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Rio + 20 Well to make you understand quickly, this was understood to be a sequel of Earth Summit which held at Rio

de Janeiro in 1992. Since 20 years passed so it was na med as Rio+20. Earth Summit in 1992 was a bit success of those days. Rio declaration was passed and all countries were committed to saving the environment. There was commitmen t from industrialised nations to support developing countries adapt to more envi ronmental-friendly technologies. But today, conditions are totally different. The developed world is pre-occupied with its economic crisis and is in no mood to make any financial commitment. The developing countries such as IBSA & China are also critical of taking any st eps that are averse to its national commitments for rapid growth to reduce pover ty. And Sub-Saharan countries! How can anybody expect them to take all the burden wh en they themselves are under abject poverty compounded with natural disasters wh ich visit them yearly. So finally output of Rio+20 was nothing but another declaration and no commitmen t for action or finance. Now they will have another round of negotiations next y ear.

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