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*Nialls POV* Im lying in bed, thinking about my date with Courtney last night- it was absolutely perfect.

I think I might have found my princess. Right after I think this my phone starts to ring- Harry. Niall: Hello? Harry: Hey Niall, how did your date go? Niall: It was perfect, shes so amazing! How was yours? Harry: It was probably the best dates of my life, it went so amazingly. Niall: Thats so cool Harry! Are you planning on seeing Sierra again soon? Harry: Well, I was thinking that we should invite them to our gig this Friday, in Dartford. You know, give them front row tickets and put on a little show. Niall: Harry! Thats a great idea; Im going to ask Courtney if she wants to go right now! Harry: Ok, Ill do the same. Bye. Niall: Bye! I hang up the phone then text Courtney: Niall: Hey babe. I was wondering if you wanted to come to our gig this Friday in Dartford. We would drive down in the tour bus, so you wouldnt have to drive. Let me know : ) x Courtney: Hey Niall, that sounds great! Should I give you money for a ticket? Niall: Oh no, its fine. I have it covered. How does front row sound? ;) Courtney: WOW! Niall, this is so great! Wait, is Sierra coming too? Niall: Yeah, I think Harrys asking her to come right now actually. Anyway, I have to go. We have to record some songs today. Bye : ) Courtney: Alright, see you in two days! : ) xxx I walk to my closet and pick out what Im going to wear then head to the studio where Im greeted by the other member of One Direction. Zayn smirks at me then Louis, Liam and he start to laugh. Um, what are you guys laughing at? I ask them. Tell us about this mystery girl youve been seeing. Zayn says, totally ignoring my question. I turn my gaze to Harry, who has a very guilty look on his face. Harry. What did you tell them?! I ask him, walking over to him. Just that you had a perfect date with an AMAZING girl. Harry says while laughing. Oh, wait so you DIDNT tell the boys about one of the best dates of your life you had last night? All of the boys start to crack up, including Harry. Oh right. Guys, I met an amazing girl. Her names Sierra and we went out last night. Harry tells the three other boys. Why didnt you guys tell us about these girls right after you met them though? Louis asks us. Well, we were in France and things were busy. Anyway lads, arent we here to record? I say. I grab a bottle of water then walk into the sound booth and try to focus on the music but all I can think about is Courtney. *Sierras POV* I end the phone call with my mom and walk into the kitchen for some food. I end up taking a bag of chips, a plate of peanut butter cookies, and some left over Chinese food into the computer room with me, where I find Courtney.

Hey Court. How was your date last night? I want to know all the details! I say to her. Well we went to the London Eye and ate ice cream. And then while we were eating a bunch of girls came up and asked Niall for pictures, then after that we went on the London Eye and at the top we kissed! Oh my gosh Sierra, Niall is the best kisser ever, his lips were so soft! she gushes to me. I laugh at the weirdness of this situation- us sitting here casually talking about our DATES with Harry Styles and Niall Horan. How was your date? she asks. It was perfect. We got a row boat and Harry rowed us out to the middle of the lake and we watched the sun set and we just talked. Then right before the sun went down we kissed. I say. And? How was it?! It was absolutely perfect! Hes so gentle and careful like he didnt want to break me- I KNOW that sounds weird but you know what I mean! I tell her. Thats fantastic! Hey, by the way what are you wearing for the concert? I was thinking about wearing my jean skirt and my green top I just bought. Courtney says. Good question maybe my red sundress from American Eagle? How does that sound? I ask her. YES! Thats perfect! Im so excited! she says. I get up from my chair and get ready to go out for lunch, replaying last nights date in my head while I do. *Harrys POV* I cant stop thinking about Sierra- her eyes her hair her smile her lips. We still have two days until the concert and weve just finished recording songs for our new album. Ive decided that Im going to stop by Sierras apartment to hang out for a while, so I hop into my car and head out. When I get to the apartment I go and knock on the door, one minute later Courtney opens the door. Oh, hey Harry. she says. Hi, is Sierra around? I ask. Uh actually she just got into the shower. But you can come in and wait if you want? she says, looking a little perplexed as to why Im here. I step into the apartment and make my way over to the couch. So how are you? I ask her trying to keep this from getting awkward. Im good thanks, Im sure Sierra will be out soon- Just as she says this Sierra comes walking out of the bathroom with only a towel on. I quickly turn away and get up to look out the window. OH! Wow, Im sorry I didnt know you were here Harry. she says while walking back in the room, pulling Courtney with her. A few minutes later Sierra walks out with a cream colored sundress on. Sorry about that. I say. Oh no, its fine. How are you? Do you need anything? she asks. Im great! I just wanted to see you. I say. She blushes, which makes her look crazy cute. Well what do you want to do? she says, and I notice that she places her hand on my thigh. Uh uhm, we could watch TV? I suggest. You want to watch a movie? she asks. Sure we could watch love actually I say while laughing. Sierra hops off form the couch and puts it in, then walks back over with a blanket. She snuggles close to me and puts her head on my chest, making my heart flutter. We get about 4 minutes into the movie until we start kissing. She puts her hands in my hair and leans against me, deepening the kiss. I put one hand in her hair and the other on her lower back, rubbing soft circular patterns with my fingers. Before I know it the movies over and its time for me to go. I have to go Sierra, the boys are expecting me to go out with them tonight. I say and then plant a little kiss on the tip of

