Presentation Witness Ashley R

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CULVERHAY SCHOOL Department of Physical Education


UNIT 20 Armed Forces

NAME: Ashley Ruddick

Little description with no examples

Basic and general description with few examples

Sound description with well researched examples

Public Service Presentation AO2 - Describe three different areas of work in your chosen armed force

Excellent description with extensive examples


Area 1 of the Army

Area 2 of the Army Area 3 of the Army Importance of chosen areas

An overview of each section is needed

Past and present examples of action needed throughout

Overall comments/Suggestions for improvement: Ashley you have presented some basic and general descriptions of 3 areas of the armed forces using only scarce examples. To improve you need to use a wider range of examples throughout (such as past and present examples) as well as an overview of each area.

Overall Grade: Signed - T Hooper

D Date - 13/11/2010

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