The Soil of Your Soul Notes

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ImprovLG July 8, 2012 the soil of our soul The story We Find ourselves In Announcements: 1.

Intermission Continues this Wednesday Night! 7-8:30 PM 2. Summer Bible Study Series Continue: This Friday, July 13th. 11 AM in the HS room. Our next stop on the Tour de tacos: taqueria Los Pericos 3. Next Sunday: Baptism Sunday,One Service 10 AM. 4. Instagram Summer! Tag us #improvlg pic of the week brought to you by Shamina khangaldy from Guatemala Last weeks recap: 1. Find yourself in the story, and see life with new eyes. 2. Treat everyone you contact with as if they actually matter, as if they actually mean something to God. 3. Start right here. the Soil of our soul NOTES Passage: Luke 8:1-15

Couple things to note: 1. The farmer Not typical, a farmer because hes generous with his seed, whatever the cost its worth it. Notes:.

2. The Seed- extraordinarily, ordinary. The kingdom of God takes time, patience, trust. You are a work in progress. Notes:.

3. The SoilThe Path Trampled. Notes:.

Rocky Soil no roots Notes:.

In the thorns/weeds choked out Notes:.

In good soil a bountiful harvest! Notes:.

4. our response? Notes:.

A few highlights for us to think about: 1. Always be working in the garden so that the soil of our soil will be the best soil possible for God to do what he does best in our hearts. 2. God gives you room to work at it its going to take a lifetime to do an overhaul on our hearts. 3. Roots require people.

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