her nose. I get off of the couch and yell goodbye to Courtney before going out the door and getting into my car. -2 days later*Courtneys POV* Its almost time to leave for the concert and Sierra and I are putting the finishing touches on our make up. I hear a knock at the door and run to open it. Niall and Harry are standing in front of me with the tour bus behind us. I tell Sierra that its time to go then we walk with the boys to the bus. When I step in the bus Im greeted by the other faces of One Direction, Paul, and Andy. Hey guys! I say, smiling. Hello they all say at once. I take a seat between Niall and Liam while Sierra sits next to Zayn and Harry. Before I know it we are at the venue, with hundreds of screaming fans waiting outside. We all step out of the bus and walk into the building. While the boys get ready Sierra and I sit in another room. Im excited to see the boys perform Sierra says. I am too. Its so great that well be in the front row! I say. I look up to see Paul walk into the room, telling us its time for the concert to start. I jump up excitedly and follow Paul to our seats. Sierra and I start to fan girl hardcore- just like we did at our first One Direction concert, only this time we were invited by the boys to be here. The countdown begins and we both start to scream and clap our hands: 5..4..3.2.1. The boys come running out singing Na Na Na, looking perfect as always. Niall waves to me and blows me a kiss. The girl next to me starts to scream- OH MY GOSH! I THINK NIALL JUST BLEW YOU A KISS! YOUR SO LUCKY! I laugh and smile at her then go back to singing along to the songs. Halfway through the concert the boys are answering questions like usual and someone asks them whos dating who. Well, of course Im dating Danielle! Liam says. Im still dating Eleanor. Louis says like a sassy queen. Im dating Perrie! Zayn says. Well Harry and I might not be dating anyone but we would like to. Courtney and Sierra! Can we get you up here? Niall says. My mouth drops open, shocked that they are doing this. I look over at Sierra and see my expression mirrored on her face. Um Sierra, what do we do? Just walk onto the stage? I ask her. Im not sure! she replies. Girls? Where are you? Paul can you go get them? Harry says into the microphone. Paul makes his way over to our row and motions us to go on stage. I start to walk out of the row and look at all the shocked expressions of the girls watching me go. Well, THIS is awkward! Sierra and I walk up the stairs and join the boys. I look out at the crowd and realize just how many people there are here, which makes me seriously nervous. Hey loves, people wanted to know who we were dating; we want to give them an answer! Niall says to us. Sierra, babe. Will you be my girlfriend? Harry says to Sierra. She starts smiling like a madman. Yes! Of course I will be! she says. At this Harry pulls her to him

and kisses her- right in front of everyone! There are some gasps and some Awhs but I can only imagine how some of those girls are feeling- heartbroken probably. Niall turns to me and smiles his perfect smile. Babe, will you also be my girlfriend? Youre amazing. Yes Niall! Youre amazing too! I say. Nialls smile gets wider before pulling me into a hug. I tilt my head up then pull Nialls head down towards mine- connecting our lips in a searing kiss. After we part I see that its time for the concert to go on so Sierra and I make our way off of the stage. We reach our seats after a short minute and I notice a lot of girls are death glaring us. Sierra, have you noticed all the people staring at us? I ask her. Yes. I have. Whatever, their just jealous! I mean come one, were dating Harry Styles and Niall Horan! Sierra says. Mhhmmmhmm, I hadnt thought of that. I turn my attention away from the staring girls and focus on singing along to the songs and staring at Niall. After the concert we make our way to the boys and were rushed to get on the bus. *Nialls POV* On the bus we all decide to go out for dessert. We drive to La Chapelle and all get out of the bus. We tell the person at the front desk we need a table for 9 then sit down on the waiting bench. Soon after we are seated. The concert was amazing guys! Sierra tells the boys. They all smile and thank her. Yes. I really liked the part when you guys called us on stage that was nerve racking! I dont know how you do it so much. Courtney says. You get used to it I guess. It isnt too bad. Zayn tells her. I look over at Courtney, she looks so amazing tonight and oh so kissable. Hey Court. Do you want to go for a walk? I ask her. Sure Niall she replies. We get up from the table and walk out of the restaurant- which is located right by a pond, and sit on the bench by the water. I take her hand and gaze into her eyes. Courtney. Youre amazing. Ive never felt like this before. You make me so happy. I know we havent known each other very long but I already feel so close to you. he tells me seriously. Niall, youre amazing too. You make me feel so special all the time. I hope we get to know each other even better. Courtney says to me with a smile. I stand up and walk to the waters edge, looking at the lilis growing in the pond. I hear Courtney get up and start to walk over to me, when shes right behind me she wraps her hands around my stomach and puts her head against my back. I turn around slowly and put her hands around my neck and my hands around her waist. I start to sway back and forth to imaginary music. Niall. What are you doing? Haha. Courtney asks me. Shhh, were dancing. I say. Courtney stays quite and looks up at me and smiles. I lean down and kiss her. We stop dancing and Courtney moves her hands slowly down my back, leaving a tickling sensation where they touch. I take a small step backwards- and slip and fall into the pond, taking Courtney with me. When we resurface we are both laughing like idiots. What was that?! she asks me. Im not sure! I slipped. I tell her. She playfully splashes me in the face. HEY! What was that for?! I yell. Um I dont know I felt like doing it silly! she says while laughing. I splash her back in the face and things turn into a full blown water fight. After ten minutes we decide to get out so we climb out of the pond and lay on the ground so we can look at the stars. I look over at Courtney and softly brush the hair out of her eyes, cup her check

with my hand and lean over to kiss her. She softly kisses me back, putting her hand on my stomach and holding herself up on her elbow. I deepen the kiss by slowly sliding my tongue into her mouth. She seems caught off guard but instead of pulling away she moves closer to me and starts playing with my hair while I play with the necklace thats around her neck. Just as I start to pull away Harry and the other boys come walking towards us. Hey! Guys its time to leave, unless youd rather stay here and kiss! Harry yells to us. Courtney blushes and gets up, then offers me her hand. We both start to giggle like little kids while we run to catch up with the others and get on the tour bus

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