number of seconds must b multiplied by 330m.After that,u'll know the distance of the lightning from u.But y must 330?This is bcoz the velocity of sound is 330m s-1. The thunderstorm is surely has another goodness.If u're bitten by wild animals such as the turtoises or frogs,these scumbag animals will free u when the thunderstorm rages.But y??Idk........Maybe it's bcoz they're cursed with regard of the thunderstorm. Hm..........I think this is the end of this post.Hope that u can read the next post.Pls comment in the blog and share my blog to ur frens....Bye-ni!!

Kantoi Dah,Sakata Gintoki;Copyright Protected 2012.

Sakata Gintoki

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