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Yew believes that it is better for a leader to be feared than love. If nobody is afraid of me, I am meaningless, said the man who governed Singapore from 1959 to 1990. The former Singaporean leader also believes that it is not necessary to tell everything to the people at all time. My job is to persuade my people to the right way. And sometimes, it may be necessary not to tell them all the facts because it will scare them. Lee ways also that he has never been concerned or obsessed with ipinion polls or popularity poll. He believes that a leader who is concerned with his popularity is a weak leader. Lee is credited with developing Singapore from a mere British trading outpost into one of the worlds richest countries. Lee is a lawyer who studied in Britain. After thirty years of power, Lee resigned and turned over his position to Prime Minister Go . At present, Lee is a senior minister in the Singaporean government. English Workbook (Macabenta) LETS TALK ABOUT IT 1. What kind of leader is Lee Kwan Yew? 2. What are some of the beliefs of Lee Kwan Yew? 3. Why is it not good for a leader to tell everything to his people according to Lee Kwan Yew? 4. Do you agree with the beliefs of Mr. Yew? Why? 5. How many years did Lee Kwan Yew governed Singapore? a. masculine by adding ess. God-goddess heir-heiress priest-priestess Lion-lioness emperor empress giant-giantess b. Gender may also be expressed by the addition of certain words connoting the masculine or feminine before the noun. Boy friend male cousin lady doctor c. Gender may be expressed by a different word. Sir madam bull- cow dog bitch 2. Nouns that refer to objects without life are in the neuter gender. Barangay vinta sea land 3. Nouns which can be either masculine or feminine belong to the common gender. Baby child helper With regards to nouns in this category, there sometimes are for living thing three words, one masculine, one feminine, and one for common gender. Masculine Feminine Commom Father mother parent Brother sister sibling Stallion mare horse Boar sow pig SOMETHING TO DO A. Substitute the opposite gender of the underlined noun: 1. There was no priest in the parish.

2. No emperor ruled the Philippines. 3. A king ruled the kingdom. 4. The sons of the rulers were considered freemen. 5. The rajahs child was a prince. 6. If a datu had no son, his nephew might succeed him. 7. There were no stage actors in primitive society. 8. There were shepherds of small flocks. 9. Aprince gave fine stallions as gifts to the emperor. 10. The early Filipinos believed in many gods. B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate noun. Male Fmale Offspring 1. bull cow ___________ 2. ___________ doe ___________ 3. ___________ hen ___________ 4. boar __________ piglet 5. ___________ hen ___________ 6. ___________ goose ___________ 7. stallion __________ ___________ 8. tiger __________ ___________ 9. ___________ duck ___________ 10. lion __________ ___________ THE SCRIBE IN ME List down at least ten (10) qualities of a good leader. Underline all nouns used. THE DONKEY IN THE LIONS SKIN Wandering through the forest one day, a donkey found a lions kin. How magnificient! he said to himself. He put it on and turned around Ah! How grand I look! He set off to find the other animals. They would really admire him in his new lions skin. Soon he found his friend, the cow. She quitely eating grass in the meadow. Look at me! Im a lion! the donkey brayed at the cow. Im the king of the animals. Hee-haw! Hee-haw! How stu-u-u-pid the cow moved. You may think you look like him! But as soon as you open your mouth, silly, everyone can tell youre a donkey! LETS TALK ABOUT IT 1. Is it right for the donkey to wear the lions skin? Why? 2. Why is it that the cow called the donkey stupid? FOCUS ON FORM : PERSONAL PRONOUNS Cas es Per son 1st 2nd 3rd Ma scul Nominative Singular d You He Plural We You They Objective Singular Me You Him Plural Us You Them Possessive Singular My, mine Your, yours His/her Plural Our, ours Your, yours Their/theirs

ine Fe min ine Neu ter

She It

Her It

Hers It

SOMETHING TO DO A. Rewrite the text below. Replace the nouns need to be replaced by pronouns. Alices older sister Marrieta appears to be brighter than Alice. Marrieta is a consistent honoe student; Alice is not. Marrieta has special talents too. Marrieta writes for the school paper. Marrieta has a part-time as a receptionist in a telegraph office. In the other hand, Alice goes home after class and helps her mother with the household chores. Alice observes that her parents attention is always on Marrieta. Parents talk to Marrieta about their plans for sending Marrieta to a college in Manila. Alice is beginning to feel that there is a favoritism in the family. Alice feels that shes is no longer loved. This has make Alice unhappy. B. Put in the correct pronouns needed in each sentence.

1. We have a lot of problems. Could _______ help ________? 2. Have you read the story? How did you like ___________? 3. Marinas uncle gave ___________ a fine present for Christmas.__________ thanked ________ very much for the gift. 4. Patricia was very proud of _____________ new dress._____________ mother made _________. 5. In this Rafaels towel. No _______ did not bring me. Thats not ________. THE SCRIBE IN ME : Write a compostion telling about youreself. Suggested title : ALL ABOUT MY LIFE TODAY A young man lives in the future An old man live in the past; For youth, time is moving too slowly, For age, its moving too fast. A young man dreams for the gladness The years just before him will bring; An old man dreams of his pleasures When life held the majic of spring. But youth and age are in error! The present alone can convey. The joy, the cheer and contentment We seek as we journey lifes way. Today is the time to be happy! No matter how young or how old. Its always today that must bring us The blessings our fortunes unfold

-HawthorneLETS TALK ABOUT IT 1. Choose one paragraph and express your ideas about it. 2. Do you agree with the authors insight about life? Why? FOCUS ON FORM : SUFFIXES AND PREFIXES

We can affixes to form a Noun, Verb, Adjective or Adverb. Prefixes and suffixes produced a new word and another meaning. A. Noun Suffixes NESS - kindness, belongness ING - accounting, managing MENT - retirement, accomplishment TY / ITY - maternity, propriety ER / OR - director, teacher, falterer EE - employee, payee IST - pianist, psychiatrist ANCE / ENCE - attendance, dependence ION/TION/SION - demotion, interruption, explosion ANT/ENT - attendant, pediatrician ATION / ITION - recommendation, demolition B. Verb Suffixes ading IZE or EN to an adjective IZE - organize, popularize EN - enlighten, shorten C. Adjective Suffixes formed from nouns FUL - forceful, grateful OUS - hazzardous, odorous AL - experimental, dental LY - lovely, purely IVE - inquisitive, inductive ABLE / IBLE - destructible, dependable Y - hairy, funny, slippery IC - terrific, therapeutic LY - consistency, fairly D. Common Prefixes ANTI (against) - antidote, antipode MIS (wrong) - misinterpret, misunderstanding RE (again) - repaint, revamp MINI (small) - miniforest, minilibrary POST (after) - postgraduate, postscript PRE (before) - prenatal, predominant SEMI (half) - semicircle, semiconscious SUPER (big) - supernatural, supersonic INTER (between) - intercession, intercostal OVER (too much) - overcant, overflow E. Negative Prefixes IN - injustice, insane IR - irregular, irration NON - nontoxic, non entity


- disregard, dismantle - immigrant, impostor - illusion, illiterate

Give the basewords and the affixes of the following words. Some affixes dont give more meaning and mark the words as nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs. Follow the frist one as an example. Word 1.debtor 2. management 3. sporty 4. helpful 5. electrician 6. frighten 7. musical 8. Baseword Debt Noun Or AFFIX Verb Adjective Adverb

SOOTHING AS NIGHT WINGS ARE Love is gentle love is quiet Like any distant star; Love is beauty, love is music Soothing as night winds are. Love is patient and unselfish Divine, true, neutral fair Love is ageless and immortal Lost love is just somewhere And the heart that love abandons Nurses a tender scar Softly stabbing, and yet sweetly Soothing as night winds are. Salvador B. Espinas LETS TALK ABOUT IT 1. What words does the author use to describe love? 2. To what things is love compared? 3. Cite instances to show that : a. Love is patient b. Love is unselfish c. Love is ageless d. Love is gentle e. Love is soothing FOCUS ON FORM : ADJECTVES An adjective modifies, describes or linit noun or pronoun.

