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We human beings are social by nature. Social interaction ,friendship and timely helping are inherent in us. Neighbour, the very mention of the word brings in our mind the image of people next door, living in close proximity, who directly affect the social environment we live in. It is expected that a good neighbour possesses nice qualities like dependability,harmony and

honesty to create pleasant neighbourhood. First and foremost comes dependability. A neighbor living close to us

has to be reliable and trustworthy. For instance, we may need to leave our house keys with them in case in an unforeseen circumstance. When on need, neighbours may borrow money from us but It is the trust in them that

provides the assertion of repaying it shortly. Moreover, a good neighbour should be respectable with a high moral character. This brings about admiration and respect for one another. They should understand the need for space and privacy for their neighbours and people living close by and should refrain from interfering in the lives of others. As good neighbours, we should avoid keeping up with the joneses and stop comparing ourselves with the material possessions of people living next door. Keeping to low levels of noise, avoiding social parties and celebrations at unearthly hours is another necessity. This inculates the base of a better understanding with each others neighbours.

A good be there to count on in case of any crisis. Helping each other fosters closeness, understanding and better social interaction. For example when our entire family was away for vacation, there was an attempted burglary at our house.It was our friendly neighbours who alerted the police on time and even informed us immediately.

To summarize, it can be said that good neighbours should necessarily possess some virtues like reliability, honesty and helpfulness that nurture better relationships based on mutual trust and understanding.

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