Common Arabic Phrases1

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Common Arabic Phrases

A Random Compilation for Easy Reference

Common Arabic Phrases

Greetings Good Morning Good Morning (reply) Good afternoon/evening Good afternoon/evening (reply) Hello (Peace upon you) Hello (Upon you be peace) (reply) Welcome (also said in departing) Hello Good-bye (with peace) Shop Other Useful Words and Phrases Yes No Bread Please Thank you Youre welcome Departure Time Driver In the Limousine (Taxi/Cab) Give me Do you understand Straight (ahead) Right Left U-turn (return) Stop (here) Sa-bah al-khair Sa-bah al-nur Mas-sa Al-khair Mas-sa Al-nur As-sa-lam a-lay-kum Wa a-lay-kum as-sa-lam Ah-lan Mar- ha-ba Ma sa-la-ma Doo-kan/ma-hal House(villa) International Market Market Middle East Centre Mini Market Mosque Pharmacy Police Station Post Office Stationery Store Beit/fil-la Al souq al dow-lee Souq Mar kaz al sharq al aw-set Baa-ka-la Mas-jiid Sayee-da-lia Ma-ha-ta al Shur-ta Al Ba-reed Mak-ta-ba

Naam/ai-wa La Khoo-boos Mini fad-lak Shu-kran Af-wan Waqt As sa-far Saw-wak

Airplane Al right (okay) Coffee Car Hot Cold Do you speak English

Tie-ya-ra Qwai-yis Qah-wa Sai-ya-ra Sukhon / Haar Ba-rid Tatakallum Ingleezi?

Ati-nee/Haat Fa-him? A-la tool Ya-meen Ee-sar/sha-mal Ar-ja Wa-gaf (hen-na)

take Fine (reply0 Food Friend Gasoline /petrol Gift Good willing

Al Ham-du-li-llah Akl Sa-deeq Ben-zeen Ha-diy-ya Insha`allah (lit. Thank God)

Slow down Near Before/in front of Beside Wait ( a little) How much? Street Road (Medina) Bridge Up/on Down/below Money My name is Places Airport Bank Police Company Compound Downtown Hospital Hotel Other Useful Words and Phrases Ticket Tomorrow Well (good) Where is ..?

Shwai-ya, shawai-ya Ga-reeb Ga-dam/a-mam Jamb Sta-na(shwai-ya) Kum? Shar-a Ta-reek (Ma-dee-na) Koo-bree Foke Taht Floose Is-mi

Guard Quickly How are you? Behind I dont speak Arabic It does not matter Important Impossible Information Is it possible? Menu milk My address is ..

Ha-ris Be-soo-ra Kaif-Hal-ak Wa-ra/khulf La-A-ta-ka-lam Ar-a-bi Ma-lesh Mu-him Moshe mum-kin Malu-mat Mum-kin? Me-nu Ha-Ieeb Un-wa-ni

Al ma-tar Bank Shu-rta Shar-e-ka Sa-kan Al ba-lad Mus-tash-fa Foon-dook

Permit Problem Reservation Soldier/military person Sorry, excuse me Suitcase Telephone Ther isnt

Tas-reeh Mush-kill-a Hajz As-kar-ee Mut-aa-ssif Shan-ta Ta-li-fone La yuu-jad/Ma fee ..

Taz-kara Bu-kra Tay-yib, Bi-khair Ein-a/fain../wain

Today Water When? Yesterday

Il-yawm Mo-ya Ma-ta? Ams/ al Ba-ri-ha

Numerals Although Arabic is written from right to left surprisingly numbers are written from left to right and in the same manner as English. Thus, 348 in English would be written 348 in Arabic, simply substituting the Arabic form of the numbers. Here are the first 11 numbers and their pronunciation in Saudi Arabia. Zero One Two Three Four Five Sifr Wa-hid Ith-nain Tha-la-tha Ar-ba Kham-sa Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Set-ta Sa-ba Tha-man-ya Tis-a Ash-ara

All the numbers that are a combination of 10s and 1s are said 1s and 10s. For example 23 would be said 3 and 20 in Arabic. However, the tens have their pronunciation a bit an altered. Here are numbers 11-22 and 10s: Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Ehd-ash Ith-nash Ta-lat-ash Aar-bat-ash Kham-stash Sit-ash Sa-bat-ash Ta-man-t-ash Ti-sat-tash Twenty Twenty one Twenty two Thirty Forty Fifty Sixty Seventy Eighty Ninety Ash-reen Wa-hed wa-ash-reen Ith-nain-wa-ash-reen Ta-la-theen Ar-ba-een Kham-seen Sit-een Sab-a-een Ta-man-een Tis-a-een

Note: The een suffix is one form that Arabic use for the plural. For the hundreds, Arabic is a bit more complicated. The numbers are said 100s and 1s and 10s. for example, 365 would be said 300 and 5 and 60. Here are the hundred: One Hundred Two Hundred Three Hundred Four Hundred Five Hundred Mee-a Mee-a-tain Ta-la-ta-mee-at Ar-bat-mee-at Kham-sat-mee-at Six Thousand Seven Thousand Eight Thousand Nine Thousand Si-tat al-af Sa-bat al-af Ta-man-yat al-af Ti-sat al-af

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