2nd Draft JP-NJ Bylaws

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Justice Party of New Jersey CHARTER ( 2nd DRAFT)

WHEREAS the citizens New Jersey find themselves, as do the citizens of the United States, living in severely troubling times due to the social, economic, environmental and constitutional crises currently plaguing New Jersey and America with the infestation of corporate money, corporate ideology, corporate influence and manipulation of all levels of our local, state and national government and WHEREAS the political system of New Jersey and the federal government have not only failed to protect WE the People, from such conditions but has through its dysfunctional nature both directly and indirectly contributed to them WHEREAS we recognize the above conditions are in truth the manifestations of the love, pursuit of and the ever consuming lust for more and more wealth and power and WHEREAS article I of the New Jersey Constitution states: the Legislature recognizes the purpose of Government is for the security, defense, and benefit of the People and WHEREAS a majority New Jerseys elected officials (state) have failed to keep their oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the state of New Jersey and WHEREAS our founding fathers created a constitution based on freedom with a represenative, citizen government consisting of WE the People to protect and preserve those freedoms and WHEREAS a majority New Jerseys elected officials (congressional) have failed to keep their oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic and WHEREAS we recognize the dissatifaction with the candidates and elected officals propped up by the two major parties that only serve the status quo among the 99% and WHEREAS we recognize the need for viable third party candidates who represent the needs of the People in New Jersey as well as the nation, who will not serve the status quo nor be lackeys to corporate america and the 1%, men and women etc who will adress todays crises with real solutions not political spin and corporate hyperboly. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY (JP-NJ) is hereby created in accordance with all applicable New Jersey and U.S. law, said party shall serve as the vehicle for progressive candidates who agree to the principles of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY and/or the JUSTICE PARTY of the UNITED STATES, candidates who are dedicated to the principles of accountability in the private and public sectors, social, economic and environmental justice can fulfill their desire to contribute to the health and betterment of mankind and the planet we live on through better government.


Bylaws Created ____________ Adopted ____________
**Some items will be contingent upon the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY obtaining 10% of the vote in a state-wide general election there by permanently receiving a separate column on the ballots as long as the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY is in existence and offers candidates for office. ***Until such a time as committees can be established the executive board shall take on the duties of the committees when needed. At said time and date of the establishment of an individual committee, all articles that are relevant to each established committee shall and will become effective.

ARTICLE I Name and Purpose

A. Name; This organization shall be formally known as The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY, and may also be referred to in this document as JP-NJ and/or the state party and/or state committee. B. Purpose/Mission; The purpose of The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY is to promote social, economic, environmental and constitutional justice through political and non-political means, including the election of federal, state and county and local officials who support the principles of our founding Fathers that all men are created equal, the principles of government representative of and accountable to we the people The mission of The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY is to promote progressive issues to elected federal, state and county and local officials in New Jersey by offering progressive solutions. C. Bylaws; The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY shall: Section 1, Nominate and assist in the election of Justice Party candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States. Section 2, Nominate and assist in the election of Justice Party candidates for state county and local elections where feasible and the education of their voters. Section 3, Adopt and promote statements of policy. Section 4, Establish standards and rules of procedure to afford all members The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY full, timely and equal opportunities to participate in decisions concerning the selection of candidates, the formulation of policy, and the conduct of other state party affairs, without prejudice on the basis of sex, race, age ( continued on next page ) (if of voting age), color, creed, national origin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic identity or physical disability, and further, to promote fair campaign practices and the fair adjudication of disputes, Section 5, Raise and disburse monies needed for the successful operation of The 2

JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY. Section 6, Work with the Chapters of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY to achieve the objectives of the Justice Party. Section 7, Work with Justice Party elected officials at the municipal, county, state and national levels including the national party to achieve the objectives of the Justice Party.

