NASA: 109078main Schedule

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Upcoming Space Shuttle Missions

Updated Nov. 27, 2007 (replaces Oct. 2) Kennedy Space Center Media Services

STS Mission No. STS-122 STS-123 STS-124 *STS-125

(shuttle program flight no.) (121) (122) (123) (124)
Orbiter Atlantis/OV-104 Endeavour/OV-105 Discovery/OV-103 Atlantis/OV-104
(orbiter flight no.) (29) (21) (35) (30)
Primary Mission 24th ISS flight (1E) -- 25th ISS flight (1J/A) -- Kibo 26th ISS flight (1J) -- Kibo Hubble Space Telescope --
Columbus Lab, MPESS-ND ELM/PS, SLP-D1 module, Kibo RMS Servicing Mission 4
**Targeted Launch Date NET Dec. 6, 2007 NET Feb. 14, 2008 NET April 24, 2008 NET Aug. 7, 2008
Pad 39A 39A 39A 39A
Estimated Launch Window 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes 5-10 minutes TBD
Mission Duration 11 days 11 days 11 days 11 days
Inclination/ 51.6 degrees 51.6 degrees 51.6 degrees TBD
Orbital Insertion Altitude 122 nautical miles 122 nautical miles 122 nautical miles
Cdr: Steve Frick (2) Cdr: Dominic Gorie (4) Cdr: Mark Kelly (3) Cdr: Scott Altman (4)
Plt: Alan Poindexter (1) Plt: Gregory Johnson (1) Plt: Kenneth Ham (1) Plt: Gregory Johnson (1)
MS: Rex Walheim (2) MS: Richard Linnehan (4) MS: Karen Nyberg (1) MS: John Grunsfeld (5)
Crew Members MS: Stanley Love (1) MS: Robert Behnken (1) MS: Ronald Garan (1) MS: Michael Massimino (2)
(no. of shuttle flights) MS: Leland Melvin (1) MS: Michael Foreman (1) MS: Michael Fossum (2) MS: Andrew Feustel (1)
MS: Hans Schlegel (ESA) (2) MS: Takao Doi (JAXA) (2) MS: Akihiko Hoshide (JAXA) (1) MS: Michael Good (1)
MS: Megan McArthur (1)
Up to ISS: Leopold Eyharts (ESA) (1) Up to ISS: Garrett Reisman (1)
Down from ISS: Daniel Tani (2) Down from ISS: Leopold Eyharts
(ESA) (1)

**Official launch dates are set at the Flight Readiness Review.

*updated information

ASI = Italian Space Agency Cdr = Commander CNES = French Space Agency CSA = Canadian Space Agency ESA = European Space Agency ESP =
External Stowage Platform ICC = Integrated Cargo Carrier ISA = Israel Space Agency ISS = International Space Station ITS = Integrated Truss Segment
JAXA = Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency KSC = Kennedy Space Center Lab = Laboratory MPESS-ND = Multi-Purpose Experiment Support
Structure - Non-Deployable MPLM = Multi-Purpose Logistics Module MS = Mission Specialist NET = no earlier than no. = number OV = Orbiter Vehicle
PDGF = Power and Data Grapple Fixture Plt = Pilot PS = Payload Specialist RSA = Russian Aviation and Space Agency S = Starboard STS = Space
Transportation System TBD = to be determined UF = utility/utilization flight ULF = utilization and logistics flight U/R = under review

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