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TI~VYCE ~ v r . s ~ o n ~ . . m

(I<cgulationsWing) I:llC Iluilding, Near State Hank o f I'aliistan I.:.No.1(:~)Inip/2012 Islamabad, the 2"" .lkl!.,

'I'II(: 1'rc:sidcnl has l)ccn ])leased to'sanction \villi til'fcc~fl.o~n1.1 ,1\1I!v,



till ~ l l ~ ~ l ol.dcl.s a n Adhoc llclicf Allo\vancc \lcr

- 2012

@ 20% of h i ( ! )




t h ~

c:i\ il c,~n plo!.c!cs

ol' th(! l'cdcral (;o\.crnnicnt a s \\ell a s the ci\.il ians paid Trolri 1)clcnc:c'
Scirlc:s o n s t a n d i ~ r d c ~ . m s conditions of c:ontracl ; l ~ ) p o i n l m c ~ i I t and

l < s l i ~ l ~ a linc:lu(ling contingent /);lid staff and conlrilct cml)lo!~ccs cmplo!.cd ngilinsl ci\.ii cs ~ o s l in Ililsic: I'ii!, s

'l'hc a m o u n t of this Adhoc l<cIicfAIlo\\~ancc2012 : i) ii) iii)

will l)c subject to 1nt:omc 'l'ax.
1 .


will 1)o ;~dniissihlctlrlring lcavc a n d cntirc period o f l.1'1t cxc:c!pl t r i ~ c x ol.tlir;;il.y Idace. \vill not b e trcatcd a s part of 6molumcnts for t h e l)url)oic of c;rIcl.llation or I'cnsion/kratuity a n d r c c o \ l c l ~ 1 IOLISCI<cnt. of

i ) \\.ill not l)c admissible t o t h e cmployccs during t h e tcn111.cof ilicil. l)osting/dcputation abroad. . .


ill I)(: admissible LO t h e cmployccs on their rc:patriation from ~ ) o s l i r i g / O ~ : l ~ u ~ ai~bl.oiid aL the rat[: ant4 amounL \vhicli ~ ~ o t ~ l ( l tiot~ 11o\.c1)cc:n ;~tImissiOlc them h a d t h e y not bcc:n postc:d :~l)l.o;id. lo

'l'lic term "llasic I'a!!" for t h e purl)osc of Adlioc llclici' Allo\vanc.c also inc:li~d(: thc: nlnounL of (lie pcrsonal pay gr2untc:d o n iicc,ollnt ol' inc.~.onicnlt(s) I)o!,ond ih(: mirxim~irnof thc' cxisting \,a! scales.

-- 2 0 1 2 ;I~IIII;I~


'I'll(: ;il)o\,c Adhoc I<clicf~~Allo\~~ancc 1 2 shall be ;tcco~nmotliilrdl' - 20

i i i I I I I i l l ~c a ~ i o i t h c !.car 2012-2013 1)). the ~ c s P c ( . ~ NiliisLri('s/ for ~\.o i)i\~isiorls/l)c:l);~rI~~;(~nLs 110 s~.l~)pIcmc:nii~rg and grants \\'o~tld g i \ . ~ oni Illis ~ I C ( : O I I I I ~ . 1)c ~

i~!!.M.i!!.ics~!)iv~~~~_n.s/1,c~artmcnts ctc.

Copy ::lso forw;irdcd for infol.m;~tion to:

I . .