ARTICLE II Membership
A. Definition; The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY shall be composed of individual members who reside within the State of NEW JERSEY. The ultimate decision making authority of the JP-NJ is vested in the Membership and all formal decisions made by the Membership in accordance with these bylaws are binding upon all committees and officers of the JP-NJ and/or state committee. B. Qualifications; 1. Age, Members must be 13 years of age or older. 2. Residence, Members must be a resident of the state of New Jersey, or be registered to vote in the state of New Jersey, for example a person in the military or an American living overseas. 3. Diversity, No person may be excluded from membership in the state party based on national origin, race, social status, gender, sexual orientation, religious practices or lack thereof or age, given the person is at least 13 years of age. 4. Values, Members must be committed to the values of The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY. 5. Application, Prospects for membership must submit an application to the state party for review by the Membership Committee or the Coordinating Committee if said Membership Committee is not available. 6. Dues. Dues shall be established based on need. The levels of dues shall be established by the Coordinating Committee and approved by the membership by a majority vote of members participating in said vote concerning dues. C. Standing: A member of the JP-NJ shall be considered in good standing if he/she is a registered member and if he/she has met his/her dues obligation. Individuals registered with the JP-NJ and who have failed to meet their dues obligations for longer than 18 months shall be dropped from the membership rolls. 1. Application, Only those members on the JP-NJ rolls shall be afforded the rights and privileges of membership as described in these bylaws. D. Removal: Any member can be removed from the organization, only for cause, by a 3/4 vote of the Coordinating Committee or a 3/4 secret ballot vote of the Membership. The member affected shall have a right to hear the charges against them, the right to be heard and to present evidence, 3

and the right to confront witnesses against them. If a member is removed by the Coordinating Committee, the member can appeal that removal to a membership meeting. E. Cards: 1. Membership rolls shall be maintained by the Coordinating Committee in lieu of cards F. Primary Duties: 1. Bylaws, The content of the Bylaws may only be modified by the Membership, at a Membership Meeting, or by some other manner provided for in these Bylaws. 2. Platform, The content of the Platform of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY may only be modified by the Membership, at a Membership Meeting, or by some other manner provided for in these Bylaws. 3. Candidates, To the extent permitted under state statute, candidates for local, county, statewide and national office may only be endorsed by the Membership, at a Membership Meeting, or by some other manner provided for in these bylaws.

ARTICLE III Local and Associated Organizations

A. Chapters; 1. Definition, Local chapters can be formed by Justice Party members living in the same geographic area who organize as chapters of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY and support its purpose and mission. To be affiliated, a chapter must have a minimum of five members, a clearly defined geographic area, and approved bylaws and officers. 2. One of the goals of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY is to eventually establish a chapter in each of the 21 counties in the state of NJ to better serve the political views of the residents of said county. 3. Membership, a. Each chapter must have in its membership a minimum of five members of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY. b. Individuals may not be members of more than one chapter although each chapter may allow non-members to serve the mission of that chapter in particular and the state party in general, including individuals who reside outside the geographical territory covered by the chapter. 4. Bylaws and Contacts, Each local chapter must submit its bylaws along with the names of its officers and Coordinating Committee members to the JP-NJ Secretary upon formation and subsequently within 30 days after any modification to the bylaws and changes to officers and Coordinating Committee membership occurs. 5. Representation on the Coordinating Committee, Each chapter is entitled to representation on the Coordinating Committee, with such representative members of the state party. 6. Rights of Chapters, Each chapter may develop its own platform and bylaws, run local political and issue campaigns, and chose its own officers, spokespersons, and representatives, 4

so long as these actions reflect a commitment to environmental and social justice. 7. Affiliation and Disaffiliation of Chapters, a. Chapters shall apply for national party affiliation through the Secretary, who will forward the application to the Coordinating Committee for approval. b. Any chapter can be disaffiliated by a 3/4 vote of the Coordinating Committee or by a 3/4 vote of the membership. c. Representatives of the affected chapter shall have the right to hear the charges against them, the right to be heard and present evidence, and the right to confront witnesses against them. d. A chapter may only be disaffiliated for cause. e. If a chapter is disaffiliated by the Coordinating Committee, it can appeal the disaffiliation to a membership meeting.

