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Linking Words/ Phrases

To state personal opinion: In my opinion, / In my view, / To my mind, / (Personally) I believe that, / I feel (very) strongly that, / To my way of thinking, / I am convinced that, / It seems to me that, / I think that, / It is my firm belief that, / It strikes me that, / As far as I am concerned, / I am inclined to believe that. To list advantages and One (dis)advantage of, / Another (dis)advantage of, / The disadvantages: main (dis)advantage of, / The greatest (dis)advantage of, / The first (dis)advantage of. To list points: First(ly), / First of all, / In the first place, / To start/begin with, / To begin with, / Secondly, / Thirdly, / Finally, / Lastly, / Last but not least, / Then , / Next, / After this, / Afterwards. To add more points to the What is more, / Furthermore, / Apart from this/that, / In same topic: addition to this, / Moreover, / Besides, not to mention the fact that, / Not only, / But, / Also. To express cause: Because, / In view of, / Since, / Due to the fact, / Therefore, / For this reason, / As, / Owing to the fact that, / On the grounds that. To refer to other sources: With reference to, / According to, / To show Therefore, / So, / Consequently, / As a consequence, / As a effect/result/consequences: result, / For this reason, / If not, otherwise, / In which case, / Thus. To express purposes: So that, / In order to, / With the purpose/intention to, / In case, / So as to. To give examples: For instance, / For example, / Such as, / Particularly, / In particular, / Especially, / Like. To make general statements: As a general rule, / By and large, / Generally, / In general, / On the whole. To make partially correct Up to a point, / To a certain extent(degree), / To some statements: extent(degree), / In a sense, / In a way, / To a limited extent. To make contrasting points: However, / Nonetheless, / Nevertheless, / Yet, / But, / Even so, /Even though, / Regardless of the fact that, / In spite of the fact that, / Despite the fact that, Although. To express reality: In fact, / It is a fact that, / In effect, / As a matter of fact, / The fact of the matter is (that), / Actually, / In practice, / Indeed. To emphasize a point: Indeed, / Naturally, / Clearly, / Obviously, / Of course, / Needless to say. To express limit of To the best of my knowledge, / As far as I know. knowledge:

To state other peoples opinion:

To clarify, rephrase: To express similarity: To express condition: To express an alternative: To conclude:

To summarise:

It is popularly believed that, / People often claim that, / It is often alleged that, / Some people argue that, / Many argue that, / Most people feel that, / Some people point out that, / Contrary to the popular belief. In other words, / That is to say, / To put it another way. Similarly, / Likewise, / In the same way. On the condition that, / Provided that, / Providing that, / Only if, / In the event of, / As long as, / In case. Either, / On the other hand, Alternatively. Finally, / Lastly, / All in all, / Taking everything into account (consideration), / To sum up, / All things considered, /On the whole, / In conclusion, / On balance, / For the above mentioned reasons, / Therefore I feel that. In short, / Briefly, / To put it briefly.

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