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What is service blue print ?

The service blueprint is a technique used for service innovation. The technique was first described by Lynn Shostack, a bank executive, in the Harvard Business Review in 1984. The blueprint shows processes within the company, divided into different components which are separated by lines.

Blueprinting Evolution
Service blueprinting was initially introduced as a process control technique for services that offered several advantages: it was more precise than verbal definitions; it could help solve problems preemptively; and it was able to identify failure points in a service operation.

Components of Service Blueprints

Customer Actions, Onstage/Visible Contact Employee Actions, Backstage/Invisible Contact Employee Actions, Support Processes, and Physical Evidence.

When and why are they useful?

For designing For implementing As a communication tool

Applying Blueprinting in Practice

1. Decide on the companys service or service process to be blueprinted and the objective. 2. Determine who should be involved in the blueprinting process. 3. Modify the blueprinting technique as appropriate. 4. Map the service as it happens most of the time. 5. Note disagreements to capture learning. 6. Be sure customers remain the focus. 7. Track insights that emerge for future action. 8. Develop recommendations and future actions based on blueprinting goals. 9. If desired, create final blueprints for use within the organization.

Benefits of service blueprinting

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Provides an overview to employees. Identifies fall points. Line of interaction between external customers and employees. Line of visibility promotes a conscious decision. Line of internal interaction clarifies interfaces across departmental lines. Stimulates strategic discussions by illuminating the elements and connections that constitute the service. Provides a basis for identifying and assessing cost, revenue and capital invested in each element of the service. Constitutes a rational basis for both external and internal marketing. Facilitates top-down, bottom- up approach to quality improvement.

8. 9.

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