ARTICLE IV Membership Meetings

A. Definition and Purpose; The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY shall have an Annual Membership Meeting every calendar year, and may have additional membership meetings in as called for by the Membership or the Coordinating Committee. Typically, Membership Meetings are for the purpose of conducting official business of the JP-NJ but they may also be used for presentations, workshops, fundraising and other similar functions. Except as otherwise specified by these Bylaws, any action that can be taken by the Membership may be taken at a Membership Meeting. B. Meeting Notice; Notice of Membership Meetings shall be sent to all JP-NJ members by E-Mail at least 30 days in advance and posted on the state partys web site and/or Facebook page. If a member does not have access to the above forms of communications accommodations will be made as how to notify him/her either by phone or mail. C. Approval of Meeting Dates and Location; The dates and locations of Membership Meetings shall be approved by the Coordinating Committee or Membership. D. Decision Making by Mail and Email; The Coordinating Committee, or the Membership at a Membership Meeting, may approve sending a proposal to the Membership by U.S. Mail and/or email. Rules governing decisionmaking by mail or email shall be promulgated by the Membership or Coordinating Committee. E. Decision Making Process; Unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws, decisions at meetings will be made by consensus; or, if a consensus cannot be reached, or if a proposal is being sent by mail and email, a vote may be taken. In order to pass, a proposal must receive twice as many "yes" votes as "no" votes. 5

F. Eligibility to Participate; Decisions at membership meetings, or by mail/email voting, will be made by members of the JPNJ who have been members of the state party or a local chapter for at least three months prior to the membership meeting.

ARTICLE V The Coordinating Committee

A. Definition; The Coordinating Committee is the primary policy making body of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY, serving as a liaison between the state party and affiliated chapters. It is responsible for establishing an annual budget, internal procedures, and position statements consistent with the platform and bylaws. The Coordinating Committee is composed of voting representatives from chapters of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY. B. Meetings; The Coordinating Committee shall meet at least once per month in person or via phone or online conferencing methods. The Coordinating Committee may invite other persons to participate in the meeting, but only as non-voting members. The Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer are required to attend Coordinating Committee meetings. C. Apportionment. Each chapter of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY shall have votes on the Coordinating Committee based on the number of members it represents, with each chapter receiving one vote for every 20 members. These votes may be cast by individual representatives or they may be cast as weighted votes, in a method determined by the chapter in accordance with provisions in these bylaws. D. Notification. Chapters must notify the Secretary in writing as to how chapter votes will be cast and only those individuals on file with the Secretary will be able to vote and then only in accordance with the predetermined chapter rules. F. Quorum. More than one-half of the chapters must be appropriately represented at any Coordinating Committee meeting in order for the committee to conduct party business.

G. Decision Making. Provided a quorum is present, decisions will be made by consensus, or if a consensus cannot be reached, a vote may be taken. In order to pass, a proposal must receive twice as many "yes" votes as "no" votes, and more "yes" votes than "no" and "abstain" votes combined. H. Duties. 6

1. Membership Meetings. The Coordinating Committee will organize the annual Membership Meetings and propose the agenda for those meetings. 2. Committees. The Coordinating Committee shall approve procedures for all standing and ad hoc committees as described under these bylaws and provide oversight to those committees. 3. Budget. The Coordinating Committee shall establish and approve an annual party budget. 4. Mediation. Any chapter may ask the Coordinating Committee to mediate a dispute between it and another chapter. 5. Other Duties. The Coordinating Committee will carry out other duties as specified in or as consistent with these Bylaws. I. Removal. Any Coordinating Committee member may be removed, for cause, by a 3/4 vote of the Coordinating Committee or a 3/4 secret ballot vote of the Membership. In the event that the Coordinating Committee removes a Coordinating Committee member, the affected member may not vote. However, the chapter and the member involved must receive reasonable advance notice and an alternate representative from the same chapter may vote.

ARTICLE VI The Executive Committee

A. Definition. The Executive Committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. B. Purpose. The Executive Committee shall be the primary body carrying out the day-to-day administrative functions of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY. C. Requirements. All Executive Committee members must be members in good standing of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY.