Kinds of Adjectives A. Limiting sets limit I own (many, several, few, handful, enugh) during paraphernalia. B. Descriptive describes qualities of nouns or pronouns understanding father, clumsy teener, responsible guy C. Pronominal noun or pronoun used as modifier * Ricos foundation, Claudines suitor, my friend, that problem D. Noun modifying adjective proper and common noun used to modify another noun. * Chinese restaurant, labor sector, French fries, Friday sickness E. Compound adjective is made up of two or more words to form into one and used before the noun it modifies. * It was an honest to-goodness mistake committed by Raul. * His tongue is like a twin-bladed sword. Position of Adjectives There are two places where we can use an adjective: before a noun (a deligent student) and after a linking verb (Joy is lovable). We can use most adjectives in both positions before a noun or after a linking verb. But few adjectives can go in one position but not in the other. Adjectives before a noun main, only, indoor, former, chief, elder, eldest, inner, outdoor, outer, principal, upper Adjectives after a linking verb asleep, alike, please, ill, afraid, alone, ashamed, awake, alive,content (happy) fine, (in good health, glad, unwell, well SOMETHING TO DO a. Complete the table by writing the adjective that can be used to describe the given nouns. Choose the words from the list below. child playful Weather Hot meat fresh examination easy

Sunny Frozen Chilly Playful Semestral

thoughtful mischievous stormy difficult final

fair easy chopped tender talented

clever hot fresh minced long

Direction; Underline the adjective s) in the sentence and identify its kind. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Eduardo sailed the small boat on the calm lake. The Visayan people talk in fascinating manner. I attended my friends wedding. She puts enough sugar in her coffee. The rare Kalaw is a big-dense-forest bird. The third President was a good man. Filipino hospitality is known around the world. Weve eatern our lunch in a Japanese restaurant.

9. Ten barrios sent lively marchers. 10. Did you notice his bright eyes and his tanned face? THE SCRIBE IN ME Write an article which describes your favorite teacher in the elementary. Underline all the adjectives that you will use. POEM TIME OUT FOR TODAY Today is here. I will begin with a smile and resolve to be Agreeable. I will not criticize. I refuse to waste my valuable time. Today has one aspect in which I know I am equal with all Others time. All of us draw the same salary seconds, Minutes and hours. Today I will not waste my time, because the minutes I Wasted yesterday are lost as a vanished though. Today I refuse to spend time worrying about what might Happen it usually doesnt. I am going to spend time making Things happen. Today I am determined to study to improve myself, for Tomorrow I may be wanted, and I must not be found lacking. Today I begin by doing, and not wasting my time. In one Week I will be miles beyond the person I am today. Today, I will not imagine what I would do if things were Different. They are not different. I will make success with What material I have. Today I will stop saying, If I have time I know I never Will find time for anything. If I want time, I must make it. Today I will act toward other people as though this Might be my last day on earth. I will not wait for Tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes. LETS TALK ABOUT IT 1. Why should we value time? 2. Why is it not good worrying about what might happen? 3. How do you spend time wisely? 4. What will you do if this day will be your last? 5. FOCUS ON FORM: VERBALS VERBALS are verb forms that are usd as nouns or modifiers in a clause rather than as the main verb or as part of a verb phrase. Kinds of Verbals


Infinitive Form: to + simple form (base form) of the verb Uses: used s a noun, an adjective, or an adverb e.g. l. The prisoners only chance to escape the cruel torture was to renounce their faith. 2. Lorenzos temptation to recant made him suffer.

2. Gerund Form : ends in ING. Use : used as a noun e.g. 1. After giving his gifts and praying the rosary, he rested and slept. 2. Praying fervently and singing psalms strengthened their faith. 4. Participle Form : ends in ING and past forms d, ed,n. en, t. Use : used as an adjective e.g. Reared as a perfect gentleman, he spoke excellent Spanish. The banking dog frightened us. SOMETHING TO DO A . Change the V-ING patterns to To-V patterns. e.g. Speaking well impresses people. To speak well impresses people. 1. Speaking ill of others is rude. 2. Writing daily can make one a good writer. 3. Eating too much makes us uncomfortable. 4. Sleeping late is bad for the health. 5. Reading good books is profitable. 6. Exercising everyday brings good health. 7. Crying over spilt milk is foolish. 8. Imitating others is not always profitable. 9. Eating a balanced diet is to be recommended. 10. Avoiding mistake is a good habit. 11. A. Tell whether the underlined word is a gerund or a participle. 1. The crying child looked for his toy. 2. I watched your dancing. 3. Walking improves ones courage. 4. She likes traveling. 5. Is Celia fond of swimming. 6. The girl humming a gay tune is my sister. 7. We took a picture of the children bathing. 8. We watched the coach speaking to the visiting team. 9. Lita enjoys singing with her friends. 10. The menfinished painting the house. 11. The wind blowing blew the fruit down. 12. The man sitting near the table is ill. 13. This drinking glass is very expensive. 14. They called him the walking dictionary. 15. Mother Theresa is known as the living saint. THE SCRIBE IN ME Write paragraph about your hobbies. Underline the verbals that you will use GREEKS MAJOR GODS AND GODDESSES

The Greeks believed that the gods chose Mount Olympus, in a region of Greece called Thessaly (Thessalia), as their home. On Olympus, te gods formed a society that ranked them in terms of authority and powers. However, the gods could roam freely, and individual gods became associated ith three main domains the sky or heaven, the sea, the earth. The l2 chief gods, usually called the Olympians, were Zeus, Hera, Hephaestus, Athens, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hestia, Hermes, Demeter, and Poseidon. Zeus was the head of the gods, and the spiritual father of gods and people. His wife, Hera, was the queen of heaven and the guardian of marriage. Other gods associated with heaven were Hephaestus, god of fire and metal workers; Athena, goddess of wisdom and war; and Apollo, god of light, poetry, and music. Artemis, goddess of wildlife and the moon; Ares, god of war; and Aphrodite, goddess of love, ere ther gods of heaven. They were joined by Hestia, the goddes of the hearth; and Hermes, messenger of th gods and ruler of science and invention. Poseidon was the ruler of the sea, who with his wife, Amphitrite, led a group of less important sea gods, such as the Nereids and Tritons. Demeter, the goddess of agriculture was associated with the earth. Hades, an important god but not generally considered an Olympian, ruled the underworld, where he lived with his wife, Persephone. The underworld was a dark and mournful place located at the center of the earth. It was populated by the souls of people who had died. Dionysus, god of wine and pleasure, was among the most popular gods. The Greejs devoted many festivals to this eathly god, and in some regions he became as important as Zeus. He often was accompanied by a host of fanciful gods, including satyrs, centaurs, and nymphs. Satyrs were creatures with the legs of a goat and the upper body of a monkey or human. Centaurs had the head and torso of a man and the body of a horse. The beautiful and charming nymphs wanted woods and forests. LETS TALK ABOUT IT Summarize the text in five sentences. FOCUS ON FORM : COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES We form the comparative and superlative of short adjectives (e.g. nice) and long adjectives (e.g. beautiful) in different ways. * One or two-syllable adjectives (e.g. , short,cute) usually have the er, -est ending. Your cellphone is smaller. Cruz family needs a bigger house. This is the shortest stick that I have seen. You are the smartest girl here in our campus. * But e use more most before words ending in ed. Everyone was pleased with the result of the test but Mr. Canuto was the most pleased. * We also use more, most with three-syllable adjectives (e.g. exciting) and with longer ones. Humorous movies are more exciting to watch than horror ones. Mr. Ramos is the most eligible bachelor in town. However, some two-syllable adjectives may end with er, est, or more-most, as provided by the information below. 1. Words ending in a consonant +Y have er, est; Happy happier happiest e.g. busy, dirty, heavy, funny,lovely, wacky, pretty, silly. 2. Some words have er-est or more-most: narrow narrower narrowest or more narrow most narrow e.g. gentle, common, clever, polite, quiet, simple, stupid, tired, 3. The following words have more-most

