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Small projects

by Zah

Greenhouse for rooting plants

"Whatever you find to do with your hands, do it with all your might, because there is neither work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave, the place where you will eventually go".
(Holly Bible, Ecclesiastes 9:10, NET Bible Version)

1. Introduction

Gardening is a nice job. Sometime flower, brush or shrub has to be multiplicated. One of the methods is by rooting. For this you need a small greenhouse where the humidity in the air has to be permanent.
2. Sketch

The size of the project does not has to be exactly like in mine project. You can create a bigger one or a smaller one, according to your needs.

3. Materials necesary





Plastic bag

Small projects

by Zah

4. Tools necesary



5. Steps ofprojects


Cut the timber and create a wood frame like this.

Continue working until you get this box.

Make a frame from wire (the thikness of wire 2~3 mm). After fixing the wire frame, use another wire (~1 mm thikness), to make the wire frame more rezistant. Cover with nylon or just place in a big plastic bag.

Wiht the pliers make a ring at the ends of wire. Hammer the rings. Fix the wire frame with holzsurub.

After placing the plant inside close the plastic blag this way to have humidity in the air.

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