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ARCP & RITA Assessment A Trainees view

Introduction The ARCP is an essential step before any Specialty Registrar progresses to the next year. The assessment is based on different forms of written evidence, gathered during the whole year, in a Portfolio. The record of in-training assessment (RITA) is a record of the annual review of specialist registrars'(SpRs) progress through their training programmes. Essentially ARCP applies to all Specialist Trainees while the RITA process applies to all Specialist Registrars.

Preparation You have now received a date for your ARCP/RITA. What next? Of course, you have worked hard all year round (I would hope so!!), however your programme director doesnt know that yet (unless you work for him or his friends!!).ARCP/RITA should really be seen as an opportunity to flaunt your achievements of the past year, discuss your targets for the next year (so the boss knows you have a clue!!), get one-to-one feedback on your performance and CV and of-course make an impression(you never know where you would get a job!).I think that is overall a great value for time as all the advice comes from high calibre bosses including your programme director and even a university representative on many occasions. Hence, an important meeting as this does require some preparation. A bit like the Dragons den!

Here are some of my tips for preparing for your assessment!! As soon as you receive an email from the deanery, reply to confirm your attendance! You would be amazed at how many people dont do so and work on telepathy!!! Let you current department know (even if you work for the programme director) of the date of the ARCP/RITA so clinics can be reduced. Once again, sorry about stating the obvious, but many presume that their bosses would know! Make sure you are not on call! It wouldnt get you brawny points if you did not turn up because you were in the middle of leading a cardiac arrest! Now that everyone knows, you should start working on your documents including the endearing e- portfolio! All work place based assessments should be done in time (trust me, you might have won the Junior Doctor of the Year award, but would still need to produce a MSF!!!).You should be working around your bosses timetable to get these done. Its no good turning up at the meeting short of the required assessments because your consultant was away.

Plan ahead and look for oppurtunities! GIM/Acute medicine assessments can be done by AMU or other on call consultants. Your boss doesnt need to do all of them! Ensure all required documents including an up-to-date CV are sent in time to the deanery.

The big day! Turn up.on time (again, not a good idea to make the panel wait!!!) Dress well (to show you carebut dont try too hard!!!) Bring along all the necessary documents (inc the training folder for SpRs) Be prepared to list your achievements from the past year including audits! Be ready to discuss issues around your CV. Have a list of achievable targets for the next 12 months. Dont make it too easy for yourself like gaining gen med experience through on calls is really not a target as theres no way out, at least in the Mersey deanery. This is your chance to show that you are in control of your training. Trust me, theres no other way of going through these five plus years, unless of course, you prefer it that way. So go ahead and enjoy!

Good Luck!

R Ahluwalia 21.9.10

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