A Tragic Day, ESW

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Name: Emira Syaza Wafa binti Md Rafar Class: 4 Kenanga Title: A Tragic Day

It had been raining all day and Adik was still not home yet. We were at our late grandparents house. They had been gone for three years now and nobody lives in this house. Ma and Pa were not home yet from the feast. Probably because it has been raining and they went out with the motorcycle. Adik and I argued this morning. I tried to turn on my laptop, but it would not switch on. I was confused. It was okay last night, before Adik borrowed it. Then, my little brother confessed that he accidently spilled water on it. I was furious! All my important documents and assignments were in there. I screamed and yelled at him. He repeatedly apologized. I kept screaming at him, ignoring his apologies and he ran off, crying. By evening, he was not at home. I felt very guilty. I wanted to look for him. So, I grabbed an umbrella and strolled off in the rain to our neighbours house, my little brothers bestfriends house, searching for him. I knocked on the door and Aimans mother answered the door. She said that Adik has not been there. By then, I was worried. Very worried. I knocked on every door and still, no sign of him. So, I decided to go home, and anxiously, waiting for my brother. Half an hour later, my parents came home. They asked me where Adik was, and feeling guilty, I shook my head and replied, I dont know. My parents were confused, and I told them what happened. Ma almost cried because Adik was only seven. Pa said that maybe we should wait for the rain to stop, then went searching for him again. By night, we went mad. It was almost 8.30 p.m. and thank God, the rain finally stopped. We went to every house and knocked on every door that there was a possibility where my little brother might be. Still, he was nowhere to be found. Ma broke down, sobbing and every cell in my body felt really guilty. Then, I came out with an idea. My little brother has always told me that he has always been afraid of the jungle behind our late grandparents house. So, we went there, praying that we would find him without any harm. After a few minutes, we found him sitting on roots of a big tree. He was drenched. I quickly grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug. He was hot. Pa said that he had a fever, and that he will be okay. Thank God Pa is a doctor. While Pa carried him in his arms, Adik tried to apologize. I told him to shut up and I looked at him, smiling. Id rather lose my laptop than losing my one and only brother.

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