e.g. useful more useful most useful 3.a. Words ending in ful or less: helpful, careful, useful, hopeless, careless 3.b. Words ending in ing or ed; willing, boring, surprised, annoyed 3.c. Many others : certain, correct, afraid, eager, exact, famous, foolish, frequent, modern, nervous, normal, recent; * Good, well, bad and far have irregular form: good/well better best bad worse worst far farther/further farthest/furthest * We use more-most and their opposites less-least to compare quantities I have more books than you. Manila Hotel has the most rooms. Chona spends less on jewelries than Rachel does. Lei committed the least mistakes among the contestants. SOMETHING TO DO. a. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the adjective in parenthesis. l. Joy is ________ (tall) than Grace. 2. Manila is ________ (small) than New York. 3. Boys are _________( fast) runners than girls. 4. The University of Sto. Tomas is _______ (old) than University of Visayas. 5. This dress is ______( pretty) than that one. 6. That mountain is the _______ (high) of all. 7. She is _______(old) than most of bust but she feels _______(young). 8. The Philippine Deep is the _________(deep) part of the Pacific Ocean. 9. Is thre a ________(large) table than this one. 10. This is the ________(funny) story I have read. B. Write sentences from the notes below. Use the superlative degree of comparison. (2 points each). Example : Carol/careful/file clerk in the office. Answer : Carol is the most careful file clerk in the office. 1. The successful/secretary/was trained here. ____________________________________________ 2. Minda/skillful/teacher/Ive ever known. 3. He can work/fast/ of all the operators. 4. Roy/buy/small/cellphone. 5. Yesterday /was unforgettable day/in my life.

THE SCRIBE IN ME Playig favorites: List down your favorite things, persons, animals, etc. Compare it with other things, persons, animals, etc. . 1. He was not very intelligent _________ he never failed. 2. He was an extravagant person __________ he spent his money foolishly. 3. You will tell the truth ________ I ill punish you. His pen s broken _______ he couldnt write with it.

THE STORY OF THE RAINBOW Once upon a time, all the colors in the world started to quarrel; each claimed that she was the best, the most important, the most useful, the most favorite. GREEN said: Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and of hope. I was chosen for grass, trees, leaves ithout me all the animals would die. Look out over th countryside and you will see that I am the majority. BLUE interrupted: You only think about the earth, but consider the sky and the sea. It is wather that is the basis of life and this is drawn up by the clouds from the blue sea. The sky gives space and peace and serenity. Without my peace you would all be nothing but busybodies. YELLOW chuckled: You are all serious. I bring laughter, gaiety, and warmth into the world. The sun is yellow, the moon is yellow, the stars are yellow. Everytime you look at the sunflower, the whole world starts to smile. Without me there would be no fun. ORANGE started next to blow her own trumpet. I am the color of health and strength. I may be scarce, but I am precious, for I serve the inner needs of human life. I carry all the most important vitamins. Think of carrots and pumpkin, oranges, mangoes, and pawpaws. I dont hang around all the time, but when I fill the sky at sunrise or sunset, my beauty is so striking that no one gives another thought to any of you. RED could stand it no longer. He shouted out: I am the ruler of you all: blood, lifes blood, I am the color danger and bravery. I am willing to fight for a cause. I bring fire in the blood. Without me, the earth would as empty as the moon. I am the color of passion and of love; the red rose, poinsettia and poppy. PURPLE rose up to his full height. He was very tall and he spoke with great pomp:I am the color of royalty and power. Kings, chiefs and bishops have always chosen, for I am sign of authority and wisdowm. People do not question me theylisten and obey. INDIGO spoke much more quietly and all the others, but just as determinedly: Think of me, I am the color of silence. You hardly notice me; but without me you all become superficial. I represent thought and reflection, twilight and deep waters. You need me for balance and contrast, for prayer and inner peace. And so the colors went on boasting, each convined that they were the best. Their quarreling became louder and louder. Suddenly there was wtartling splash of brilliant white lightning; thunder rolled and boomed. Rain started to pour down relentlessly. The colors all crouched down in fear, drawing close to one another for comfort. They spoke: You foolish colors, fighting among yourselves, each trying to dominate the rest. Do you not know that God made you all? Each for a special purpose: unique and different. He loves you all. Join hands with another and come with me. I will stretch you across the sky in a great bow of color as a reminder that He loves you all, tht you can live together in peace, a promise that he is with you, a sign of hope for tomorrow And so whenever God has used a good rain to wash the world, He puts the rainbow in the sky; and when he see it, let us remember to appreciate one another. Based on an Indian legend, written by Anne Hope

LETS TALK ABOUT IT 1. What message is the author trying to impart in the story? 2. How will you apply the moral of the story to what are happening in real life? 3. Do you agree with the idea of the author regarding the solution to bickering and unhealthy competition? FOCUS ON FORM: CONJUNCTIONS The word conjunction comes from the Latin word meaningto join. Conjunctions are words which join words, phrases, or clauses. Two General Classes of Conjunctions 1. Coordinating connect words, phrases, and clauses of equal rank. 2. Subordinating used to introduce subordinate clauses. A. The AND type AND is used to add something to what has already been said. It should be used only when the second idea is along the same line of thought as the first idea. Examples: 1. She is attractive and good-tempered. 2. (The words attractive and good tempered are positive qualities) 3. He went away and never came back. B. The BUT Type BUT is used to add something contrary to or different from wha has already been said. When we use but, the second part of the sentence expresses an idea which is a contrast to the first. Example: 1. He is stupid but industrious. 2. (Stupid is a negative quality while industrious is a positive quality.) C. The OR type OR implies a choice. It connects ideas of equal value giving one a chance to choose either idea. Example: 1. You can come today or tomorrow. 2. I can go or stay as I please. D. The SO type So is used when the second part is a consequence of the first part. The so typediffers from the and type, which implies the same line of thought. It also differs from the but type which implies a contrast. So implies that the second part follows as a result of the first part. Example: 1. He shouted so I had to listen to him. C. The principal subordinate conjunctions are what, that, because, how, although, if, unless, where. whether. 1. The question what is answered by a that clause. That he is a liar is false. (What is false?) They claimed that he is a liar. (What did they claim?) 2. Purpose is expressed in the following examples. They read that they may learn.

