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Part 1.

Demographic Profile Name of Staff Nurse:________________________ Gender:___________________________________ Please put a check on the statement that corresponds to your answer. Years of service ________1 month to 1 year ________1 year to 5 years ________5 years and above Age:______________ Area:_____________

Part II. Questionnaire Directions: please read the statements carefully. Using a pen, either black or blue ink, you are requested to indicate your responses in each item by putting a check (/) on the column. Respond to the following statement using scoring system: 5=Expert, 4=Proficient, 3=Competent, 2=Advanced Beginner, 1=Novice. When you are done, kindly return the filled-up questionnaire to the researcher.

Note: Expert - much more background of experience. Has intuitive grasp of clinical situations. Performance is now fluid, flexible, and highly-proficient Proficient - perceives and understands situations as whole parts. More holistic understanding improves decision-making. Learns from experiences what to expect in certain situations and how to modify plans. Competent - more aware of long-term goals. Gains perspective from planning own actions based on conscious, abstract, and analytical thinking and helps to achieve greater efficiency and organization. Advanced Beginner - demonstrates acceptable performance. Has gained prior experience in actual situations to recognize recurring meaningful components Novice - rule-governed behaviour is limited and inflexible.

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