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2012 Pilar Barbosa Education Internship Program June 16-July 14, 2012 Washington, D.C.

Program Evaluation: Week One (July 2-6)

Name (Optional): Maril Velzquez Martnez

Week 3
ACTIVITY Rate 5 to 1
( 5 Great / 1 Poor )

Comments ( Something you liked and/or

something that could be improved)

Visit to Carlos Rosario International PCS

The visit to this charter school gave us valiable information about this type of modality. Outstanding!

Modernizing STEM Education

Great information shared.

Movie & Discussion: Waiting for Superman

This movie made everyone conscious of the importance of the profession teachers have. As responsible parents we want the best for our children so we have to give the best of us to make students succeed and get the best education. Create awareness very important!

Using Technology in Special Education

An open door of opportunities that special education students have for learning. Administrative leaders and educators need to understand that all this technological equipment is available for different hindrance these children can have. Please be conscious that these children are in need of these technology tools. Lets not forget that people learn everyday of their life until they die. Spectacular workshop! The speaker explains every aspect of the community and home page. Lots of tools and resources were discussed for the teachers to use in their classes. Indeed this workshop really gives the teacher lots of tools to integrate technology in the classroom. For me this workshop was Awesome! The Director of the school really does an excellent job in collaboration with the teachers. You can observe that there is really a teamwork that functions in that public school. Now they have a really wonderful school environment that leads them to success in some subject areas. The experience was great!

Thinkfinity Training

Visit Columbia Heights Education Campus

Project Based Learning

The Skype conference gave everyone a perfect example of how the Web 2.0 can bring someone so close to us. Also speak and transmit lots of information about Project based learning. Mention all the advantages that this strategy gives students in their learning process. A really good experience!

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