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Media Poem

In the scene you see flowers. This portrays emotions.

Also the red colour of the flowers connote love.

The use of Poppies can show may things. One of those things can be the use of poppies to create opium. This shows the happiness and then the comedown from Dans women who can be compared to opium

In the scene you see the flowers. This can relate to the idea of a women's virginity and that the character in the scene did not take the girls flower, this is why they are all in bloom.

You can see the flowers mixed in with the other foliage in the scene. This can show that Dans feelings may be mixed in with other things in his life.

The use of a blackberry phone connotes many things, it conveys a sense of modernism due to it being a brand new phone. The effect that this has on the audience is that they can identify that the event being shown is in a modern time.

In the scene you can see that there are no plants or wildlife. This shows that there is no life in the scene and can portray Dan's lose of the love of his life.

In the background of the scene you see the concrete on the floor. This portrays a sense of emotionless. Also it shows a harsh reality of what will happen to Dan in the scene.

The phone is in the middle of the screen. This makes the phone the middle of attention and the audiences eyes are drawn towards.

Daniel is poorly lit by the sun possibly showing his Daniels clothing is rather bland in terms of colour which lack of emotion and signifies that he is a negative could be a reflection of his personality. If this is the case, presence it signifies he is a rather bland person.

The background of the shot contains bricks and metal which are hard materials. This is a representation of the volatile personality that Daniel has.

In the shot, Daniel is looking down which is a position which could signal negative emotion or deep thought. This suggests the phone conversation is of a serious nature.

The foliage in the background has a dominant presence in the shot. The red poppies are absent suggesting something is missing from his life possibly love.

The bars present could suggest a physical or mental entrapment in which Daniel finds himself in. He could be inside or he could be outside this entrapment.

The foliage suggests that nature is playing a bit Daniels thoughts whilst the bars are a juxta position suggesting that he is under pressure to perform something.

As you can see his mouth is slightly open. This can symbolize a release of breath. This can show that it is a relief to Dan now that he knows that he has been dumped and that he has predicted it for a while. This can show the emotional trauma Dan has gone through during his relationship and that he is now relieved it is over

You see Dan looking off into the distance. This can be portrayed as Dan looking back on his past. Or it can be seen as Dan looking at his future and how it will happen without his girlfriend.

In this shot you see the camera looking down onto Dan. This can show Dan as being small and pathetic. This is also seen by Dan being dumped by phone which is a convention on how you would dump someone you dont care about.

Earlier in the presentation we talked about the women not losing her virginity due to the flowers. This can also be seen in the white on the floor. White can be connoted as being pure and clean which is not something that is related to virginity.

On the floor you see the white on the floor. This can symbolize a blank canvas that Dan is starting his new life on without his girlfriend and that now he is capable of making new decisions to shape his life.

You can see Dan wearing a body warmer in this scene. Also you see that there is a lot of sun in the scene. Due to this sun you would not imagine someone wearing something meant for the winter. This can show that he is cold inside due to him being dumped and that he is now empty inside.

Because the light is shining on him it symbolizes that he is trapped in his emotions.

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