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Name of the Drug (Generic) Amlodipine (Brand) Norvasc

Classification Calcium channel blocker

Indication HPN alone or in combination with other antihypertensive Chronic stable angina alone or in combination with other antianginal drugs Vasospastic (Prinzmetal's variant) angina alone or in combination with other antianginal drugs

Dosage 5mg ; 1tab ; BID ; NGT ; given Nov 12

Side effects/Adverse effects Peripheral edema Palpitations Hypotension Syncope Bradycardia Unspecified arrhythmias Tachycardia Ventricular extrasystoles Peripheral ischemia CO increases Moderate decrease in peripheral vascular resistance

Contraindications/Pre cautions Amlodipine is contraindicated in patients with known sensitivity to amlodipine. Hypotension Symptomatic hypotension is possible, particularly in patients with severe aortic stenosis. Because of the gradual onset of action, acute hypotension is unlikely Increased Angina or Myocardial Infarction Worsening angina and acute myocardial infarction can develop after starting or increasing the dose of NORVASC, particularly in patients with severe obstructivecoronary

Nursing Responsibilities Monitor patient carefully (BP, cardiac rhythm, and output) while adjusting drug to therapeutic dose; use special caution if patient has CHF. Monitor BP very carefully if patient is also on nitrates. Monitor cardiac rhythm regularly during stabilization of dosage and periodically during long-term therapy. Administer drug without regard to meals. Take with meals if upset stomach occurs. These side effects may occur: Nausea,

artery disease.

vomiting (eat small, frequent meals); headache (adjust lighting, noise, and temperature; medication may be ordered). Report irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, swelling of the hands or feet, pronounced dizziness, constipation

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