Britannia Bridge Newsletter - 06 07 12

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Staffing Changes

It is with great pleasure that we welcome Miss Prior back after her maternity leave. Miss Prior has now taken on the role as non-teaching deputy and will be available on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Congratulations to Miss Lucas, who as you may know is expecting a baby in the Autumn term. Mrs Lever, a very experienced Y6 teacher, is excited to teach our Y6 Sharks class over the next year. Miss Morrell is joining us for an additional year to teach Y2. I am sure you will join me in Congratulating Miss Morrell in passing her Graduate Teacher Training Programme with an Outstanding (1) grade. Y6 Sharks Leavers Assembly Prepare to be taken on an emotional and memorable journey through your childs primary school years. On Monday 9th July at 9.10am parents, families and friends are invited to Y6 Sharks leavers assembly. Quality Pre-Owned Uniform
If you have any unwanted, out-grown school uniform please donate it to school. Not only will this help to recycle and reduce waste but will also provide a great service to other parents and help school funds. At our Summer Enterprise Fair we will have a Quality Pre-owned Uniform stall. Many thanks for your anticipated support!

On Tuesday morning all children will be enjoying meeting their new teacher and will begin to become more familiar with their new classroom. Enterprise Fair Thursday 12th July 2.30pm This Weeks Superstars This week, our superstars are as follows: Bumblebees Phoebe Soulsby Seahorses Declan Seddon Hummingbirds Everyone Lets Sing Dragonflies Everyone Lets Sing Owls Skye Glover Sharks Jade Haddock Sports Day
Due to the terrible weather we have been experiencing unfortunately, as you are aware, Sports Day was cancelled this week. We are having one last attempt at making Sports Day happen this term. Fingers crossed!

Thursday 19th July at 1.30pm

MedEquip4Kids Red Nose Day

This week we all enjoyed raising money for MedEquip4kids, through our sponsored event. We raised a grand total of

Friday 6th July 2012

Thank you very much for your donations!

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