Small Sura For Big Rewards

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Virtues of Durood Sharief The person who recites 80 times on the Day of Friday immediately after ASAR PRAYER,

before standing up from his/her place: - RASULULLAH HAS SAID: "The one who recides a 100 Durood upon me on the eve of Friday (Thursday evening) ALLAH will fulfil a 100 of his needs, 70 relating this world and 30 relating to the affairs of the hearafters" - RASULULLAH HAS SAID: "The one who recites this durood a 1000 times on a Friday, he will not leave this world till he sees his abode in JANNAH" "Allahumma Salle Ala Muhammadenin Na Bee Yil Ummi Ye Wa Ala Aalehi Wa Sallim Taslee Man" Very Profitable "Investments" It has been reported in the HADITH that ALLAH

TA'LA bestows 124 000 GOOD DEEDS to one who recites the following 100 times (ie. one TASBI) "Subhanal Lahe-Wa-Be Hamdehi"

It has been reported in the HADITH that the number of goodness of the person, who recites the following DUROOD (once) will be cause of much work (of writing) for 70 angels for 1000 days. *ONLY ONCE = 70 ANGELS = 1000 DAYS* "Jazallaho Annaa Muhammadan Maa Howa Ahlohu" It has been reported in the HADITH that ALLAH TA'LA bestows 2 million good deeds as a reward for one who recites the following line (once) 1 = 2 MILLION "LA ELAHA ILLAL LAAHO WAHDAHU LAASHAREEKA LAHU AHADUN SAMADUL LAM YALID WA-LAM YULAD WA-LAM-YA-KUL


By reciting this DUROOD SHAREEF one time, you get teh sawaab as reciting 10 000 DUROOD SHAREEFS. "Allah-Humma Salle-Ala Say-Ye Dina MohamMadim Magh Tala Fal Mala Waane Wa-Ta Aakabal As Raane Wa-Karal Ja Di Daane WasTa Kal Lal Far Kadaane Wa-Balligh Roo Haa Hu Wa-Arwaa Ha Ahle Baitehi Minnat Tahee Ye Ta Was Salaama Wa-Barik-Wa-Sallim Alay He Katheera" ........... ..

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