They read so that they may learn. 3. Cause and effect is expressed in the following. He failed because he did not study. He was so lazy that he failed. 4. Manner is expressed by how. This is how I want you to do it. 5. Concession is expressed by although. Although I made a few mistakes, I got a very good mark. 6. Condition is expressed by if and unless. If you go with me, Ill treat you to a snack. Ill not speak to you unless you go with me 7. Place is expressed by where. I dont know whether I lost it. 8. Uncertainty is introduced by whether (not if). I dont know whether I cn go with you. 9. An adjectival subodinate clause may be introduced by who, which, that. The boy who won th prize is my cousin. The prize which he won is a book. The flowers that he sent are orchids. SOMETHING TO DO Coordinate Conjunctions : Write either of the coordinating conjunctions AND, SO, BUT and OR needed in each of the following sentences. 4. He studied hard fr the test ______ he got a good grade. 5. His pen was broken ________ he could write with it. 6. He studied hard for the test _______ he got low grade. 7. I was hungry ________ I didnt want to eat. 8. It was raining _______ we went out. 9. You will hand in your theme on time _____ Il give you a deduction. Subordinate Conjunctions : Underline the subordianting conjunctions needed in each sentence. 1. He turned his face aay (so as, so that) we would not recognize him. 2. We went out (because, although) the rain stopped. 3. She did not know (where, so) she lost her watch. 4. She was not sure (whether, unless) she could go. 5. Lets hurry (so as, so that) we wont be late. 6. I dont know (whether, because) I cn go with you. 7. (Though, Because) she is often neglected by her parents, she still repsects them. 8. They graduated high school (because, unless) they worked for it. 9. (Before, After) passing the rest, he was congratulated. 10. Ill not come (unless, if) you invited. . FOCUS ON FORM: NOUNS

Nouns are names of persons, places, things, ideas, or state of being. Everything that can be seen by our naked eyes is noun. Proper nouns are the specific names of nouns and start with a capital letter while common nouns refer to gneral names of nouns and start with a small letter. Noun Gender Nouns like father or mother, rooster or hen, indicate whether the person or animal is male or female. This sex distinction in nouns is called gender of which there are four categories: 4. Nouns which denote males belong to the masculine gender.

Actor king stag 5. Nouns which denote females belong to the fiminine gender. Mistress wife hen a. The feminine gender may be formed from the masculine by adding ess. God-goddess heir-heiress priest-priestess Lion-lioness emperor empress giant-giantess b. Gender may also be expressed by the addition of certain words connoting the masculine or feminine before the noun. Boy friend male cousin lady doctor c. Gender may be expressed by a different word. Sir madam bull- cow dog bitch 6. Nouns that refer to objects without life are in the neuter gender. Barangay vinta sea land 7. Nouns which can be either masculine or feminine belong to the common gender. Baby child helper With regards to nouns in this category, there sometimes are for living thing three words, one masculine, one feminine, and one for common gender. Masculine Feminine Commom Father mother parent Brother sister sibling Stallion mare horse Boar sow pig SOMETHING TO DO C. Substitute the opposite gender of the underlined noun: 1. There was no priest in the parish. 2. No emperor ruled the Philippines. 3. A king ruled the kingdom. 4. The sons of the rulers were considered freemen. 5. The rajahs child was a prince. 6. If a datu had no son, his nephew might succeed him. 7. There were no stage actors in primitive society. 8. There were shepherds of small flocks. 9. Aprince gave fine stallions as gifts to the emperor. 10. The early Filipinos believed in many gods. D. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate noun. Male Fmale Offspring 1. bull cow ___________ 2. ___________ doe ___________ 3. ___________ hen ___________ 4. boar __________ piglet 5. ___________ hen ___________ 6. ___________ goose ___________ 7. stallion __________ ___________ 8. tiger __________ ___________ 9. ___________ duck ___________ 10. lion __________ ___________ THE SCRIBE IN ME List down at least ten (10) qualities of a good leader. Underline all nouns used. INFORMATION GENRE CIGARETTES MAY PROMOTE BLINDNESS

Not that you neededanother reason to avoid smoking, but in case cancer, heart disease and bad breath arent reasons enough, two new studies offer one: blindness. Writing in last weeks journal of the Americal Medical Association, a pair of Boston-based research teams strongly link cigarette smoking to age-related mascular degeneration (AMD). A degenerative eye conditin that is the leading cause of blindness in older Americans. In the first study, researchers follow 32,000 female nurses for 12 years, periodically checking their smoking habits and health status. Those puffing at least 25 cigarettes a day suffered two and a half times the AMD rate of those who had never smoked. Women who had quit developed the condition at twice the rate of thse who had never smoked. The second study tracked 21,000 male physicians and gound a similar pattern. As in the nurses study, a pack-a-day smokers developed AMD at two to three times the rate of never smokers.. But in this study, quitting eliminated most of the risk. No one knows how smoking promotes AMD; it my impede circulation or simply accelerates the aging of cells. Either way, the new study suggests one way to avoid it. Newsweek, October 21, 1996 LETS TALK ABOUT IT 1. What is the selection all about? 2. What does the writer tell about cigarettes? 3. How does cigarette affects the health of a person? FOCUS ON FORM : KINDS OF ADVERB 1. Adverb of Time Answers the question WHEN I have to attend the meeting tonight. 2. Adverb of Manner answers the question HOW President Arroyo speaks bravely. 3. Adverb of Place answers the question WHERE Im leaving for Cebu. 4. Adverb of Frequency answers the question HOW OFTEN Im always lonely. 5. Adverb of degree answers the questio HOW MUCH He is very friendly. 6. Adverb of Cause and Reason answers the question WHY She is absent because she is sick. Other Adverbs: Interrogative adverb how, when, where, why Negative adverb no, not, never Connection and relation adverbs however, why, nevertheless, furthermore Where, if, though, than, indeed, certainly *Adverbs never, always, sometimes, frequently, and usually come after the verbs is, are, was, were. They come before a single word verb, and they come betweenmmbers of a verb phrase. SOMETHING TO DO A.Identify the kind of underlined adverb. (manner, time, place, frequency) _________ 1. The window will probably open if you press harder.

_________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________

2. Mr. Cruz, the school head always arrives early. 3. It is best to entertain the visitor here. 4. Will you ever go to Rome to see the Pope? 5. The students sing the National Anthem daily. 6. Jean Garcia is remarkably good in acting. 7. You are incredibly ridiculous! 8. Do you like to move nearer to him? 9. Did the candidate for President deliver his speech well? 10. Christine Hermosas acting career extends far.

B.Underline the adverb and draw an arrow to the word it modifies. 1. The secretary performs his work deligently. 2. Have you always lived in Davao City? 3. Via arrives early during shooting schedules. 4. All the contestants for the speech choir were noticeably tensed. 5. Marys stepsisters treated her cruelly . 6. Princess Diana died in Parish brutality. 7. She opened the door rather cautiously. 8. Rosarymae studies much harder than her older sister. 9. Catherine quietly entered the room. 10. Shall I return the books today? C. Select the correct word to complete the sentences below. 1. The choirs voices sounded (shrill, shrilly). 2. The old woman looked (sad, sadly). 3. They were left (entire, entirely) to our rescue. 4. Did grandma sleep (good, well) last night? 5. I heard her speak (secret, secretly) to that man. 6. The juice tastes (bitter, bitterly). 7. He had been behaving (mystery, mysteriously) these few days. 8. The teacher explained the lesson (patient, patiently). 9. Kairo singers sing on the stage at (night, nightly). 10. Marathon participants run (fast, fastly). LAUGTER , THE BEST MEDICINE LETS TALK ABOUT IT : 1. Compare the reactions of the FOCUS ON FORM : PREPOSITION

A preposition shows the relationship between its object and another word/s in a sentence. It may be in the form of one word or in a form of a phrase that functions as a unit. 1. It shows direction and motion - He moves towards his target. 2. It indicates a place or position - He placed the tray on the dining table. 3. It indicates time - Just text me between 6:00 and 7:00 a.m.

