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1. Draw a detailed diagram of a human eye and explain the function of each part. 2. Define power of accommodation of an eye? 3. What is near and far point of an eye? 4. What is cataract and how can it be cured? 5. Why can a person not see distinctly when holding an object too close to an eye? 6. If a person sitting in a classroom cannot see the blackboard clearly what defect is he suffering from and how can it be corrected explain with diagrams? 7. What is presbyopia how can it be corrected? 8. If a person uses a lens of power +2D what is the defect and explain with a diagram how the lens corrects it? 9. Explain refraction through a glass prism with a diagram? 10. Explain dispersion of light using a prism. 11. Why do starts twinkle and planets dont explain with diagram. 12. Why does the sky appear blue? 13. Why does the sky appear dark to an astronaut? 14. Why does the sun looks reddish during sunset? 15. What happens to the sun at the horizon during sunset and sunrise?

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