D. Selection. All seats will be elected by the Membership to annual terms, following the process for internal elections specified in these Bylaws. Elections will take place at the Annual Membership Meeting or by a manner provided for by these Bylaws with terms starting on the date of election. Coordinating Committee may fill a position on an interim basis until the next annual E. Vacancies. If a vacancy or vacancies on the Executive Committee occur, the election, at which an election will be held to fill the remainder of the term. In the event of a Coordinating Committee vote, the 7

vote shall be open, and multiple representatives from the same chapter may vote, but no representative may cast a weighted vote for such an election. Such an election will follow the process for internal elections specified in these Bylaws. F. Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per month in any convenient manner including phone or other conferencing methods. G. Quorum. To conduct formal business, an Executive Committee meeting must have three members present. H. Decision Making. Unless otherwise stated in these Bylaws, provided a quorum is present, decisions will be made by consensus, or if a consensus cannot be reached, a vote may be taken. In order to pass, a proposal must receive twice as many "yes" votes as "no" votes, and more "yes" votes than "no" and "abstain" votes combined. I. Recall. Any member of the Executive Committee can be removed by a 2/3 vote of the Membership. Such an action can be instigated by a vote of the Coordinating Committee, or by a proposal signed by 25 JP-NJ members in good standing. J. Removal. Any Executive Committee member may be removed, for cause, by a 2/3 vote of the Coordinating Committee. In the event that the Coordinating Committee votes to remove an Executive Committee member, the affected member may not vote. The member involved must receive reasonable advance notice. If the Executive Committee member affected is also a Coordinating Committee member, then the local and the member involved must receive reasonable advance notice and an alternate representative from the same local may vote. K. Duties. 1. Accountability. All Executive Committee members must report to the Membership at Membership Meetings and, upon Coordinating Committee request, at Coordinating Committee meetings. 2. Expense Authorization. The Executive Committee shall authorize expenses which are consistent with the party's budget and Fiscal Policy. 3. Statement Authorization. The Executive Committee may authorize statements on behalf of the party, including but not limited to press releases and position papers, which are consistent with the Platform and position statements of the Coordinating Committee. 4. Agendas. The Executive Committee shall propose the agenda for Coordinating Committee meetings. 8

L. Chairperson. 1. Description. The Chairperson shall be the primary spokesperson for the JP-NJ and shall be responsible for convening meetings of the Coordinating Committee and Executive Committee. 2. State Law, Whenever New Jersey statute refers to the Chair, Chairman, or Chairperson of an established statewide political party, the Chairperson as defined by these Bylaws shall be considered the officer of record for the JP-NJ. M. Vice Chairperson. 1. Description, The Vice Chairperson shall also be a spokesperson for the JP-NJ, and shall be responsible for fulfilling the duties of the Chairperson as requested or in the absence of the Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall also be responsible for all business related to the administration of the membership of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY, including maintaining and making available the party's official membership list; designing and distributing membership forms and membership cards; sending reminders to members when they need to renew their membership; and managing the credentialing process at Membership Meetings. N. Treasurer. 1. Description. The Treasurer will manage all of the financial matters of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY consistent with the Fiscal Policy. 2. Reporting. The Treasurer will present reports on the finances of the party at Membership and Coordinating Committee meetings. 3. Legal Issues. The Treasurer shall submit the financial records of party operations to the State of NEW JERSEY and to the Federal Elections Committee as required by law. The Treasurer shall file all documents necessary to ensure the JP-NJ can endorse candidates and ballot initiatives supported by the JP-NJ. The Treasurer shall ensure legally required records are maintained for all funds collected. 4. Disbursement of Funds. The Treasurer shall disburse and manage the JP-NJ funds based on the direction of the Membership, Coordinating Committee, and Executive Committee. 5. State Law. Whenever NEW JERSEY statute refers to the Treasurer of an established statewide political party, the Treasurer as defined by these Bylaws shall be considered the officer of record for the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY.