4. It shows comparison They won the game along with the other team. The most common prepositions are : To on in Under Underneath By As far as top against off despite beneath across beyond in spite of for over below

beside besides along behind alongside with withoutoutide inside along with aside from of

IN ON IN in general means beneath the surface. On means touching the surface The papers are in the drawer while the books are on the desk. ON AT - In address, ON is used with the name of a street; At with the house number and street names. John lives on Hilario Avenue. The mayor lives at No. 123, Cervantes St., Tagum City AT IN referring to location, AT ordinarily indicates a spcified location; In a location within a house, building, city, et. Ill meet you at Scoobys this afternoon. Mother is in the kitchen preparing lunch. Well meet you at the information desk, in the lobby of the hotel

EXAMPLES: 1. She went to the store a while ago. 2. Our professor is from Phil. Normal University. 3. You cant sit by the window. 4. The napkin is placed beside the plate. 5. You can easily jump over our fence. 6. Please dont lean on the wall. 7. Mr. Reyes lives across the street from his office. 8. You can walk around the block for your daily exercise. 9. Lino took a short cut throught the park. 10. That noisy group is coming up the street. 11. One can find a mini-grocery a few yards down the street. 12. Mary has to choose between two admirers. 13. What is money among friends? 14. Jim cant go inside the laboratory without a uniform. 15. The ten beauty contestants in bathing suits paraded before the judges. 16. After the manager talked to them, the strikers agreed to end the strike. 17. Baguio, the summer capital is several hundred feet above sea level. 18. In contrast, Manila is below sea level. 19. Many treasures can be found at the bottom of the sea. 20. Diligent and intelligent students always stay at the head of the class. 21. The secretary walked into the office and gave the letters to her boss. 22. Many of the residents were able to run out of the crumbling building. 23. Local tourists go touring around the country by way of Friendship Highway. SOMETHING TO DO A: Underline the correct preposition/s inside the parenthesis: 1. Do you live (at, on) Rizal Avenue (in, on) Quezon City? 2. Mrs. Santos walked (in, into) the kitchen and placed the packages (on, over) the table. 3. My aunt is sitting (in, on) the sofa (in, at) the living room.

4. Dr. Smith, a visiting professor who is (from, of) London is staying (at,in) Excelsior Hotel. 5. The door was locked, so I shoved the letter (under, around) the door. 6. Your score (in, on) the examination is well (above, over) average. 7. Dont forget to put your return address (in, on) the envelope. 8. While waiting (for, to) my plane flight, I took a leisurely walk (around, across) the airport station. 9. Jimmy leaned (near , against) the newly-painted wall and got his shirt smeared (by, with) paint. 10. My brother piled his books (above, on top of) his study table. (INSERT TEXT HERE FOR PREPOSITIONAL .) GRAMMAR ON FOCUS : PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES A prepositional phrase begins with a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun called the object of the preposition. A sentence can give several prepositional phrases, and the phrases can come anywhere in th sentence. Examples: Without a moments hesitation, the cat leaped through the open window. In view of the guidelines from the office of the principal, classes will only be up to 3:00 oclock in the afternoon. B: Copy all prepositional phrases in the following sentences: THE MYSTERY OF AGATHA CHRISTIE 1. A nurse at a London hospital had a young girl in her ward. 2. None of the doctors could find a cure for the young girl. 3. Before work, the nurse began reading another chapter of the book by Agatha Christie. 4. After several pages, she put the bag into her bag and hurried to the hospital 5. According to the book, someone had taken a rare potion called thalium. 6. The description of the victims symptoms exactly matched the symptoms of the young girl. 7. The hurse placed the book in front of the doctors. 8. She told them about her suspicions. 9. Within minutes, the doctors prescribed a new series of treatments for the girl. 10. Because of a mystery by Agatha Christie, a young girls life was saved THE SCRIBE IN ME Write an anecdote of a humorous experience. INFORMATION GENRE CIGARETTES MAY PROMOTE BLINDNESS Not that you neededanother reason to avoid smoking, but in case cancer, heart disease and bad breath arent reasons enough, two new studies offer one: blindness. Writing in last weeks journal of the Americal Medical Association, a pair of Boston-based research teams strongly link cigarette smoking to age-related mascular degeneration (AMD). A degenerative eye conditin that is the leading cause of blindness in older Americans. In the first study, researchers follow 32,000 female nurses for 12 years, periodically checking their smoking habits and health status. Those puffing at least

25 cigarettes a day suffered two and a half times the AMD rate of those who had never smoked. Women who had quit developed the condition at twice the rate of thse who had never smoked. The second study tracked 21,000 male physicians and gound a similar pattern. As in the nurses study, a pack-a-day smokers developed AMD at two to three times the rate of never smokers.. But in this study, quitting eliminated most of the risk. No one knows how smoking promotes AMD; it my impede circulation or simply accelerates the aging of cells. Either way, the new study suggests one way to avoid it. Newsweek, October 21, 1996 LETS TALK ABOUT IT 4. What is the selection all about? 5. What does the writer tell about cigarettes? 6. How does cigarette affects the health of a person? FOCUS ON FORM : KINDS OF ADVERB 1. Adverb of Time Answers the question WHEN I have to attend the meeting tonight. 2. Adverb of Manner answers the question HOW President Arroyo speaks bravely. 3. Adverb of Place answers the question WHERE Im leaving for Cebu. 4. Adverb of Frequency answers the question HOW OFTEN Im always lonely. 5. Adverb of degree answers the questio HOW MUCH He is very friendly. 6. Adverb of Cause and Reason answers the question WHY She is absent because she is sick. Other Adverbs: Interrogative adverb how, when, where, why Negative adverb no, not, never Connection and relation adverbs however, why, nevertheless, furthermore Where, if, though, than, indeed, certainly *Adverbs never, always, sometimes, frequently, and usually come after the verbs is, are, was, were. They come before a single word verb, and they come betweenmmbers of a verb phrase. SOMETHING TO DO A.Identify the kind of underlined adverb. (manner, time, place, frequency) _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ 1. The window will probably open if you press harder. 2. Mr. Cruz, the school head always arrives early. 3. It is best to entertain the visitor here. 4. Will you ever go to Rome to see the Pope? 5. The students sing the National Anthem daily. 6. Jean Garcia is remarkably good in acting. 7. You are incredibly ridiculous! 8. Do you like to move nearer to him? 9. Did the candidate for President deliver his speech well? 10. Christine Hermosas acting career extends far.

