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Rastresito vezivno tkivo //////////////

2. Tetiva////////////

3. Skeletni miic duno//////////////

a)Z disc, b)A band, split -- with pale H band in the middle, c)the line lies right in an H band, d)width of I band, with Z disc in the middle, e)pointing to a practically invisible thin line, the sarcolemma (or cell membrane), which lies outside the pale peripheral nucleus seen to the right.
4. Skeletni miic poprecno///////////

5. Srcani miic - duno//////////////

6. Srcani miic - poprecno//////////////

7. Endezmalno okotavanje////////////

8. Enhondralno okotavanje///////////

9. Bruena kost///////////////

10. Razmaz krvi

11. Kostna sr

12. Veliki mozak

13. Mali mozak

14. Kicmena modina

15. Ganglion

16. ivac

17. Arterija miicnog tipa i vena///////////////

18. Aorta/////////////////////

19. Usna

20. Opancena papila/////////////

21. Pecurkaste papile//////////////

22. Listolike papile//////////////

23. Zub u razvoju

24. Koren zuba

25. Ezofagus

26. Kardia

27. Fundus ventriculi

28. Pilorus

29. Duodenum

30. Jejunum

31. Ileum

32. Kolon

33. Apendiks

34. Serozna pljuvacna lezda///////////////

35. Mukozna pljuvacna lezda//////////////

36. Meovita pljuvacna lezda///////////////

37. Pankreas

38. Jetra

40. Epiglotis

41. Trahea

42. Pluca

b = respiratory bronchiole with alveolus (a) in its wall. Most of the wall of the bronchiole has a definite line of dark along it, signifying a cuboidal or columnar epithelium (simple, rather than pseudostratified by now). d & c = alveolar duct. Its wall consists almost entirely of alveoli, which have only a simple squamous lining, too flat to be visible here., e = alveoli (the smallest respiratory units), f = blood vessel (branch of pulmonary artery still)

43. Tonzila

44. Limfni cvor

45. Slezina

46. Timus

47. Hipofiza

48. Epifiza

49. Tireoidna i paratireoidna lezda

39. Jetra + ucna beika

50. Nadbubrena lezda

51. Bubreg

52. Mokracna beika

53. Ureter

54. Testis

a = seminiferous tubules, b = rete testis in mediastinum, c = epididymis, d = efferent ducts Note the thick collagenous connective tissue capsule (the tunica albuginea) surrounding the testis.

55. Epididimis

56. Prostata

57. Penis

58. Duktus deferens

59. Ovarium

60. Tuba uterina

61. Uterus sekretorna faza

62. Uterus proliferativna faza

63. Vagina

64. Placenta//////////////////

65. Pupcana vrpca

66. Mlecna lezda

67. Koa

68. Nokat

69. Oko (ronjaca + mrenjaca)

70. Unutranje uho

71. Ocni kapak

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