O. Secretary. 1. Description. The Secretary shall be responsible for all records and correspondence of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY, including keeping and distributing minutes of all Membership, Coordinating Committee, and Executive Committee meetings; maintaining the party's official mail, email, and phone services; and processing the applications of new local and associated organizations. 2. State Law. Whenever NEW JERSEY statute refers to the Secretary of an established statewide political party, the Secretary as defined by these Bylaws shall be considered the officer 9

of record for the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY. P. Reporting. The Vice Chairperson will make regular membership reports to the Membership, Coordinating Committee, and Executive Committee for the purposes of allotting voting strength on the Coordinating Committee to the various affiliated locals. Q. Description. The Treasurer, Secretary and Membership Steward may enlist assistants to help them complete their duties with the approval the Executive Committee.

ARTICLE VII National Affiliation

The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY shall serve as the state affiliate of the Justice Party of the United States (JPUS), subject to all JPUS Bylaws and Rules that apply. A. The JP-NJ 's National Delegation shall consist of a number of delegates and an equal number of alternate delegates to the Justice Party National Committee, as well as representatives to other JPUS standing and ad hoc committees. The number of delegates, alternate delegates, and representatives to other committees shall be set by JPUS Bylaws, Rules, Policies, and Procedures. B. Delegates and alternate delegates to the Justice Party National Committee (JPNC) shall be elected in separate elections, to one-year terms by the Membership at a Membership Meeting or otherwise, following the process for internal elections specified in these Bylaws. C. Justice Party National Committee Vacancies, If a vacancy or vacancies in the positions of delegate and/or alternate delegate occur, the Coordinating Committee may fill a position on an interim basis until the next annual election. In the event of a Coordinating Committee vote, the vote shall be open, and multiple representatives from the same local organization may vote, but no representative may cast a weighted vote for such an election. D. Representatives to Other Committees. Representatives to other standing or ad hoc committees may be appointed in the standard manner that decisions are made by the Executive Committee or Membership. E. Committee Status. The JP-NJ National Delegation shall be considered an JP-NJ Standing Committee as defined elsewhere in these Bylaws, electing a Chair or Co-Chairs and following written committee procedures for its conduct. F. Travel Costs. The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY will defray part or all of delegates' travel costs to national meetings. An allowance for such costs shall be part of the party's annual budget. 10

G. Binding Votes. The Membership or the Coordinating Committee may dictate to delegates, alternate delegates, and other representatives how to vote on particular matters. The Executive Committee does not have this authority. H. Reporting. Delegation members are required to make known to the Membership and the Coordinating Committee important decision and events occurring at national meetings, and to prepare and distribute reports on all national meetings attended.

ARTICLE VIII Standing Committees, Ad Hoc Committees, and Working Groups

A. Standing Committees. 1. Definition. A Standing Committee is an official committee of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY, operating under a committee rules document which has been approved by the Coordinating Committee or Membership. 2. Purpose. Standing Committees are intended to be the primary bodies within the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY structure for the development of action items, including but not limited to formal proposals, press releases, and position papers. 3. Chairs. Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, or in a committee rules document, Standing Committees shall have a chair or two co-chairs, approved by the Coordinating Committee or Membership, who are responsible for reporting the activities of the committee to the Executive Committee, Coordinating Committee, and Membership. No one person may be a chair or co-chair of more than two Standing Committees at the same time, neither may a person be a chair or co-chair of more than one Standing Committee at the same time that he or she is a member of the Executive Committee. Any Standing Committee chair can be removed from their position by a 2/3 vote of the Membership or a 2/3 vote of the Coordinating Committee, or by a process specified in the committee's rules document. 4. Reports. Each Standing Committee will submit a report on its actions at Membership Meetings. Between Membership Meetings, the Executive Committee or Coordinating Committee can require that reports be submitted. 5. Oversight. Primary oversight of Standing Committees is a function of the Executive Committee. 6. Financial Commitments. No standing committee shall make any financial commitment on behalf of the JP-NJ without the prior consent of the Executive Committee, Coordinating Committee, or Membership, unless financial powers have been specifically delegated to it, or unless specific arrangements have been made for the committees independent financial responsibility. 7. Committee Membership. Except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws, or in a committee rules document, membership on Standing Committees shall be open to all JP-NJ members in good standing. A member may be removed from a Standing Committee by a 2/3 vote of the Membership or a 2/3 vote of the Coordinating Committee, or by a process specified in the committee's rules document. 11