1'1-c:iitlcrit'sSccrctariat (l'ublic), Islamabad. I'rc:<itl(\ntrsSccrcta~,i;ii (I'crsonal), Islamabad. 1'1,irnoMinister's Sccrciariai(l~?temal), Islalnabari. I'l-inlc h4i11islcr'sScc~.ctarint(l'uI,lic),Islarn;~l);~d. NcilionaI Assc~iil~ly Sccl.ctaria~, Islamabad. So~ialc: Sccl-r:l;iriaL, Islarn;ll~i~tl. lclc:c:lion C o ~ n n ~ i s s i o n I';~liisii~n, of islan~:~l)atl. : ~ L I ~ X 'CourL ol'~I';lltis~;in,Isla~nahad. , C:IT~ I ~ ~ < I c I ~ : SIl i i ~ ~ , i : ~ t I s I ; I I ~ I ~ L I I ~ ~ ~ ( I , L COIII-1, i\uditol. (;cncr:~l of I'altisiaii, 1sl;lmabad. Co~iL~.oIl(:r Ccncral of Acco~llits, Islamabad. A(;I'I<, lslii~i;i~~ac~/l.aliorc/I'csli;rwar/~~a~~aclii/()uct~a. MiliLaly Acc:onnlant (>, Ila\valpindi. All l:i~i;~r~c:ial Ati\~isc~~s/I)cl~~~.ily A(hrisor:; att;rchcd L Minist~.ii.s/l)i\.isions l;in~~nci:~l o (>I(: i~ntl oificc~.s 1;inancc l)i\~ision. ;dl of CIiicr A(:c:o~lnLs Ofliccl., M/O I'orcign Affairs, Isla~iiabatl. I;inanciiil Ad\.iscr and.Chid' Accounts Officcr, l'altistan Ilail:\.ays, l,;~liorc. All I Sccrctarics/I~inanco Sccrctarics of tlic (:o\.cl.lirncnI of' I'u~i~jal)/Sindli/I<hybc~. I'altl~tunlch\ra/l3alochistan/Az;1d Slate o f ,Jarnnl~l & Kaslinlir and Gilgit 15altisian. Capital l)c\~clol~mcntAul:liorit)i, Islamabad. 0fiic:c 01-tlic Cliicf Cornmissi(?ncr,Islamabad. I:ctlc~.;ll I'ul~licScr\.icc Commission, 1:-5/1, Agha Khan Iloarl, 1slarnab:id. S(:(:I.(:I;~I?., W;~facli Molitilsib .(O~nl>utlsnlnn)'s Scc:rc:Lari;~t, 1sl;lmabati. I'i~kisi;tr~ AIomic: I:nc:~.~y Coi-~lmisi::::~i,~I~lamai>ad. Ccntl.r~ll)ircclo~.atc National S::vin:;s, I ~ l ~ ~ r n a b a t i . or N;iiion;~lAcco11n1al)ilityI'I~II.~;!LI, islamahad. iVT(:n~I)cr (l:inanc:c:), l(I<I., l'.O.Ilo:!.i.lo. 1384,Isla~nal~atl. Intclli:;onc:c: Ilurcau, Isla!-nab~ltl. 1'aliisL;i11 Mint, 1,allol.c. I)(; I'c~stOf'ficcs, Isla~nabad. I(cc~nomic i\ti\,iscl.'s Win:;, l'in:~ni::: I)i:pision, "S" l<locl<, :11i. Sccti. Isl~uiiab:~d. 1' S(:(:~~<!i:~l~ii~l l n s l i L ~ ~ t~[S ~ : ~ , I I ! ~ ~ I ) ~ ~ C ~ . 'l'r:~i~ii~ig ~, I)i~.t:c:loi.;~t~~ (; lnspc~c:tioi~ Training, C~lsloms (:cntlxl 1lxc:isi:: 8111ICloor, OF 8 c & !:ustolns I lo~lr;c,l<a~.aclli. N;:Lioll;ll Ilc-Coristl.ucti011 13l.lroai1,1'1~i1iic Miliistcl.'~ Sct:~.ct;irial,1slamal);ld. I ~ ; i r i l i c l ~ ~llcc:oristri~ctio~i l<cl~:.~bilitalio~-I ;~l~c Authorit). (lillllil), I'rimc MinisI(:l's S(!(:IY:~;~I,~?II I s l : i ~ i ~ : ~ l ~ ~ ~ ( l . (l'~~k)li(:), lic(l(~1~~11 olrl!)~1~l>~l~i~lrl's 'IT:1x sc(~l~c!tar::lt, s l a l l l ~ l l ~ i l ~ i . ~ (>o:;I A'::(:o!!I.I~:; O r.~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ i : / :l~~!:l~>:~.!!!, . .~.l.~o~:,

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