B.Underline the adverb and draw an arrow to the word it modifies. 1. The secretary performs his work deligently. 2. Have you always lived in Davao City? 3. Via arrives early during shooting schedules. 4. All the contestants for the speech choir were noticeably tensed. 5. Marys stepsisters treated her cruelly . 6. Princess Diana died in Parish brutality. 7. She opened the door rather cautiously. 8. Rosarymae studies much harder than her older sister. 9. Catherine quietly entered the room. 10. Shall I return the books today? C. Select the correct word to complete the sentences below. 11. The choirs voices sounded (shrill, shrilly). 12. The old woman looked (sad, sadly). 13. They were left (entire, entirely) to our rescue. 14. Did grandma sleep (good, well) last night? 15. I heard her speak (secret, secretly) to that man. 16. The juice tastes (bitter, bitterly). 17. He had been behaving (mystery, mysteriously) these few days. 18. The teacher explained the lesson (patient, patiently). 19. Kairo singers sing on the stage at (night, nightly). 20. Marathon participants run (fast, fastly). FILIPINO POVERBS 1. Grass is of no use to a dead horse 2. Extravagance leads to poverty. 3. Talks and tumbles give us greater endurance and strength. 4. The busy have no time for vice. 5. A good laugh is sunshine in a house. 6. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 7. Sleeping shrimps are caried away by the current. 8. Quickly earned money is quickly spent. 9. Good fortune knocks only once. 10. Liars and thieves are alike. LETS TALK ABOUT IT 1. Choose three Filipino proverbs from the list above and explain each proverb. FOCUS ON FORM : Pattern I: BASIC SENTENCE PATTERNS

The S-IV Pattern. S stands for subject and IV stands for intransitive verb. e.g. 1. Traditions exist. S IV

Pattern 2:

Pattern 3:

Pattern 4:

Pattern 5:

2. Green grass grows everywhere. S IV The S-TV-O Pattern. S Stands for subject; TV for transitive verb; and O for object. e.g. 1. The Chinese had oral traditions. S TV O 2. They recited majic formulas. S TV O The S-LV-C Pattern. S stands for subject; LV for linking verb; and C for subjective complement or a word that adds to the meaning of a subject. The subject complement may be a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it is identical to the subject; as an adjective, it describes the subject. e.g. 1. The poems were incantations. S LV C (Noun complement) 2. The legend seems interesting. S LV C (Adjective complement) S-TV-IO-O Pattern. S stand for subject; TV for transitive verb; IO for indirect object and O object. e.g. 1. The book gave them magic formulas. S TV IO O 2. Confucios gave his people moral ideas. S TV IO O The S-TV-O-OC Pattern. S stands for subject; TV for transitive verb; O for object; and OC for objective complement. The OC may be a noun or an adjective. e.g. 1. The men called Confucius Master. S TV O OC (OC is a noun) 2. They considered him wise. S TV O OC (OC is an adjective)

SOMETHING TO DO A. Identify the S and IV in the sentences. 1. We listen to her attentively. 2. Others ride in a bus. 3. Vegetables grow well on rich soil. 4. The bell rings for dismissal. 5. Remy smiles easily at peopl. 6. Cats can see in the dark. 7. Some students walks to school everyday. 8. Grace speaks clearly and fluently. 9. The whole class laughed at the incident. 10. Edna dances gracefully. B. Identify the S, TV and O in the sentences. 2. Archaeologists study past civilization. 3. He discovers cities buried long ago. 4. These artifacts attract the attention of tourists. 5. The shelves display the medals given to him. 6. We admire the many attributes received from other countries. 7. They handle these objects with great care. 8. The Nile Valley produced a very early civilization. 9. Achaeologists found the oldest discoveries there. 10. He spends his life digging dep into the earth. 11. The Paco Museum contains some of these artifacts.

C. Identify the S, LV, and C in the sentences. 2. Her father is a judge. 3. This statement sounds fntastic. 4. Life remains a great mystery. 5. The sun is the center of the solar system. 6. Spac flights are not new. 7. Some austronauts are women. 8. His grandfather is old. 9. Scientific literature of space is still very scanty. 10. Perhaps they are not humanoid. 11. Extraterrestial creatures are possible. D. Change the position of the IO in the sentence. E.g. The teacher gave good marks to us. Answer: The teacher gave us good marks. 2. The generous lady gave a new dresss to he orphan. 3. The manager offeed a good salary to the applicant. 4. The wonders of science offer a challenge to man. 5. I showed my report card to my father. 6. Science tells many facinating stories to us. 7. The old woman told many interesting stories to the cildren. 8. The guide showed many scenic spots to the tourists. 9. Mny pai ten pesos to her. 10. Armando sent a bouquet of flowers to his girlfriend. 11. It offers much hope in the future of man. E. The S, TV, O, OC pattern: From from the list of words below, chose the one that will complete each sentence. paradise Philippines leader women country proud Christianity blessing hospitable colony

1. The King of Spain named Magellan the ________ of the expedition to the east. 2. Villalobos named our ___________ Filipinas. 3. Spain made our country a ____________. 4. Most Filipinos consider ___________ the gratest legacy of Spain. 5. Rizal called the ___________ the Pearl of the Orient Seas. 6. Many tourists call our country a _____________. 7. Foreigners consider Filipinos very ______________. 8. They also consider Filipino _______________ the most beautiful in Asia. 9. These praises make us _____________. 10. We consider our country a ________________ from God. THE SCRIBE IN ME Write a diary of your daily activities. Use the basic sentence patterns. them.

Lee ways also that he has never been concerned or obsessed with ipinion polls or popularity poll. He believes that a leader who is concerned with his popularity is a weak leader. Lee is credited with developing Singapore from a mere British trading outpost into one of the worlds richest countries. Lee is a lawyer who studied in Britain. After thirty years of power, Lee rsigned and turned over his position to Prime Minister Go . At present, Lee is a senior minister in the Singaporean government. English Workbook (Macabenta) Nouns are names of persons, places, things, ideas, or state of being. Everything that can be seen by our naked eyes is noun. Proper nouns are the specific names of nouns and start with a capital letter while common nouns refer to gneral names of nouns and start with a small letter. Noun Gender Nouns like father or mother, rooster or hen, indicate whether the person or animal is male or female. This sex distinction in nouns is called gender of which there are four categories: 8. Nouns which denote males belong to the masculine gender. Actor king stag 9. Nouns which denote females belong to the fiminine gender. Mistress wife hen a. The feminine gender may be formed from the masculine by adding ess. God-goddess heir-heiress priest-priestess Lion-lioness emperor empress giant-giantess b. Gender may also be expressed by the addition of certain words connoting the masculine or feminine before the noun. Boy friend male cousin lady doctor c. Gender may be expressed by a different word. Sir madam bull- cow dog bitch 10. Nouns that refer to objects without life are in the neuter gender. Barangay vinta sea land 11. Nouns which can be either masculine or feminine belong to the common gender. Baby child helper With regards to nouns in this category, there sometimes are for living thing three words, one masculine, one feminine, and one for common gender. Masculine Feminine Commom Father mother parent Brother sister sibling Stallion mare horse Boar sow pig SOMETHING TO DO E. Substitute the opposite gender of the underlined noun: 1. There was no priest in the parish. 2. No emperor ruled the Philippines. 3. A king ruled the kingdom. 4. The sons of the rulers were considered freemen. 5. The rajahs child was a prince. 6. If a datu had no son, his nephew might succeed him. 7. There were no stage actors in primitive society. 8. There were shepherds of small flocks. 9. Aprince gave fine stallions as gifts to the emperor.

