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Pretty / Old: I think she is not as ________________ as her __________________ sister.

Small: Peter is a ________________ boy, but his sister is __________________ than he.
Tall / Old: That girl is ________________ than all the others, but she is the
__________________ of them all.
Old / Good: Marys ________________ son gave her the __________________ of his books.
Pretty / Gay: Lisbon is a ________________ and __________________ town than Oporto.
Late: The announcement of the ________________ news got on his nerves.
Pretty : As he grew bigger his mother bought him ________________ and his
__________________ books.
Far: He saw a man at the ________________ end of the bridge.
Only / Old / Young / Handsome: Her ________________ kin were two brothers; the
_____________ one lived in England and the __________________ was the __________ child in
all the village.
Old: As she grew ________________ she ate only once a day.
Far: Marys employer wants her to give ________________ details of her careers.
Lazy / Ignorant / Successful: He is too ________________ and too __________________ to
be the author of one of the _______________________ playwrights.

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