8. Permanent Standing Committees. The Standing Committees of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY shall include, but not be limited to, a Finance Committee, a Membership Committee, and a Platform Committee. B. Ad Hoc Committees. An Ad Hoc Committee is an official committee of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY, operating under a committee rules document which has been approved by the Coordinating Committee or Membership, which is not intended to be permanent. All rules within these Bylaws that apply to Standing Committees shall also apply to Ad Hoc Committees. Ad Hoc Committees may include Project Committees designed to work on specific issues.

ARTICLE IX Application of NEW JERSEY Statutes

A. Freedom of Association. The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY maintains its right, under the 1st and 14th Amendments to the United States Constitution, to freedom of association, and authorizes legal action to be taken for the purpose of defending its freedom of association upon explicit approval of the Membership or upon simultaneous explicit approval of the Executive and Coordinating Committees. B. Partisan Primary Elections. The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY considers FILL IN WITH INFORMATION FROM THE STATES ELECTION STATUTES RELATED TO PRIMARY ELECTION PARTICIPATION

ARTICLE X The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY Candidates for Public Office
A. Scope. The intent of this Article is to establish processes by which candidates may be acknowledged as candidates of the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY for the purpose of extending public acknowledgement and otherwise providing resources to them. Nothing within this Article shall be interpreted as to limit the ability of a local organization to issue an endorsement on its own behalf. B. Definitions. 1. The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY Candidates. An individual running for public office in the State of NEW JERSEY shall be acknowledged as a JP-NJ candidate if the individual meets the following requirements. a) The individual is a JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY member and is not an officer or candidate of another political party. b) The individual is either running in a non-partisan election, or running on a Justice Party ballot where one is offered in a partisan election, or running as an independent where a Justice Party ballot is not offered in a partisan election. c) The individual is endorsed or recognized in a manner described in this Article. 2. Statewide Office. For the purposes of this Article, a "statewide office" is any state or federal office for which 12

the officeholder is elected solely by eligible voters throughout the State of NEW JERSEY. 3. Legislative Office. For the purpose of this Article, a "legislative office" is any state or federal office for which the officeholder is elected solely by eligible voters within a specific electoral district in the State of NEW JERSEY. 4. Local Office. For the purpose of this Article, a "local office" is any elected public office within the State of NEW JERSEY that is not defined in this Article as either a statewide office or a legislative office. 5. Nomination, Endorsement, and Recognition. Nomination is a legal action by which a candidate is authorized to be placed on the ballot for a general election. Candidates can be nominated by primary election, by action of a central committee (or "slating"), or by petition. Endorsement is an action that can be taken by the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY or a chapter. 6. Slating. "Slating" refers to a legal process by which a state-recognized body, such as a central committee, may fill a vacancy in nomination by formal action. C. Compliance with Nomination. The JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY shall take all actions necessary to comply with the results of the nomination vote held by the Justice Party of the United States at its regular presidential nominating convention. D. National Convention Delegation. The procedure for selecting the JUSTICE PARTY of NEW JERSEY delegation to the Justice Party of the United States regular presidential nominating convention shall be approved by the JP-NJ Membership, or, if so designated by the JP-NJ Membership, the Coordinating Committee.

ARTICLE XI Internal Voting Rules.

A. Instant Runoff Voting. All elections called for in these bylaws for which a single seat is to be filled shall be conducted by Instant Runoff Voting. To win, a candidate must secure a majority of votes from all ballots, including exhausted ballots. B. Ties. If an election called for in these bylaws shall end in a tie, the tie shall be broken by chance. 13

C. Vacancies. If an election called for in these bylaws shall end with seats not being filled, a vacancy or vacancies will be declared.


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