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ag Suojssie enmiGns eowouoo3 ubjsap aids 7oaT ABUT OUI SHEL SHUE TES J9n09 PewUsIeNA sue, Aovotiow3 SoURITSHUTE SET SON pabewep seunsse,di@A0 YS|H) qu23@|0) aK aunssosd 381Ng 0},.68099 sieiedo ueD suopeyeisul mou 20) 3SN LON OG sip 1n9 22p104 SIP UI SepeIa BUY, swigoid eames pinbrs peBewep j! ainssaidieno soyeeu8 ye yung Aeyy quesat0) aah aunssaid sing 40.%06~ 0} dn ajesedo UES S\Nae J0pUN soomues pani 0 soden, seunsseud ysang pay] queIsis@) Uo}s0I09 ATYBIH, S,AMd J80UN LON SBOIAIBS UO}SOLIOD, yydesé peuyoeny = ysig eumidn ; amssaud Hos jo %08~ 1e aje10d0 KUO paBewep fuses auesquIsNy Sea001d seoues jo eBues pin SunuowBey-u0N, S\Add J2pun ‘SEOIMIES pinby 30 10dan, ‘se8001d uy sjees euesquieN aunjey {a1/SU9} Os}U09 YSIP UI SIOIS aysodwog 81g eumidnay ainsseid ‘SAbid RUN ION ‘SeO;IES 10 s0den une UoIsueL, API 510 A.L/Engineers Responsibilities Exercise Read the API 510 Code and determine the responsible person(s) Aetivity AY] Bue [ALAND Eng.or Cor. Specialist? ‘Assure owner that testing, nspeation, and examination activities meet 510 Code Evaluate and accept NDE examination resulls Review inspection plan for elevated temperature equipment inspection ‘Approval of thickness measurement procedure fo determine actual thickness is greater than that on the data report for use when determining MAWP. Review and approve RBI approach that extend inspection beyond 10 years Determine if on-stream extemal inspections may be substituted for internal inspections Determine most appropriate corrosion rate long term or short term Determine fa pressure test is required ‘Approve all methods of design, materials, WPSs, NDE and testing ‘Authorize ait vessel Te) Authorize all repairs to Division, 2 vessels ‘Authorize al alterations ‘Approve all repair and alteration work al completion of work Designate hold points for fabrication inspection and approval ‘Authorize the repair welding of cracks ‘Authorize the repair welding of cracks athigh stress points Review the use of Preheat in lieu of PWHT. Review the use of controlled deposition welding In lau of PWHT Review the use of fo PWHT | PWHT in place of ful encirclement Review the repair procedure for Stainless Steel cladding Monitor the repairs made to cladding ‘Approve the use of filet-welded paich repairs Allow temporary welded repairs to remain in place (until next fepair opportunity) ‘Approve use of lap band repair ‘Approve substituting NDE for a pressure lest after repairs ‘Approve alternative NDE to ASME requirements after repairs or alterations Perform calculations for re-rating ( unless performed by manufacturer) Oversee the aitachment of a nameplate aller re-raling SaaS oT ULF J0jeanssosdiono 400, ‘uo sainssaud 08 way eiqeyene saz eoyo eae] reaqwoucos + sypien ‘fa pepwerd cain) Gunees + s0owes ejdonsns y Supoy6s06nxenue%o « ‘ugyedwco esmeseduoy ‘BIEOUALD 3 Sp00B YOS + ‘sounssaid 28 ed og eroge aIgeIEASION TROBE pus amnssardiero (ews + feunssexd ypeq 0} eNSLES ION) + Arges amnssard ys wry qwowobuerewtendeg + seowns ajgydeoens ‘uy Buynoysibind equ} + Aejqednoo exryeseduoy 13 JeoRWeLp yu SpO08 YOS « ‘WROD, ue onssaidiona Joes enesaxd ‘emsseudypeq 0} engsue5 ON + Y2s.0)50509 ayed0 ueD + Tsuetceie apavoRENSS > ‘anssaud ‘auep sjoquco amen + ‘aie 6upsoe seppaid eunssaid soi) + paBewep sq ube sueeg + ‘onsuadro ciow Ayei0u9g + Sema ey woy papojadseuoyy) + + | seovues prio 0dens0j poo « ‘Augneded aumerediey » OWA SPAN = sopues ston :0;poodeN =» s80pv28 Pb POOH TON + ‘sons sedan 105009 + funssaxtyoeq oj annysues = 248 40de8 0) po00 oN + rowoueeg + peje ye oinssaidano gz + ‘eumssaidiano oyevoqvodasd yi 9s + Sobesiehpy ‘SOunyeOS OMIT rere TaBtl ieee] Utste) pereye |

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