10. The early Filipinos believed in many gods. F. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate noun. Male Fmale Offspring 1. bull cow ___________ 2. ___________ doe ___________ 3. ___________ hen ___________ 4. boar __________ piglet 5. ___________ hen ___________ 6. ___________ goose ___________ 7. stallion __________ ___________ 8. tiger __________ ___________ 9. ___________ duck ___________ 10. lion __________ ___________ THE SCRIBE IN ME List down at least ten (10) qualities of a good leader. Underline all nouns used. WHICH COMES FIRST? A chicken egg begins inside a hen in a special egg organ, the ovary. Many tiny yolks are present in the ovary. When a yolk has grown as large as that seen in a fresh-laid egg, the yolk separates from the ovary and enters the egg passage, or oviduct, where the rest of the egg is formed. As the yolk moves through the oviduct, it is surrounded with several layers of egg albumen or egg white which oozes from glands in the walls of the oviduct. Next, two very thin skins, or membranes, form around the egg. As the egg nears the end of the egg passage, it is covered with a coating made up chiefly of calcium which hardens into the eggshell. The egg is now ready to be laid. The egg is usually laid large end first. On an egg farm, the eggs are taken away as soon as they are laid and the hen just keeps laying. On such a farm, an egg-laying chicken may lay more than 200 eggs a year. Skill Builders for Efficient Phoenix Learning Package SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE BIBLE! 1. Name the four Gospels in their Biblical order. (2 points) a. Matthew b. John c. Mark d. Luke 2. To whom did Christ say, Today shall thou be with me in paradise. (5 points) a. His disciples b. His mother c. A thief 3. When Jesus went two of his disciples into Jerusalem to prepare the Last Supper, he instructed them to follow someone carrying: (5 points)

a. A large fish b. A pitcher of water c. A live lamb 4. What did Judas do with the money he received from betraying Christ? (5 points) a. He threw it away b. He gave it to the poor c. He buried it under an olive tree 5. What was Christs first miracle? (2 points) a. Raising Lazarus from the dead b. Turning water into wine c. Turning loaves of bread into fishes 6. Why did Jesus make a Samaritan the hero of a parable about neighbors? (5 points) a. The Samaritan people were traditional enemies of the Jews b. The Samaritan people were traditional friends of the Jews c. Some of his disciples were Samaritan 7. Which of these Biblical words were spoken by Jesus? ( 5 points) a. Cast thy bread upon the waters for thou shalt find it after many days b. As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you c. No prophet is accepted in his own country 8. Why had Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem when Mary was close to giving birth? (2 points) a. To escape persecution b. To register for the tax census c. To visit relatives 9. After the flood, Noah was ashamed because he: (5 points) a. Couldnt get the Arc off Mr. Ararat b. Had forgotten to say goodbye to the giraffes c. Got drunk 10. Where did Samson find a special kind of comb? (Warning: theres a catch to this one.) (10 points) a. In a hollow tree b. In the carcass of a beast c. In the cave only known to him 11. Curiosity killed a cat. And what Biblical figure? (5 points) a. Thomas, the doubter b. Lazarus c. Lots wife 12. Who called his listeners a generation of vipers? (5 points) a. John the Baptist b. Job c. Christ 13. Who was the young man seen running away naked from Christ arrest? (5 points) a. A prisoner who escaped in the commotion b. A rich man who had given away everything to become Christs follower. c. One of his disciples 14. Which Hebrew prophet, best known for his messianic prophecies, denounced the provocative behavior of Jerusalem women with a remarkably appreciative eye? (5 points) a. Isaiah b. Ezekiel c. Jeremiah 15. What did Jesus say would happen to the poor in spirit? (2 points) a. They would never find happiness b. They would become moneylenders c. They would have a heavenly reward LETS TALK ABOUT IT

Even if youre on familiar terms with the Good Book, this test is no pushover. A score of _56_ is possible; 35 to 40 is fair showing; 30 or better makes you holier than thou, and if you get 50 points you rate a halo. Answers follow after Something to do. More Tests and Teasers

FILIPINO POVERBS 11. Grass is of no use to a dead horse 12. Extravagance leads to poverty. 13. Talks and tumbles give us greater endurance and strength. 14. The busy have no time for vice. 15. A good laugh is sunshine in a house. 16. A rolling stone gathers no moss. 17. Sleeping shrimps are caried away by the current. 18. Quickly earned money is quickly spent. 19. Good fortune knocks only once. 20. Liars and thieves are alike. LETS TALK ABOUT IT 2. Choose three Filipino proverbs from the list above and explain each proverb. FOCUS ON FORM : Pattern I: BASIC SENTENCE PATTERNS

Pattern 2:

Pattern 3:

Pattern 4:

Pattern 5:

The S-IV Pattern. S stands for subject and IV stands for intransitive verb. e.g. 1. Traditions exist. S IV 2. Green grass grows everywhere. S IV The S-TV-O Pattern. S Stands for subject; TV for transitive verb; and O for object. e.g. 1. The Chinese had oral traditions. S TV O 2. They recited majic formulas. S TV O The S-LV-C Pattern. S stands for subject; LV for linking verb; and C for subjective complement or a word that adds to the meaning of a subject. The subject complement may be a noun or an adjective. As a noun, it is identical to the subject; as an adjective, it describes the subject. e.g. 1. The poems were incantations. S LV C (Noun complement) 2. The legend seems interesting. S LV C (Adjective complement) S-TV-IO-O Pattern. S stand for subject; TV for transitive verb; IO for indirect object and O object. e.g. 1. The book gave them magic formulas. S TV IO O 2. Confucios gave his people moral ideas. S TV IO O The S-TV-O-OC Pattern. S stands for subject; TV for transitive verb; O for object; and OC for objective complement. The OC may be a noun or an adjective.

e.g. 1. The men called Confucius Master. S TV O OC (OC is a noun) 2. They considered him wise. S TV O OC (OC is an adjective) SOMETHING TO DO A. Identify the S and IV in the sentences. 11. We listen to her attentively. 12. Others ride in a bus. 13. Vegetables grow well on rich soil. 14. The bell rings for dismissal. 15. Remy smiles easily at peopl. 16. Cats can see in the dark. 17. Some students walks to school everyday. 18. Grace speaks clearly and fluently. 19. The whole class laughed at the incident. 20. Edna dances gracefully. B. Identify the S, TV and O in the sentences. 12. Archaeologists study past civilization. 13. He discovers cities buried long ago. 14. These artifacts attract the attention of tourists. 15. The shelves display the medals given to him. 16. We admire the many attributes received from other countries. 17. They handle these objects with great care. 18. The Nile Valley produced a very early civilization. 19. Achaeologists found the oldest discoveries there. 20. He spends his life digging dep into the earth. 21. The Paco Museum contains some of these artifacts. C. Identify the S, LV, and C in the sentences. 12. Her father is a judge. 13. This statement sounds fntastic. 14. Life remains a great mystery. 15. The sun is the center of the solar system. 16. Spac flights are not new. 17. Some austronauts are women. 18. His grandfather is old. 19. Scientific literature of space is still very scanty. 20. Perhaps they are not humanoid. 21. Extraterrestial creatures are possible. D. Change the position of the IO in the sentence. E.g. The teacher gave good marks to us. Answer: The teacher gave us good marks. 12. The generous lady gave a new dresss to he orphan. 13. The manager offeed a good salary to the applicant. 14. The wonders of science offer a challenge to man. 15. I showed my report card to my father. 16. Science tells many facinating stories to us. 17. The old woman told many interesting stories to the cildren. 18. The guide showed many scenic spots to the tourists.

