B.Tech (2010, Sem-4), Branch-CSE: Answer Any Two Questions 10 X 2 20

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Tech (2010, Sem-4th ), Branch-CSE

Internal 3 Sub-DM GROUP A Answer all questions. 1. (i) Define planar graph and give the example? (ii) Define hypothetical and disjunctive syllogism ? (iii) What is ring with zero divisor ? Give example. (iv) Write the definition of ring ? (v) Define POSET. 2 X 5 = 10 Full Marks-30 TIME-1HR


Answer any two questions

10 X 2 = 20

2.What is lattice. give example of lattice with 10 nodes. 3.Define binary tree, complete binary tree and strictly binary tree with example. 4. Write kruskals algorithm to find minimum spanning tree .Explain with an example.


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