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A Democracy

Which is Better?

A Republic

Centralization Concentration of Power Subjective Value/Relativism Low regard for the Constitution Property belongs to the Government Focus on the good of the group Takes money (taxes) from one to give to another Taxes for welfare and programs that bene t interest groups Looks to government to provide and indemnify (entitlements) Believes civil government is the solution for all problems Believes government is responsible for the social ills of society No inheritance allowed; all property belongs to the government Believes education is a primary government responsibility Justi es loss of liberty according to the good it will do Rights come from civil government Believes in a universal government provision of health care Civil government must protect the people from themselves People decide right from wrong by majority vote Sees our country as part of a one world government Would use military on own people

Decentralization Balance of Power/Checks and Balances Objective Standard Must be Constitutional to be valid Property belongs to the Individual Focus on good of the individual Taxes limited to Constitutional governmental functions Allows people to choose to whom they give or not give Each person is responsible for their own success or failure Believes in extremely limited civil government Believes in family, community and private solutions Private ownership of property; No inheritance tax = family wealth Believes education is the realm of the parent Values liberty over convenience; the end does not justify the means Rights come from God Believes the type of medicine a person uses and how they pay for it is their choice and responsibility Civil government is to protect God-given rights People make laws that agree with Gods laws Believes in national sovereignty Military is to protect from outside threats and attacks

People who live in liberty think di erently than people who live in bondage. Dr. Marlene McMillan 2007 Marlene McMillan, D. Min.

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