19. Mny pai ten pesos to her. 20. Armando sent a bouquet of flowers to his girlfriend. 21. It offers much hope in the future of man. E. The S, TV, O, OC pattern: From from the list of words below, chose the one that will complete each sentence. paradise Philippines leader women country proud Christianity blessing hospitable colony

11. The King of Spain named Magellan the ________ of the expedition to the east. 12. Villalobos named our ___________ Filipinas. 13. Spain made our country a ____________. 14. Most Filipinos consider ___________ the gratest legacy of Spain. 15. Rizal called the ___________ the Pearl of the Orient Seas. 16. Many tourists call our country a _____________. 17. Foreigners consider Filipinos very ______________. 18. They also consider Filipino _______________ the most beautiful in Asia. 19. These praises make us _____________. 20. We consider our country a ________________ from God. THE SCRIBE IN ME Write a diary of your daily activities. Use the basic sentence patterns

LAUGHTER, THE BEST MEDICINE DON COJAZZI says that the best place to discover peoples temperament is in a cheap restaurant. Or, to be exact, in a cheap restaurant where a thirsty man who has ordered a glass of beer, brought to him with a big fly struggling in it.

Is a customer an Englishman? He puts the glass down the table; calmly rings the bell and calmly orders; Another glass of beer, cool, and clean, please. Having drunk the beer, he pays and goes out, neither moved or upset. If anyone is upset, it is the waiter, not because of the fly but because of the tip he didnt receive. Is the glass of beer served to a Frenchman? He sees the fly and goes mad. He slams down the glass, swears and shouts at the owner and the waiters, goes out slamming the door and in the street continues on ranting against the restaurant, the beer and the fly. An Italian comes in, looks at the fly, and smilingly flicks his middle finger at it to chase it off the surface of the beer. He jokes with the waiter: Look, I asked you for a drink and youve brought me something to eat. But he drinks it all just the same and leaves, forgetting to pay the bill. Now its the turn of the German. He sees the fly, keeps the glass, raised to the height of his nose and frown, shuts his eyes, put back his head a little, and being highly disciplined, sends down both the beer and the fly in a single gulp. Last of all the Eskimo. He is much amused to see the fly in the foam of the beer and take out his eyeglasses. So wholly taken up with the sight of the fly in the foam of the beer. Hes never seen a fly before and thinks that the one before him is a favorite local delicacy a specialty. So he eats the fly and throws away the beer. LETS TALK ABOUT IT? 1. What are the different reactions shown by different men of different nationalieties to the presence of the fly in their drinks? 2.Where is the punchline in the joke above in each set of jokes? 22. If you were the the to find a fly in your drink in a restaurant what will you do? SO YOU THINK YOU KNOW THE BIBLE! 16. Name the four Gospels in their Biblical order. (2 points) a. Matthew b. John c. Mark d. Luke 17. To whom did Christ say, Today shall thou be with me in paradise. (5 points) a. His disciples b. His mother c. A thief 18. When Jesus went two of his disciples into Jerusalem to prepare the Last Supper, he instructed them to follow someone carrying: (5 points) a. A large fish b. A pitcher of water c. A live lamb 19. What did Judas do with the money he received from betraying Christ? (5 points) a. He threw it away

b. He gave it to the poor c. He buried it under an olive tree 20. What was Christs first miracle? (2 points) a. Raising Lazarus from the dead b. Turning water into wine c. Turning loaves of bread into fishes 21. Why did Jesus make a Samaritan the hero of a parable about neighbors? (5 points) a. The Samaritan people were traditional enemies of the Jews b. The Samaritan people were traditional friends of the Jews c. Some of his disciples were Samaritan 22. Which of these Biblical words were spoken by Jesus? ( 5 points) a. Cast thy bread upon the waters for thou shalt find it after many days b. As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you c. No prophet is accepted in his own country 23. Why had Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem when Mary was close to giving birth? (2 points) a. To escape persecution b. To register for the tax census c. To visit relatives 24. After the flood, Noah was ashamed because he: (5 points) a. Couldnt get the Arc off Mr. Ararat b. Had forgotten to say goodbye to the giraffes c. Got drunk

25. Where did Samson find a special kind of comb? (Warning: theres a catch to this one.) (10 points) a. In a hollow tree b. In the carcass of a beast c. In the cave only known to him 26. Curiosity killed a cat. And what Biblical figure? (5 points) a. Thomas, the doubter b. Lazarus c. Lots wife 27. Who called his listeners a generation of vipers? (5 points) a. John the Baptist b. Job c. Christ 28. Who was the young man seen running away naked from Christ arrest? (5 points) a. A prisoner who escaped in the commotion b. A rich man who had given away everything to become Christs follower. c. One of his disciples 29. Which Hebrew prophet, best known for his messianic prophecies, denounced the provocative behavior of Jerusalem women with a remarkably appreciative eye? (5 points) a. Isaiah b. Ezekiel c. Jeremiah 30. What did Jesus say would happen to the poor in spirit? (2 points) a. They would never find happiness b. They would become moneylenders c. They would have a heavenly reward LETS TALK ABOUT IT Even if youre on familiar terms with the Good Book, this test is no pushover. A score of _56_ is possible; 35 to 40 is fair showing; 30 or better makes you holier than thou, and if you get 50 points you rate a halo. Answers follow after Something to do.

More Tests and Teasers Reader's Digest

BE SCIENTIFIC Have you ever stopped to wonder what causes natural phenomena such as thunderstorm, a long dry spell, and a bright full moon? A person with a questioning mind has the potential of a scientist. However, even if you may not be drawn to a career in science, your natural curiosity can help you discover a lot of things. The science laboratory, your garden, the vast open fields and the library can serve as your observatories. Here is a lesson which provides you the opportunity to think and work scientificaly. As you go through it, try to learn to observe cause and effect relationships through your reading, listening, writing an discussion activities. This skill will help you distinguish facts from superstition. Learning Experience A : Remedios was asked to prepare some fish balls for the high school fair. Heres how she did it. She scraped the meat of fleshy fish like torcillo or dalagang bukid. She mixed 1 tbsp. salt, 2 tbsp. flour, tbsp backing powder, and cup water for evry kilo of fish meat. She mixed the ingredients througly. She formed the mixture into balls. She allowed the fish balls to come to the surface. (This was a sign that the fish balls were done and ready for frying or storing.) Rewrite the procedure without mentioning the doer..

GRAMMAR IN FOCUS : LINKING VERBS Verbs that link or join the subject with another word in the sentence are called linking verbs. The other word either renames or describes the subject. Model: The weather has been very cold. (Has been links cold and the subject weather. Cold describes the subject Note: The forms of the verb be are not always linking verbs, To be a linking verb, a verb must link the subject with another word in the sentence that renames or describes it.

SOMETHING TODO Directions: Underline the linking verb in each sentence. Then encircle the two words that the verb links. 1. Delilah should have been the queen. 2. You might also be the king. 3. This arrangement should be for the convenience of everybody. 4. Would you be my lab or love partner? 5. You may be right about it. 6. You will always be my best friend. 7. And our lives would be brighter. 8. The unexpected meeting could have been a prelude to a happy ending. 9. Guess you will be our next president. 10. Ramon Magsaysay is the president of the Philippines. 11. The inventor of the thermometer was Galileo. 12. In China the dragon is a symbol of good luck. 13. The elephant is the only animal with four knees. 14. Some fish are smaller than ants. 15. The largest desert in the world is Sahara. ADDITIONAL LINKING VERBS Appear Look grow smell seem taste stay feel become remain sound turn

THE SCRIBE IN ME Who among the local singers or group of singers appeals to you most? What makes them so?

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